The Perfect Boyfriend [PG] Jared/Jensen

Jan 06, 2009 16:46

Title: The Perfect Boyfriend
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop
Word Count: 950
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jensen is not happy that Jared gets a week off while he has to work.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: Last week I wrote Kitchen Chaos which was benitle’s Sweet Charity Fic. This is Jensen’s POV of that, because for some reason, it wanted to be written. So consider this part two of your S.C benitle, I hope you like it babe! [That doesn't necessarily have to be read, but it might make more sense, and honestly, I like it ]

Jared sucks. And not in the good way. Jensen hopes Jared is milking his days off for all they’re worth because it’s really not fair. Jensen has to do the hard work while Jared just gets to hang out at home. And he knows that it’s not Jared’s fault, really he does. But Jared is convenient and right there and so easy to blame. The writers are all the way in LA and Jensen doesn’t have the energy to complain to them.

Jensen comes home every night tired, too tired to even snipe or pout or get attention. He just collapses onto the bed. Jared snuggles up behind him, and even if he is upset with Jared, kind of, he radiates warmth and love and so Jensen just lets himself curl up in Jared’s arms.

It’s finally the last day of shooting for this episode and Jensen could not be any more relieved. It’s been a tough week and Dean is a definitely one of the hardest characters Jensen’s had to play. Jensen knows it’s difficult to get out of Dean’s head, to shake off the angst and emotions, and Jared usually helps him with that. But Jared’s not here and it sucks and he just wants to go home! The director finally calls “That’s a wrap,” earlier than expected and Jensen is so thankful he hugs the man, a surprise to both himself and the director.

He grabs his stuff and melts into the backseat of the SUV, ready to fall asleep. Clif sits up front next to their driver and Jensen thinks back on the week. He hopes to get to actually hang out with Jared tomorrow. Even though he’s annoyed, in a way he’s missed the sasquatch and his antics. The pranks. The candy. The “Look here Jen!”’s. The stolen kisses. The whisper of inappropriate touches. He’s missed Jared.

At least he can surprise Jared when he gets home. Sure, he’s not up to actually doing anything, but actually seeing Jared while he’s awake would be a good thing. He’s beat, but not as much as normal. He wants to see that huge grin. He wants to hear the nonstop chatter. He wants to smell the cologne and sweat. He wants to touch the warm skin. He wants to taste the wide mouth, wicked tongue, and full lips. It’s been a week since they’ve done anything but a peck to the mouth, forehead, or some other innocent body part. And Jensen’s missed that, at risk of sounding like a total girl.

They finally reach the house and Jensen waves a tired goodbye at the two men when he gets out of the car. He unlocks the door to their house, only to be met with a burning smell, as well as the rich aroma of chocolate, and the sight of Jared bent over, reaching into the oven.

“Well, isn’t that a pretty image to come home to?” Jensen jokes, but it really is a pretty sight. And Jensen would do things to that ass jutting in the air if he wasn’t so tired. Tomorrow, he promises to himself. Jared freezes a little then takes whatever was in the oven out very carefully and puts it on the counter. He turns off the oven and turns around and Jensen takes in Jared’s appearance before he bursts out laughing.

Jared is covered in white and brown dust, probably flour and cocoa, and he’s wearing a guilty expression so much like the dogs do when they do something they know they shouldn’t. He looks absolutely adorable though Jensen wouldn’t ever say that to Jared’s face. Jensen tries to get out questions of what and why and how in between laughs but he’s not very successful. Jared just crosses his arms and pouts. He says,

“Well, I WAS trying to do something nice for you, since I didn’t have to work while you did, but if you don’t want it that’s fine with me.”

And yeah Jensen feels like an ass. His gorgeous, perfect boyfriend did this for him and all he can do is laugh. Jensen knows that Jared isn’t really upset and so it’s ok that he laughed. Jensen can feel a grin creep up on his face, “For me? Jay, you know you don’t have to do anything.” But Jared’s like that. Thoughtful and amazing. Jensen is seriously lucky.

Jared goes on about how he wanted to do something nice for him since he gets home late and tired and adds in some cheesy line about Jared catering to Jensen so he could cater to Jared later, but that’s just so he doesn’t seem like he’s doing it all for Jensen. And he totally is, and that just adds to the list of things that make Jared perfect.

Jensen knows Jared is nowhere near perfect. He talks all the time, eats a ton of candy and gets hyper and tries Jensen’s patience. He’s messy and never picks up his clothes, but leaves them for Jensen. He watches the worst movies known to man. He makes jokes that aren’t really funny. He wakes up really early to go exercise and run the dogs. But he also shares that candy and listens to Jensen. Whenever Jensen does pick up his clothes, Jared gives him a big grin and kisses him in thanks. Jared also picks Jensen’s favorite movies during movie nights. And when he jokes, he makes Jensen laugh anyway because of how excited Jared gets telling them. And when he comes back from the run, sweaty and tired, he’ll kiss Jensen on his eyebrow before walking into the shower. So yeah, Jared’s not perfect, but he’s perfect for Jensen.

Remember, comments are ♥

wc: 500-999, type: schmoop, sweet charity, sequel, rating: pg

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