Jun 04, 2004 08:30
I just read "The Perks of Being A Wallflower". I believe Jansson bought it for me for my birthday or Christmas or something. I read it in 2 days. For the first time since getting this job I actually took my entire hour long lunch break because I couldn't put it down. Excellent reccomendation Jans. I highly reccomend it to everyone. Now I'm reading Fight Club as I've been yelled at to read that for a while now. So far so good. Before Wallflower I read Weaveworld by Clive Barker. That book was damn cool. So much imagery. When I got done with it I immediately started to cast the movie. Jim and I like to take books we both love and talk about who we'd cast in the movie. This one's tough though. Maybe Kevin Spacey for Shadwell & Harvey Keitel for Hobart. I think Johnny Depp would do well as Cal. The main character who is slightly mad and gets slightly madder throughout the book. He's good at playing those off their rocker characters. Have any of you read it? If so who would you cast in those roles? (Cal, Susanna, Shadwell, Hobart, Immacolata being the main "big name actors" characters).
It's stuff like this that will keep me awake and sane on my long ass drive next week. I think I'll get a book on CD too. Does anyone want to fly out and drive with me? :) If only I were rich.
Speaking of, we've been selling old shit on ebay for a little extra help paying off debt. I hear on the radio today that Robert Redford is having money troubles so he sold something too. Only his "thing" was worth like 68million. Man..I wish I had THAT kind of "money trouble". I wish I had something worth that much so I can sell it and be done with debt altogether. Maybe I can sell my Elvis mirror (one of a kind antique!) (riiight) for like $5000. You never know, someone out there just might have the money to throw around and at the same time be stupid. One can hope!
I'm going to go to Nordstrom & get strawberries. Ciao babies!