Trying to Fit In

Oct 29, 2014 17:41

Title: Trying to Fit In
Author: I_llbedammned
Fandom: Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy
Character/Pairing: Rocket, Peter/Sif
Rating: PG
Challenge: #94: When in Rome
Warning(s): Some cursing
Word Count: 500
Summary: Peter's ship crash lands on Asgard and he tries to figure out what to do now that he is there.

There was a loud clanking noise as Peter Quill sauntered down the polished stone floors of Valhalla. He walked with a swagger and a small furry companion walked beside him with quick steps his expression a bit sour.

"So what the fuck is there to do around here?" Rocket Raccoon asked, shifting uncomfortably in his leather pants.

Peter Quill shrugged, "I don't know. I've never really been to Asgard before."

Rocket cast a glare at him, "You know if you listened to my directions we wouldn't be here in the first place."

"Listen it's not my fault that Nova Corp. shot out our engines. If it wasn't for my crack skills we wouldn't have even been able to make it here." He said, getting a bit annoyed.

"Just saying we could have been ankle deep in Kree tail if it wasn't for-" Suddenly the raccoon paused his rambling as a very lovely woman with dark black hair dressed in a red dress and silver breastplate crossed his path. She nodded politely and tried to walk past them, not even batting an eye at Rocket.
"Hey there baby! What you doin' later?" Rocket called after her loudly and his companion cut him off.
"Sorry for my friend. He has some unresolved issues." Peter said, sweeping Rocket out of the way who proceeded to bite him. He yelped and grabbed his hand back.
“Don’t push me out of the way when I’m workin’”
“I don’t know what you think you were working, but it certainly wasn’t anything anybody wanted.”
“Yeah you go ahead and say that again to my face.”
Peter shook his head, “Sorry, I can’t get that low to the ground.”
The black haired woman laughed at them, jolting them out of their spat.
"What's so funny?" Rocket snapped.
"You remind me of two brothers I have fought beside. They too bicker constantly."
"Sorry if we made a scene. We're new here." Peter tried to smooth things over, "So what's there to do in Asgard?"
"I know not what you have planned," she answered with a grin, grabbing a weapon from a rack along the wall that Peter had previously thought was for decoration, "I plan on going for a hunt."
"Mind if I tag along? The only other company is this prick and-,"
She ferally grinned, "Not today, this is a hunt I must do on my own. Might I suggest the bar if you wish to pick up new companions."
Rocket and Peter exchanged glances. Rocket shrugged, "Guess they gotta have culture if they have booze."
"Where is this bar again?" Peter asked eagerly.
"Down the hall to the right." She directed
"Thanks. Maybe I'll see you there." Peter said lowly.
"Perhaps." she answered, taking her spear and leaving the room. Peter stared dreamily after her. He wasn't much of a spear fighter, but maybe he could learn a few things on Asgard.
Rocket yelled from down the hall. "Come on, Quill. I hear mead calling to me."

fandom: thor (movie), character: peter quill, challenge 094, character: rocket raccoon, author: i_llbedammned, fandom: guardians of the galaxy (movie), character: sif

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