The things I do to myself...

Jul 25, 2005 06:56


I just spent about 15 minutes reading a thread on Datalounge that started with a woman wondering whether she should date this really fantastic woman she met who is 40 pounds overweight. There was more to her drivel, but the original post started quite a thread full of stuff that was very eyeopening. A lot of the posters called the original poster on her shallowness and there were a few that were quite positive about overweight women. Then, there were others that reminded me of the number of women out there that are not attracted to someone who is overweight. It made me sad.

I am usually very confident in myself. I know that I am a terrific person. I have a great job, a wonderful family and some amazing friends. Beyond that, I am comfortable in my own skin, I am a total optimist, and I am full of compassion, generosity, love and integrity. Yet, I am still single. My friends tell me I am the best catch they know. Yet, I am still single. So, you know what I do? I chalk it up to my weight. I don't chalk it up to the fact that sometimes timing is just not what we want it to be. I don't chalk it up to perhaps ME not being ready. I chalk it up to my weight. Funny thing is, *I* would date me. So...why do I assume that a woman will not be attracted to me just because I'm a bit overweight? I'm proportional. I'm curvy and, hey, I'm darn good in bed. SO...what's the deal? (darn, maybe I should lock this post...).

There is a woman I am sort of interested in. Though I promised myself that I would never let myself be interested in another woman I met on the Internet (bad experiences yah know), I did it again. I met someone recently whom I have yet to meet but am really rather interested in. Funny thing is, I don't worry about the distance. I don't worry about the differences of our somewhat spread out lives. I worry that she will take one look at me and forget that she thinks I'm incredible (if in fact she does think I'm incredible -- I've never asked her because I'm a chicken sh* I just read between lines and try to figure out if she knows I'm interested and if she's interested back...yup, that's me). I don't know when, but sometime soon I may have the opportunity to meet this woman and it scares me. Why would I be like this? I don't think this woman is like that. Heck, I don't even know if she'd be interested. But yet, I worry about this. Maybe its because I have this bad trend in life where every woman I meet wants to be my best friend. Seriously...EVERY woman I've shown interest in during the last two years or so has told me they think I would make the most terrific deep friendship but that they are not sure they want to date me. Its so odd. I meet these women who want to spend every waking minute with me, but they don't want to date me. What's the deal?

Ok. I'm done venting. Really, I am happy being single. It might not sound like I am, but I really am. What I'm not happy with, is showing the occasional interest in someone and then being rejected. THEN, I'm not so happy that I'm single. I don't need anymore best friends. WOMEN!
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