
Oct 25, 2018 12:18

Thank you, dear vidder, for stopping by and THANK YOU for making a vid - I'm excited we matched on one of the sources below and hope you have fun making whatever you make!

I tend to like action vids, recruitment vids, character vids and the occasional shippy vid. I often adore vids to songs and/or genres I'm unfamiliar with and I'm VERY open to any style you're looking to vid. In case you're searching for ideas, I've talked a bit about the shows and movies I requested below (and had fun gif-hunting). But if you already have a vid idea for any of these sources, please run wild with it!

The Expanse (TV)
I love space. I love this show. I've loved every vid I've ever seen for this show.
If you're searching for a suggestion, a character vid for Chrisjen Avasarala would be amazing. I also adore the Roci crew.

Space: Above and Beyond
I love space (have I mentioned that?). This military scifi series shows its age in places, but I loved the ensemble cast and found family feels. My favorite character was Shane Vansen and I had a soft spot for Coop.

Star Trek: Enterprise
I love...you get the idea. I recently rewatched this series and it rekindled my love of Trip/T'Pol. If that ship isn't your thing, I also adored Hoshi, Travis and Reed. A general action vid would be amazing, too.

* from here

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) [SAFETY]
I loved so much about this movie that it's hard to narrow it down. Solo might be a thief, but Qi'ra stole my heart. I bought all the canon ships Val/Beckett, Solo/Qi'ra, Lando/L3 and have always ALWAYS had a thing for the Falcon (spaceships!!!! <3333333). I loved seeing how Han and Chewbacca met and their BFF remains one of my most loved things about Star Wars.

Next Gen (2018) [SAFETY]
Not!Space, but girl-finds-robot-BFF, which is honestly the next best thing. This movie was the one of the feel-good movies I watched on Netflix recently when real life shit was just too much and it made me smile. A vid capturing the adorable kickassness of these two would be delightful.

Bright (2017) [SAFETY]
The world building in this film was fascinating and it was SO PRETTY in a gritty near-future sort of way. Daryl, Nick, and Leilah as a found family vid would be great. Daryl and Nick with their buddy-cop vibe was also fun. Or just any adventure sort of vid with all the fairies and orcs and gang members would be fantastic.

Ocean's 8 (2018) [SAFETY]
I came out of this movie loving everyone! Honestly, the women heist movie that we all wanted and they delivered it flawlessly. ALL THE WOMEN! Anything team-y would be amazing. I also ship Lou/Debbie and find them delightful.

A Wrinkle in Time (2018) [SAFETY]
Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which are beautiful and have such awesome costumes! I'd love a vid focusing on the three of them. I'd also love a general adventure recruitment sort of vid for the film. There is a lot of pretty footage in the source and if you wanted to capitalize on that I'd be eternally grateful.

~ Originally posted @ dreamwidth.org
FYI - I often have difficulty accessing LJ comments from my elderly internet devices... responses here may be delayed.

exchanges are wicked awesome, talking about vids

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