013★10 banners+5 headers[Hetalia Graphic Design Project]

Sep 18, 2010 23:17

♫friends-only banners
→05 hetalia (each with an "open journal" version)
→05 hetalia

These are the graphics I made for the amazing and very massive Hetalia Graphic Designs Project. Please check out the main post! There's like, a lifetime supply of amazing hetalia graphics there :D.


Friends-only Banner★

open-journal version

open-journal version

open-journal version

open-journal version

open-journal version

♫ 4th Header picture from tumblr


Rules, etc★
♫Credit colormachine or midori_lover for the headers and banners. Also credit the artists!.
♫If you are the artist of any of the fanarts used and want me to remove your art, tell me and I will immediately do so.
♫No hotlinking! It kills my bandwidth ;;.
♫Want to see more? Then watch us!

Sorry to everyone who requested graphics in my last entry! I didn't have time to make them because of school and other stuff orz;;. I'm slowly getting around to finishing them and will hopefully be able to post them by next week \m/.

animanga: axis powers hetalia, ***banners, ***headers

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