four dancing moments [pg] jared/jensen

Jul 25, 2013 22:06

Title: four dancing moments
Author: enablelove
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic schm♥♥p.
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 611
For: Cotton Candy Bingo square - dancing
schmoop_bingo table - anniversary - first
kissbingo table - time: old
Summary: Four little snippets of the time Jared and Jensen danced.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is fic for the fantabulous deirdre_c in honor of her birthday. I hope you like this, darlin’ ♥

1. dancing at the club

Jared fit himself behind the guy he had his eye on all night. He was a bit shorter than Jared, had piercing green eyes, and spiky hair. Jared held the hips of the man and danced to the beat. The man’s hands came up behind Jared’s neck and pulled him in close to whisper in his ear.

“My name’s Jensen,” he said. Jensen. He could see himself screaming it in a couple of minutes in the throes of ecstasy.

“Jared,” he replied.

They continued to dance, grinding against each other and interlocking their bodies like puzzle pieces. Who had ever heard of love at first dance?

2. dancing at the wedding

The first dance of the two grooms had Jensen holding his hand out to Jared and pulling him onto the dance floor. As Jared pulled him in close, they swayed to the music, lost in each other. Who knew that a moment like grinding at the club could lead to their relationship and subsequent marriage?

Soft notes played behind them as they gently moved around the dance floor, smiling every now and again at the other couples that joined them. Jared’s hand was a steady weight on the small of Jensen’s back and Jensen was just thankful for their waltz classes before the wedding resulting in none of Jensen’s toes being crushed.

He smiled up at his husband and heard the clinks on champagne glasses around the hall. Who was he to deny their family and friends? They leaned in for a soft kiss, keeping it chaste because at this point, they were both ready to tear off the clothes and do a different sort of dancing - the horizontal kind.

That could wait for a little longer, though, Jensen thought, leaning his head against Jared’s broad chest and just reveling the moment.

3. dancing at their first anniversary

The notes of their first dance song at their wedding rang out on Jensen’s IPod, bringing a smile to Jared’s face. The song is rarely played just to maintain the feeling they both had on their wedding day. Jensen waits at the dock and Jared walks up to him, bowing and holding out his hand.

“May I have this dance, Mr. Padalecki?” Jared asks.

“You may, Mr. Ackles,” Jensen returns with a grin as he gets close and they start to move to the slow beats of the song. Memories of the past year flash through Jared’s mind and he thinks of how lucky he is.

He leans down for a kiss and Jensen’s fingers tangle in Jared’s hair automatically. Their feet still move around the small space Jensen cleared slowly, not willing to stop dancing.

4. dancing at their fiftieth anniversary

It’s a ritual by this point, playing their wedding song only at their anniversary and dancing to it. Jensen pulls Jared in close amidst their friends and family at their fiftieth anniversary party and they get into the familiar positions.

Fifty years. Jensen’s can’t believe it. He knew they were something special, but he still couldn’t believe he was happily married fifty years later. He wouldn’t change it for the world.

They shifted around the makeshift dance floor, smiling again at all their friends who had joined them, and Jensen was thrown back fifty years when they did this at their wedding. He looked up at his husband, still the most attractive man Jensen knew and pulled him down for a soft kiss.

He ignored the awwww’s from their friends and the ewww Grandpa!’s that rang out from the group of grandkids and smiled into the kiss, feeling the most happiest he had ever been.

challenge: cottoncandy_bingo, birthday fic, rating: pg, wc: 500-999, challenge: kissbingo, type: schmoop, au, challenge: schmoop_bingo, first time

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