Jan 09, 2010 02:45
It's been almost six months since I've written here, and some things just haven't changed. I am listening to the exact same song I was when I wrote my last post, in July, and what a divine song! If Sigur Rós doesn't let you feel/see/experience the sublime, I think we just won't get each other at a certain level.
For the first time in a long time, though, I feel like I am truly maturing. It's been hard to feel this way over the last few years, having been the "new" teacher at my school. In a few short phrases, those first two years of teaching made me feel like a confused, dull-witted, thick-skulled buffoon. I just kept faking my way through the day to day. Gradually, though, I gained my feet again. Now in my third year of teaching, things have begun to feel a little more grounded. The caveat here, though, is that I think the liberating moment was when I realized that it's just my job, no matter how passionate I am about it, that I get paid for 7.5 hours/day for. As much as I love my job, I think I've successfully separated myself from it; a necessary step in realizing my true identity (a long story for another chapter to be written in some other time).
What a weight off the old shoulders! I'm headed to bed. :)