Title: Babysitting
Fandom: The Avengers (movie verse), Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, mentions of Steve/Bucky, Natasha/Clint, Thor/Ororo, Wade WIlson, and Reed Richards
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 243
Warnings: nothing much, maybe some spoilers for the comics and the Winter Soldier
Challenge: #053
Notes: Hello! It's been a while since I posted here and I wanted to do a prompt before the time was up! Enjoy!
Bucky didn’t think it would be hard. It was only trick or treating with a couple of kids he could do it. He seemed to forget the children that he was going to take. There would be his son Robert, who acted very much like Steve, Bruce and Tony’s children Rebecca and Peter, Natasha and Clint’s twins Pauline and Alexei, and Thor and Ororo’s daughter Astrid. Steve asked him if he needed any help, but Bucky insisted that he could do it. It would be easy or so he thought.
Between keeping an eye on Rebecca’s invention and stopping Peter’s prank war with Alexei he had his hands full. Then Astrid wanted to explore the neighborhood while Pauline and Robert wanted to be carried. Bucky thought he had it under control, until they ran into that adorable scamp Wade Wilson. After that Bucky wondered how they made it home.
After he put the candy away and tucked the kids into bed, he dragged his feet over to his bedroom. Steve looked up from his book with a soft chuckle.
“I told you, you needed some help.”
Bucky grumbled as he plopped down next to Steve. “I think I’m finished playing babysitter.”
“Did you forget you’re going to watch Rebecca, Peter, and David while Bruce, Reed, and Tony are at that conference this week?”
Bucky groaned and placed the pillow over his head. “Why me?”
Steve bit back another chuckle and rubbed his back.