#078 - Quickly Does It (X-Men Movieverse, Logan/Peter, PG-13)

Jun 11, 2014 16:29

Title: Quickly Does It
Fandom: X-Men (Movieverse)
Pairing: Logan/Peter
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 449
Warnings: Spoilers for X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Age difference. (I'm not sure of Peter's canon age, but I wrote this with the intention of him being a teenager but still of legal age.)
Challenge: #078 101

There are a hundred and one reasons why this is a bad idea. Peter as an adult is a big enough pain in the ass, but in his late teens he’s a fucking nightmare. Whipping around Logan so fast he’s just a breeze and empty space, and his hands are everywhere. Stroking over Logan’s biceps, groping his chest, pinching his damn nipples, and Logan growls, claws extending.

Peter appears in front of him, eyes wide as he stares down at Logan’s hands. “You’re not going to impale me, are you?” he asks, sounding a little awed, like the idea that Logan might hurt him is exciting. “I mean, you won’t be able to, but are you gonna try?”

“Not if you slow down,” Logan grits out, claws sliding back in, and Peter raises an eyebrow at him like the idea of slowing down is just ridiculous. Logan knows that look from when Peter’s older, and it never fails to make his blood start pumping, challenge in the air. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

That gets him one of those broad, close-lipped grins. “I was having plenty of fun already,” Peter shrugs, and he’s gone and back before Logan even registers hands squeezing firmly at his ass.

“Trust me,” Logan says, leering a little and watching the way Peter’s eyes widen again. God, he’s so young. “It’s more fun when I play too.”

Peter could get away from him in a second, but he doesn’t resist when Logan reaches out and grabs a fistful of that stupidly shiny jacket. Pulling Peter forward, and the kiss is hard and brutal and probably nothing like Peter’s ever had before. Teeth in Peter’s bottom lip, feeling hands fluttering against his chest like Peter doesn’t know what to do with them.

Logan gets one hand on Peter’s ass, the other at his waist, hefting him up until they’re pressed chest-to-chest. There’s a buzz against his shins, buffet of air where Peter’s feet cycle uselessly, arms wrapping tight around Logan’s neck, but when Logan starts to suck his tongue Peter’s whole body goes limp. Hanging in Logan’s arms, pliant and tempting, whimpering a little, fingers scratching the collar of Logan’s shirt.

“See,” he murmurs, pulling back and breathing in the scent of teenage arousal. Peter looks dazed, lips parted and eyes unfocused, and he nods blindly like he’s not even aware of what he’s agreeing to. “Slow isn’t so bad.”

He watches Peter lick his lips distractedly. “But not too slow,” he insists, writhing a little in Logan’s grip, and Logan kisses him again, trusting the press of lips and teeth to show Peter that he’s not the only one feeling impatient for this.

challenge 078, fandom: x-men (movie), character: pietro maximoff, character: logan/wolverine, author: salmon_pink

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