012★thank you 35 watchers+coloring+banner+requests

Aug 14, 2010 17:50

Just, thank you guys. You may think that 35 is a small number but for me, it's really a lot. This is the first time I ever had a graphics community on my own and seeing 35 people actually thinking my graphics deserve to be watched is just...ngggh. Thank you and hope you continue supporting me ♥! and yes, I love numbers that end in 5, okay

And to show my gratitude, I have for all of you (drumroll please)...a coloring, a bonus friends-only banner and requests wooh!

original full view bonus banner

Lol I actually wanted to color this a long time ago and now I'm done with it and I'm like: 'Perfect! Now I have something for my '35 watchers' post'. /fffff nothing else to say


General Rules
► You may request icons, banners and headers. No manga coloring for now.
► You can only request one of each. Either icons or banner/header.
► Opening 5 slots for requests. Friends may still request even when slots are full. And yes, you may reserve.
► Please provide high quality images! Low quality image=low quality graphics and I'm sure you don't want that ;D.
► Multi-fandom so feel free to provide any image that you want :DDD.

► Banner: signs that say "friends only", "open journal", etc.
► Header: those huge banners you put on top of your journal. I can help with coding them there if you like.
► You may request only one of each.
► Please put shareable or non-shareable in your subject line.
► If you can, please give me your sources too so I can credit them.

► Warning: I'm not exactly confident in my icon-making skills so risk it if you want orz.
► You may request up to three icons.
► Please put shareable or non-shareable in your subject line.
► If you can, please give me your sources too so I can credit them.

► Banner/Header
Banner or Header→ (whether you want a banner or a header)
Image→ image here
Size→ (size of banner more or less)
Text→ (text you want on the graphic; optional for header)
Other→ (whatever else you want to tell me like color preferences, style, etc. basically how you want it to look like)
Sources→ (your sources here)

► Icon
Image/s→ image 1, image 2, image 3
Sources→ (your sources here)

First time doing this hope I don't let anyone down orz.

***colorings, animanga: axis powers hetalia, !requests, ***banners

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