Och när du vaknat har vi kommit fram, fram till Köpenhamn :) Yes, flying out to Copenhagen tomorrow for orphans' Christmas, and visiting Malmö for my birthday wa-hey :D
Do you know what I genuinely like on Tumblr? Seeing people half my age realise for the first time that, yes, Stu being just a bit obsessed-cum-in-love with Billy is a relevant and important part of the character development in the original Scream, legit ;)
Are there any Manics fans on my flist? I just need to know you're out there sometimes, getting it. That we're a part of this big, special thing together, and always more of us than I expect. Beautiful, infuriating, old, eternal, incomprehensible, perfect thing. (A post to cement last weekend's National Treasures gig in my memory another time.)
Oh yeah, forgot.
Merry Christmas, freaks.