(no subject)

Jun 07, 2004 10:32

The thing about the Las Vegas heat is, you can't escape it. You can run but you definitely can't hide. The best thing to do is embrace it. Become one with it. If you live in fear of it you'll never have a moments peace. I drive with the windows down when it's 106 outside. When I walk outside and every pore, every fiber feels intense sun I smile. It's comforting, like when it's freezing outside but the sun has been out, so you get in your car and it's completely warm inside. You get in and you exhale and feel cozy and safe from the cold. That's how it feels to me from May to October. Safe & cozy. Protected from the bitter cold by the sun. Cold feels lifeless, hot feels alive. I look around and I just see valley & mountains all around me, and again I feel protected and safe. There aren't tree's in the way or buildings or hills to get in the way of seeing the edge of the city. Beyond the city there is nothing in all directions and the middle of nowhere is the perfect place to hide. I feel like I live on an island in the middle of the desert.

I live in the desert.

For some reason that concept just trips me out. I can't explain why. But just saying: "I live in the desert."..I don't know. Who lives in the desert? Cowboys & Indians that's who.

When I was a kid if you told me: "When you're 27 you'll live in the desert."....I think I would have freaked out. It seems like such a sad desolate place to live on the surface. But it's beautiful. Simple and minimalist but beautiful all the same. Hidden beauty, that's it.

My kids are going to grow up in the desert. One day maybe they'll move away and live in the mountains. Maybe it will strike them speechless like I am about living in the desert. Maybe it'll never cross their mind and then one day they'll be driving in the mountains of California and they will feel that pull at their heart that says: "this is it"...and they'll say: "I'm going to live here someday." And when they live there they'll be in awe that they live in the MOUNTAINS!

I hope they have fun growing up here. I hope they go to Red Rock to get drunk and up to Mt. Charleston to make out. I hope they have fun stories about being a teenager growing up in the midst of this crazy town. Not that I will encourage my kids to go get drunk at Red Rock & make out at Mt. Charleston..but I know they will. Those times make fond memories and I hope their lives are full of them.

I hope when they're 25 and they don't live in Vegas that their cell phone will have our phone number set as "Home".
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