Fall Equinox 2019: Costume Party!

Jul 26, 2019 16:22

Thank you, dear vidder, for stopping by and THANK YOU for making a vid - I'm excited we matched on one of the sources below and hope you have fun making whatever you make!

I tend to like action vids, recruitment vids, character vids and the occasional shippy vid. I often adore vids to songs and/or genres I'm unfamiliar with and I'm VERY open to any style you're looking to vid. In case you're searching for ideas, I've talked a bit about the shows and movies I requested below, but if you already have a vid idea for any of these sources, please run wild with it!

I loved this show when it aired, and despite it's DRAMATIC costume choices and campy storylines it's still a fond favorite of mine. I especially like Conor and Catlin (platonic or romantic) and also the found-family teamy-ness with Conor, Tully, Catlin and Fergus. Catlin quite possibly had the worst costume and worst haircut (those bangs!), but was my favorite character.

On the Basis of Sex
Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a badass. I'd love something sassy or with an in-your-face vibe about how she's not backing down from anything in her life. I liked how the movie portrayed her relationship with her daughter and she always dressed so smartly.

Captain Marvel
Anything with Carol would delight me. Carol as a 90's action hero or her Top Gun pilot schtick set to some OTT 80's/90's sort of rock music would send me over the moon.

Wonder Woman
If there were any want to remake this into a rom-com with Diana/Steve I'd find it most entertaining! Or maybe a back and forth duet thing with the regiment guys like Sameer and Charlie and the Amazons (in the "Anything you can do" vein). Focusing on unexpected characters like Etta would be an interesting take (not sure if there's enough footage for an Etta vid? I'd love one though). I would also be thrilled with an action vid because for this movie who wouldn't be?!

On the Basis of Sex, Suffragette, Hidden Figures, Iron Jawed Angels, et al.
I nominated some of these sources specifically to request some sort of women empowerment vid about how many decades the battle for rights has been waging on (ie. women in different time periods, from different backgrounds, with different strategies). And then began thinking of how the fight isn't over yet and that just makes me depressed. So, I'm not sure if I'm looking for something filled with solidarity and hope for the future or something with indignation to serve as a battle cry. I'm open to any footage being included - other films or shows, real life footage, propaganda footage, current news events, etc. I'd also really enjoy a vid using any of these single sources, in case that's something that strikes a chord with you.

~ Originally posted @ dreamwidth.org
FYI - I often have difficulty accessing LJ comments from my elderly internet devices... responses here may be delayed.

exchanges are wicked awesome

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