Any wonder I'm going bald?

Mar 01, 2002 20:42

Today, my hairline must of receded signifgantly.

*deep breath*

OK. Thing's can't get any worse....can they?

I went out this morning all positive and in a "make-the-most-out-of-a-bad-situation" kinda mood, looking forward to getting some information about Waterford and job etc. I got to Dublin, and got a call....the meeting had magically turned from meeting into interview....this was 9.45: the meeting was scheduled for 11.30

PANIC!I wasn't even dressed for interview. While I wasn't dressed like a complete knacker, I didn't bother slapping on the war paint coming out this morning.

I had no time to prepare and when I was in there I sounded like a gibbering moron. Of all the interviews I've ever done, this was the worst. So much for all the advice given in career counselling yesterday, huh?

Generally, I think my day couldn't of got any worse. I'd like to doubt that my life could get worse then this - but if my experiences lately are anything to go by, things can only get progressively worse!

aol, waterford, stress, interview, panic

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