Fic - "Excuse Not Silence"

Oct 05, 2011 00:37

Title: Excuse Not Silence
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore. Harry Potter.
Word Count: 544
Rating: G
Summary: They have each other.
Warnings: Mild slash, if you so choose. Set during Prisoner of Azkaban.
Notes: A birthday fic for junosunderland, who wanted to see Dumbledore asking Snape not to be so distant, and reminding him that they're in this together. Theirs is one of my very favorite relationships in the series--- they're just so important to each other. Title is taken from Shakespeare. Happy birthday, Juno!

Severus lingers by the window, staring intently at the night sky, his brow furrowed and his lips pursed in an expression of deep unease. Albus follows his gaze past the stars and realizes that he’s studying the moon, which is nearly full.

“I’ll start a new cauldron of the Wolfsbane Potion tomorrow,” he says in a distant tone, his eyes riveted on the waxing lunar form. “It’s most effective when freshly brewed.”

“Professor Lupin continues to express his gratitude for your assistance,” Dumbledore assures him.

Snape curls his lip at the name, but he says nothing. In fact he’s said very little to Albus since the hiring of his former schoolmate. Oh, they’ve spoken--- but the Potions master has done his utmost to restrict their words to a strictly professional capacity. It’s his way of expressing his continuing displeasure with the decision, but the frostiness has long ago lost any semblance of stubborn charm. The headmaster sighs impatiently.

“Your silence helps no one.”

“My silence harms no one.”

“None but yourself.”

At Snape’s dark look, he continues in a gentle voice.

“Come now, Severus. Pressure builds when a potion is stoppered for too long. You know that better than most.”

“Why should I speak?” Severus mutters. “You’ll not hear what I have to say.”

“Such ungrateful words, when I have listened for so long.”

The moon is finally released from that furious glare when Snape closes his eyes, frowning. He bows his head and Dumbledore steps in close to lay a hand on his shoulder.

“I’d rather you speak your unhappy thoughts than not speak to me at all.”

Snape shrugs away from his touch. “You don’t want to hear my objections.”

“Severus, I’ve already heard the worst of you.” Albus reaches for him again, catches him by the elbow. “I’ve also heard the best of you. But I will not be satisfied until I’ve heard every word you have to say.”

There’s a reluctance in Snape’s dark, dark eyes; a hesitation to accept a truth that he still doesn’t believe he deserves. Dumbledore draws him close, slips his hand from his elbow to the back of his neck, an intimate gesture that Severus will accept from no one else. His eyes remain shuttered.

“You’ve heard so many of my secrets and doubts,” Dumbledore says softly. “I assure you that I am more than willing to listen to yours. We have each other for that.”

Snape reaches back to take the other’s hand in his grasp. He growls, “You’re a fool, Albus.”

Dumbledore chuckles. “I know.”

Snape pulls the hand around to study it, grimacing as though disappointed by what he sees. “You trust too easily.”

“I know.”

They make eye contact. Snape’s gaze is keen and aching.

“If Lupin is in league with Sirius Black,” he whispers fiercely. “Then Potter is in a level of danger that I cannot tolerate. I made a promise, Dumbledore.”

For the third time, Albus says simply, “I know.”

He reaches out and lays a hand against Snape’s face, brushing his thumb along the elegant line of his jaw.

“You must trust me, Severus.”

Snape covers the hand with his own and sighs heavily.

“I do.”


fanfiction, harry potter

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