Lost Friend Count...

Jul 03, 2004 02:00

Okay so... so far this summer, let's recap how many friends I've lost.

1. Steph. She hates me now or some shit for reasons I do not know. She doesn't talk to me, so I'm guessing I did something to piss her off.
2. Niki. We just never talk, period.
3. Blair. I met him in January or so, became REALLY REALLY close, and now he never talks to me. Guess he hates me too!
4. Tabi. I met her in April, became really good friends with her for awhile, then it all went to hell and we never talk. Seems like she's friends with all of my other friends, and would rather hangout with them than me.
5. Kaycee. Met her along with Tabi. Now we don't talk, even when we're in the same room.
6. Gavin. We were starting to be friends, then he decided to not talk to me. How pretty.

and the most heartbreaking one of all...

7. Mark. We were BEST friends for like, 3 years. Lately I've been distant, got some new friends, found some new hobbies, and I guess that along with a lot of other reasons led to our downfall. We exchanged A LOT nasty words a couple days ago, and we are no longer friends... at all. I wish we could work out our differences, but there are too many, I guess. I do admit that I wish we were still friends... =(

And this is only July 3rd. How great is that? I am horrible at friendship.

The only good things that happened this summer is that I got to be closer with Donald, I met Amanda and we became friends, and I'm hanging out with the people that I've kinda put aside for the past few years. I'm hanging out alot with Erica, who I was really distant from for awhile, me and Wyke are starting to be friends again, and I'm hanging out with Tif and Dana a bunch, too. They've been there since back in the day when clothes didn't have to match and boys had cooties.

Other than that, though.... this summer has been shit.
I'm out.

Oh... and I really miss Liz. She needs to come home.
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