Fic - "You Make My Heart Beat Faster"

Oct 13, 2011 17:23

Title: You Make My Heart Beat Faster
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Hal Stewart, Wayne Scott (Metro Man). Megamind.
Word Count: 1,038
Rating: G to R
Summary: Sometimes the little moments say the most.
Warnings: Language, sex, cigarettes and booze.
Notes: My third project for this awesome pairing! And this one's a little different. I borrowed a prompt set from the wonderful 1sentence community! The idea is that you get fifty one-word prompts, and then you have to write a one-sentence fic for each one. It's basically fifty mini-fics, you guys! A cornucopia of Hal/Wayne goodness!

Hal motions for Wayne to lean in closer, then blows a raspberry directly into his ear.

“Aw yiss,” Hal grins from behind Wayne’s three hundred dollar sunglasses. “I make these look good.”

They make out on the couch while “You Shook Me All Night Long” blasts on the stereo--- Wayne feels more like a teenager than he ever has in his life.

Wayne isn’t entirely sure what’s going on here, but he hopes that it will last.

Arguments drag out for days when neither one can admit to making a mistake.

“Agh, Jesus,” Hal flinches, and it’s the worst reminder to Wayne that he must never use his full strength.

Wayne has saved more lives than he can count, but he’d never realized until now just how dear a single life can be.

He’s said it a thousand times -- you can trust me -- but he has a feeling that he’ll have to say it a thousand times more before Hal finally hears him.

Wayne may be the CEO, but Hal is still the boss.

Hal apologizes unprompted; it’s hard to say which of them is more surprised by it.

When Hal takes off his glasses, Wayne becomes soft around the edges, big and warm and welcoming.

After two hours, Wayne gets sick of waiting his turn and seizes the Playstation controller by force.

Life as Metro Man was so simple, but as messy and complicated as it is, there’s not a thing he would change about life as Wayne Scott.

Watching one of Roxanne’s special reports, Hal’s heckling eventually gets so mean that Wayne orders him to knock it off.

They’ve got a pretty good hold on each other, and neither one shows signs of letting go any time soon.

Wayne can’t help but feel proud of himself when Hal sprawls back onto the bed, drenched in sweat and breathing so hard that he can barely form the words, “I need a cigarette.”

“Wow,” Wayne whistles, peering through the thick lenses. “Your eyes are terrible.”

Picking up trash by the side of the road, Hal doesn’t even have enough time to process the warning jeer--- Hey Titan, think fast!--- before the empty can nails him in the back of the head.

“Defend her all you want,” Hal growls, changing the channel and cutting off Roxanne in mid-speech. “That bitch doesn’t have a soul.”

Hal tosses him the magazine -- still opened to a picture of Wayne flashing a winning smile -- and chuckles, “Congrats, man, Metro Weekly readers have voted you the city’s most dreamy eligible bachelor.”

Sometimes, when he’s got a really good bit going, Hal won’t stop clowning around until Wayne is actually weeping with laughter.

There’s something savagely therapeutic in the fact that Hal can hit Wayne as hard as he wants.

“Yeah,” Hal shrugs after his fourth beer. “I was never really close to my dad, either.”

As far as foreplay is concerned, Hal’s opinion can best be summed up in his own words: do you wanna play games or do you wanna fuck?

On his first day out of prison, Hal followed Wayne all over the house.

When he was still in prison, Hal would postpone their goodbyes for as long as he could, until Wayne’s heart was close to breaking in the face of his desperation not to be left alone.

Wayne’s theory is that there’s no better place to hide than in plain sight--- though a beard and fancy glasses never hurt, either.

It’s a day that will live in infamy when Hal finally realizes that they can afford to order take-out for dinner every single night.

“Don’t worry,” Hal mumbles sleepily, looping an arm around Wayne after a nightmare. “I gotcha.”

One of the trick-or-treaters is dressed as Metro Man.

Hal still doesn’t seem to realize that Wayne can read him like an open book.

Scrubbing with the heel of his hand, Hal sniffs and mumbles, “I just got something in my eye, man.”

Wayne has nightmares; Hal doesn’t.

Wayne sings to himself all the time--- and most of the time Hal doesn’t even make fun of him for it.

All of a sudden Hal grabs Wayne by the tie and yanks him down for a kiss.

“Okay, okay, we gotta stop,” Hal pants raggedly, sitting back up on the couch, the long-forgotten movie still playing in the background. “Or I’m gonna jizz in my pants like a fucking freshman.”

There was a time when Wayne doubted he would ever be happy--- that was a long time ago.

Showering together has proven to be as impractical as it is enjoyable.

Wayne’s heart jumps into his throat when the can opener slips and Hal’s hand tears open, bright red and terrifying.

When they tear down his statue to put up one of Megamind instead, Wayne realizes that the city has already begun to write Metro Man out of its history.

Wayne has just about every superpower imaginable, but he’d trade them all in a heartbeat for the power to chase Hal’s demons away.

“Why bother washing the sheets?” Hal smirks on laundry day. “They’ll be dirty again by morning.”

“You ever feel like flying up there and just giving Him the finger?” Hal wonders. “I sure did.”

Hal retreats until his back hits the wall and Wayne plants a hand on either side of him--- but when Scott takes a moment to savor his advantage, Stewart seizes control by kissing first.

When asked for his opinion on a new suit, Hal leers in response, “I like you better naked.”

“You take the wheel and I’ll take the pedals.”

Hal’s fists can’t hurt Wayne, but his words can.

“Hey, sexy,” Wayne calls into the other room, then tunes his super-hearing in to the sound of Hal’s heart beating just a little bit faster.

Hal looks hilariously severe as he wonders, “Will two pizzas be enough?”

Wayne closes his New Leaf press conference speech with these honest words: “I believe that everyone is capable of changing for the better.”

fanfiction, megamind, character: hal stewart, character: metro man

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