Funds For People With Eating Disorders?

May 22, 2007 07:12

I came across a very interesting article this week. May 1, a small group of constituents traveled to Washington, D.C. from various parts of the country, to lobby Congress in support of the FREED Act (Federal Response to Eliminating Eating Disorders Act). The bill emphasizes federal support for research on the treatment and prevention of eating disorders.

Imagine what a tremendous benefit legislation like this would be! With so many Americans uncovered by insurance, a program that would help to offset treatment costs for those struggling with eating disorders would offer new hope for recovery. For myself, even with insurance, the estimated cost of going through a treatment facility would be greater than I could afford without taking out a loan of some kind. This fact alone acts as a great deterrent to many.

Although I understand why many people may choose to keep their eating disorders hidden, our government needs to know that there is a problem great enough to warrant the allocation of funds for both research and treatment assistance. With so many other causes competing for the same piece of pie, I believe the only way legislation that like the FREED Act will ever get the attention it deserves is for people to come forward and show our government how important eating disorder education and awareness is. As the world's attention turns to the latest trend towards obesity, those on the opposite end of the spectrum are being forgotten.

I am encouraged by the FREED Act and the foresight it shows. Laura Serpetti has done the eating disorder community a tremendous favor. Her courage to go forward with her story in order to secure assistance for those who have no voice seeks volumes about her passion and commitment.

Source: (

bulimia, treatment, recovery, research, eating disorders, legislation, anorexia, bill

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