Jim Dean's Chili

Jun 27, 2009 16:09

*ED NOTE: Not sure if Jim Dean was a family friend or if it's Jimmy Dean. Posting anyway.

Best made day before!

2lbs tough beef w/suet cut in 1/2" cubes (chuck roast is good)
3-4T chili powder
3-4T cumin powder
1/4t curry powder
little cayenne for HOT
1 envelope lipton onion soup
3-4 cans beer (Use Coors beer)

as meat is cut, sprinkle with extra chili powder and garlic powder. chop up clove garlic & toss in skillet first. brown meat little at a time (sear over hi-heat) stir w/wooden spoon. Pour in dry ingredients and stir till all meat is covered. pour in beer & little water. Bring to boil and cook uncovered 30 minutes, then lower and cover. simmer about 1 hour, taste for seasoning. mix some juice w/little flour to thicken a bit.

refrigerate overnight, reheat next day.

beer, lunch, garlic, beef, chili, flour, spices, entree, dinner

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