Random Meme

Apr 19, 2008 19:18

It's random-meme-I-found-whilst-lurking time!

"This short survey is to encourage readers, writers, and poets to share a few simple things about ourselves. There are only twelve questions, and none of them have to do with eye color, sexual preferences, or high school crushes. Please read, answer, and repost. We might learn something from each other.”

1. Three authors that have inspired or influenced my writing are:
Oh boy. Um. Robert Frost, Isaac Asimov, and Edgar Allan Poe.

2. The hardest part of the writing process for me is:
First of all, getting off my sorry ass and doing it. Second of all, trying to not be really wordy and vague. My regular writing is way too stylistic for most purposes.

3. One book I have always intended to read, but I haven’t yet is:
Les Misérables. Because I don't know enough French yet to understand it well.

4. (True or False) I sometimes read non-fiction for pleasure.
People read fiction for pleasure? Really? True, obviously. I love non-fiction.

5. (True or False) I came from a family that read a lot.

6. My favorite movie adaptation of a book is:
The Last Unicorn. Absolutely perfect.

7. The most boring book I ever read all the way through is:
The Narnia Series by C.S. Lewis. His writing annoys the hell out of me. Plus he's a head up the ass fundie.

8. Poetry is:
The most awesome thing on the face of the earth.

9. My favorite place to read is:
Anywhere. Especially in places where you just know it's going to annoy people. *cough* i.e. The God Delusion in church. *snickers*

10. The funniest thing I have read recently is:
Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

11. The most mind challenging thing I have read recently is:
The Portable Atheist by Christopher Hitchens. Awesome, but takes a lot of concentration.

12. When I stop by my local library the librarians must think:

meme, writing

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