equinox_exchange Dear Vidder;
Hello!! Thank you for signing up for this new vid exchange - so exciting! VIDS IN SPACE <33333
I'm looking for the vid that YOU want to make in one of the fandoms we share/matched on. :)
In case you're searching for ideas, I generally love happy, feel-good things, found families, etc. I also like action and explosions and space battles and triumphing over evil. Ensemble vids, character vids, shippy vids, lord king bad vids, recruitment vids... I like all the vids!!
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
My favorite characters are Rey, Finn and Poe -- in any sort of combination. I have a lot of love for Han & Leia as well. Maybe a vid showcasing BB-8 as the hero? that would be awesome, too.
The found-family-feels are strong with this one. I love the crew and they way they bonded and bickered. I've always had a soft spot for the friendship between Mal & Zoe.
Somewhat like Mal & Zoe, I love the bond between Dutch and Johnny. I also really like Pree, his bar, and Alvin.
Space: Above and Beyond
This is one of my nostalgia fandoms. I loved Shane and Cooper particularly, but anything teamy or anything with a found-family vibe would be amazing.
Star Wars: Rebels
There are moments when I think I'm too old for cartoons and then I decide IDGAF. This cartoon is FUN! And the characters are interesting. Hera and Kanan are space-parents, Sabine is the sassy teenage punk rocker, Ezra is.... etc.
This is the one where cowboys ride a rocket to space. Period. I don't know why, but this film is just an adrenaline ride. The team is such an unlikely bunch of heroes and they save the day, how cool is that?
Stargate SG-1
I like all the Stargate franchises (yes, I even adore SGU) but SG-1 remains my favorite. I adore all things Sam Carter although all the team members are great. I like the "old" team and the "new" team with Vala and Cameron. If 10 seasons is intimidating (it's a lot of footage!) and you'd like to focus on some secondary characters -- I like Jonas, Janet and Bra'tac, just to name a few.
The Expanse
Visually this show is amazing! I'm a fan of both the show and the books. There's a little of everything; character arcs, political intrigue, and SPACE! So large in scope that I can't say what sort of vid I'd like - but in case it helps, my favorite characters are Chrisjen, Amos and Naomi.
~ Originally posted @