I'm actually a little afraid of my computer now.

Aug 14, 2013 21:21

After about thirty minutes of trying to figure out how to wedge my new video card into my case I finally made it fit. Had to unplug all the cables, insert it at an angle, and then replug in all the cables to go around it. It is awkwardly huge.
It is freakishly powerful. Far more powerful than any of the reviews made it out to be, but I think that could be in part due to the fact that all my other components are more up-to-date than most builds used for benchmarking? Not sure. The point is, I just played Bioshock: Infinite on ultra at 1920x1080 and never went under 60 frames per second.... which is like... crazy.

Speaking of Bioshock... that game is nuts. I'm not sure what to think of it. I feel like it is a graphically amazing game in a very interesting and beautifully rendered world. The story feels unnatural and forced, and the game/fighting mechanics just seem clumsy and awkward. This is coming from a week of re-playing Call of Duty 2, which does an incredible job of handling pacing/shooting mechanics/cinematic moments.

I dunno. I just feel like the jury is out on Bioshock. I'm constantly in awe of how much detail and work must have gone into this game because it is visually stunning, but something about it really fails to pull me in. Also, probably because they both use the same engine, it feels a lot like Dishonored, except Dishonored was a bit more fun. Oh, and the violence in Bioshock: Infinite is a  bit... well... disturbing. ACTUALLY, I think that hits on the real issue I have with the game. The main character is NOT A GOOD GUY. His lines never seem congruent with what is going on around him, and he seems very unlikable. The girl is SUPER likable, and for all the effort that seems to have gone into everything else I don't know why they chose to paint the main character in such an odd way. I really feel like Half Life 2 did a muuuuuch better job of letting the main character feel like some kind of messianic figure in a world where everything was out to stop him. In Bioshock: Infinite, there are just little things that don't make sense and sometimes they're hard to ignore. Kinda like the movie UP. You have to suspend belief too much.
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