Come To Bed (X-Men; Bank; Soft R/M; #78: 101)

Jun 10, 2014 17:53

Working Title: Come To Bed
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Character/Pairing: Beast/Iceman
Rating: Soft R/M
Challenge: #78: 101
Warning(s): Slash
Word Count: 437
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Marvel comics and Disney, not the author.

Icy shivers ran up the Beast's blue and furry spine. His fingers crunched the pages of his book harder. His eyes darted faster over the typeface. He turned another page. As a long, slow moan rose from behind him, he read even faster.

"Oh, come on, Fuzzy!" Bobby cried plaintively. "Aren't you ever going to come to bed?!" He threw a pillow at his head, but Hank ducked expertly out of the way and scrambled to the ceiling, all while never ceasing his intake of literature. "It'll be time for Scott's damn rise and shine early morning training by the time you get ready! Or we'll have to go save the world again," Bobby grumbled the last under his frosty breath.

"I shall be with you momentarily, Robert, dear."

"You said that two hours ago!!"

"But this novel is just incredibly fascinating, darling. The writer's take of -- "

"I don't care if the writer made Jesus Batman! Come. To. Bed!!" A gush of icy cold air slipped McCoy's shorts off for him.

"Robert, that was quite uncalled for, and besides, for all you know, I could be reading 101 Ways to Make Your Icy Lover Turn Red Hot."

"Get in this bed," Bobby returned through grinding teeth, "and I promise you'll find out just how red hot I am."

"One more page," Henry pleaded.

"With you, one page turns to a hundred, and a hundred to a thousand, and a thousand to -- Aw, crap, just come here already!"

It took every ounce of the power of Bobby's next icy blast of wind to pull Hank from the ceiling, but eventually, he landed right where Bobby had wanted him all night. He wasted no time in climbing on saddling his lover and chaining his furry hands to the bedposts. Still, he found Henry trying to read over the top of his head.

"Give me that book!" He grabbed the novel, but Hank clung to it until his fingers slipped lower down his body and found that one ticklish in his soft, blue fur which, once attaining access to it, always made his man do what he wanted. He grabbed the book and slung it as far across their room as he could.

As he captured Hank's pouting mouth, he couldn't help wondering if Mary Jane Watson had ever had to literally peel their friend, Peter Parker, off the wall. The things he did for his man! But soon, Bobby was sighing happily as Hank reminded him that there was a very good reason why he tolerated every one of the loveable scientist's quirks. "Aw, Hank," he sighed, grinning, "now that's Heaven!"

The End

challenge 078, author: katleept, character: hank mccoy, fandom: marvel 616 (main continuity), character: bobby drake

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