Jul 13, 2007 12:08

as observed from several locations including, but not limited to, a park bench at maria hernandez park, walking down 61st street between 1st avenue and third, my loftbed, the shower, descending the stairs while leaving my apartment, during class, and of course while doing the dishes.

)number of people living in my apartment:4
)number of people on our lease:4
)number of people on the lease AND living in my apartment:3
)number of guests staying at my apartment:1
)number of weeks the guest has been staying at my apartment:4
)number of times the guest has done the dishes:1
)number of times the guest has swept the floor:0
)number of times the guest has cleaned the shower:0
)number of times the guest has supplied toilet paper:0
)number of times the guest has left front door to our building unlocked:>5 but <10
)number of pairs of shoes the guest owns:4
)number of pairs of shoes strewn across the floor:4
)number of MY [expensive] granola bars the guest has eaten:3
)types of other consumables the guest has taken of mine: bread, things to go on bread, beverages, strawberry milk syrup
)amount of time the the guest will continue to stay in my apartment: unknown
)predetermined amount of time the guest was to stay in my apartment: 3 weeks
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