Kitchen Chaos [PG] Jared/Jensen {Sweet Charity}

Jan 06, 2009 16:46

Title: Kitchen Chaos
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop
Word Count: 2002
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared wants to do something nice for Jensen.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for the most amazing person ever, benitle who won me for Sweet Charity. Her prompt is at the end of this fic. I hope you enjoy it sweetheart!!! Thanks for bidding on me and for giving me a wonderful prompt!
Beta: Beta work was done by the wonderful twofourteen! Thank you to clubinthesky who listened to me whine and told me it was good. ♥

Jared feels bad that Jensen had to work the entire week while he got to pretty much lounge around at home. He got caught up on his Christmas shopping, because God knows he wouldn’t have time otherwise. He called his Mama and Daddy every day, because he barely gets a chance to talk to them with sixteen-hour days. He basically did nothing and everything and honestly? It was awesome. But yes, he does feel bad that he didn’t work and got a mini vacation whereas Jensen came home late every night, exhausted and wrung out, only to have to go back to work the next day.

So Jared decides that since it’s the last day of shooting for this episode and that both of them are off tomorrow, he’s going to do something nice for Jensen; dinner, a movie, and a massage.

Jensen the one that gives the best massages but Jared thinks it’s time for Jensen to get pampered, for him to get something nice. He knows this episode has been tough on him, going through all that, meeting his family, learning about Sam, and not having Jared there to pull him out of Dean’s head. Jensen is emotionally involved in Dean. Really involved. It takes a while to coax him out of Dean’s head and this past week, Jensen would get home and fall asleep and then go back to shoot the next day. They haven’t even really had a chance to talk. Usually they talk on the drive to and from set and on set between takes. When they’re at home, they usually talk in grunts and what not because they’re tired. But they can understand each other after being together pretty much 24/7.

Jensen’s favorite dinner is steaks, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn, along with cold beer and some warm chocolate cake for dessert. Coincidentally, that is one of Jared’s favorites too and though Jared isn’t the expert in the kitchen, he sure can cook a mean steak. He marinates the steak with a couple of spices and lets that sit for a while. He goes to the store to buy the ingredients for the cake, some potatoes, and corn; he picks up a pack of beer as well. He sticks the beer in the fridge when he gets home; hoping it’s chilled by the time Jensen comes home.

Jared has some extra time to kill so he goes outside to play with Sadie and Harley. The backyard is huge giving the dogs plenty of space to play and explore. It’s one of the main reasons Jared chose this house. He plays fetch and wrestles with them and before he knows it, hours have gone by. Jensen’s due home soon and Jared hasn’t even started dinner yet!

He fires up the grill and lets it get hot. He throws the steak on and lets them cook while he goes inside to whip up the mashed potatoes. Bits of potato go everywhere when he’s stirring in the butter because the mixer was left on high the last time it was used. He puts the gravy in the saucepan and lets it get heated a little while he boils the corn, throwing a little salt in.

He starts making the cake, mixing the butter and sugar and adding the eggs and vanilla. He adds in the cocoa all at once, realizing his mistake as the powdery substance flies everywhere: onto his face, his shirt, all over his hands, in his hair. He grabs a towel and wipes most of it off, before adding the flour a little bit at a time, learning from the cocoa mistake. But that too, still goes everywhere. So he’s brown and white and powdery and after taking a glance at his watch, he sends a quick prayer that shooting ran late.

He sticks the cake in the oven and realizes the gravy has started to burn. It still looks edible, hopefully, so he dishes that out into a gravy boat. (Jared didn’t even know they had a gravy boat!) He takes the corn out of the pot, drains it, and puts that in a bowl as well. Jared realizes that the table isn’t even set yet and has to take a deep breath before stacking the two plates and glasses on the table, along with the forks and knives, on the table. He’s about to lay them out, when he takes one look at the knives and lets out a gasp.

The steaks!

He runs out to the grill, seeing and smelling the smoke. Jared, very carefully, lifts the charred steaks from the grill and puts them on the plate; thankfully nothing caught fire. At least Jensen likes his steak well done. Though these seem too well done. He’s bordering on mild hysteria when he goes back inside. He puts the burnt steaks on the counter and sniffs the air to smell the rich aroma of chocolate. He rushes to the oven, hoping and praying that the cake is at least okay, and bends down to open it.

“Well, isn’t that a pretty image to come home to?” comes a smirk-filled, yet exhausted, voice from the doorway.

Crap. Jensen’s home.

Jared gingerly takes the hot pan out of the oven, which thankfully doesn’t look burnt, and puts it on the counter. He turns off the oven and closes it before turning around to face Jensen.

Jensen takes one look at him and bursts out laughing.

“Jay. What… Why…,” he gets out in between chuckles.

“Well, I WAS trying to do something nice for you, since I didn’t have to work while you did, but if you don’t want it that’s fine with me,” Jared states, crossing his arms in offense.

Jensen’s eyes go soft, “For me? Jay, you know you don’t have to do anything.”

“I know Jen, but I wanted to. I felt bad, okay? You’re working, going through all that alone, in Dean’s head and us not even getting a chance to talk or anything. You come home exhausted and fall into bed, not that I blame you at all.” Jared didn’t want to seem like a total girl, “plus, I had time, so might as well cater to you, hoping you’d cater to me later,” he adds, winking at Jensen lewdly.

That produces a surprised sort of laugh from Jensen, who just shakes his head fondly at Jared.

Jensen glances from Jared to the burnt steaks, to the corn and mashed potatoes, and back to Jared. “My favorites,” he breathes, voice soft.

“Well, um… they’re mine too, but yeah,” Jared says shyly, ducking his head and raising a hand to scratch at the back of his neck.

Jensen pulls Jared’s arm down, and woah, when did he get that close?

Jensen tilts Jared chin up to look into Jensen’s eyes and Jared can see the adoration and affection and gratitude shining from them. He pulls Jared down a little bit by the nape of his neck and kisses him, gentle, and on the edge of chaste. Their tongues slide together and they’re both putting their feelings into the kiss. Missed you. Thank you. Love you.

“C’mon Jay, let’s get you cleaned up,” Jensen says in between kisses.

Jensen leans around him to snatch the pan of chocolate cake that’s cool enough to touch, and grabs Jared’s hand to drag them upstairs, towards their gigantic shower presumably. All thoughts of dinner and the movie fly out of Jared’s mind, though he definitely will give Jensen a massage later after they take a long, hot shower.

Tomorrow they’ll spend the day getting reacquainted with each other’s bodies, but tonight, it’ll be just them relaxing and talking and sleeping.

They go up to their bedroom and Jensen puts the cake on the dresser.

“For later,” he winks at Jared. Jared’s all for that plan.

They undress, Jared putting on a show for Jensen, but in a dorky way with the ridiculous faces and cheesy hip thrusts, to make Jensen laugh. And Jensen does laugh, loud and long and genuine, and Jared can’t help but think how lucky he is that this gorgeous man is boyfriends’ with a dork like him.

They go into the shower, under the hot spray, and stand there, cleaning each other off. Jared worships Jensen’s skin; washing off the sweat and grime of the day and Jensen washes the food off of Jared. They don’t go any farther, just kisses, a lot of kisses. But it’s perfect. The warm water and steam all around them as they kiss, slowly but deeply. Once they’re all cleaned up, they towel each other off and head to the bedroom. Jensen picks up the chocolate cake and puts it on his nightstand.

“It looks delicious Jared.”

“I sure hope so. First, though, get on that bed and on your stomach.”

Jensen looks at him with a raised eyebrow, “No offense man, but I’ll probably fall asleep midway through.”

“Shut up. We’re not doing that. Just get on the bed please?” Jared uses his eyes, the ones people call his puppy eyes of doom, and Jensen can never resist.

Jensen rolls his eyes and gives a long suffering sigh, but gets on the bed, his back and ass on display. Jensen is gorgeous. Jared knew this, but his breath still gets caught in his throat sometimes at how gorgeous he is. The pale tan back that’s scattered with the freckles that Jensen hates but Jared adores. The broad shoulders leading to a tapered waist. Jensen is very slender for a guy, but he manages to pull it off without looking like a girl.

Jared gets on the bed and straddles Jensen’s lower back.

“Jared, what…” Jensen starts.

“Just relax and enjoy it ok Jen?”

Jensen hums his agreement lazily.

Jensen’s warm from the shower and mostly loose, but there is still tension in his upper back. Jared starts kneading the tender flesh. He works on the stress and rubs at those areas. Jensen is pretty much falling asleep underneath Jared’s ministrations. Jared rakes his fingers alongside both sides of Jensen’s spine, light enough to tickle, and Jensen starts moving under him and starts to laugh helplessly.

“Jay. C’mon man. You know I’m ticklish!” Jensen protests.

Jared gives in after a couple more tickles and presses a light kiss against the nape of Jensen’s neck before he gets off Jensen’s back to lie alongside him. Jensen lifts his head and murmurs his thanks. He gets up and stretches, arching his back, and Jared appreciates the view of muscles pulling and flexing. Jensen looks at him and Jared just shrugs, unabashed.

Jensen reaches over to his nightstand and pinches a small piece of cake and drops it in his mouth, moaning his appreciation.

“Wow, Jay, this is really good.”

He gets another small piece and feeds it to Jared, and he takes the piece of cake and Jensen’s fingers into his mouth, licking them clean. Jensen’s eyes track the movement of Jared’s tongue and his eyes darken just a little bit.

“The steak and everything else may not have been good, but I do make an awesome cake,” Jared boasts.

“Yeah yeah, whatever you say Mr. Baker.” Jensen says, but his voice is light and teasing.

“We’ll finish it tomorrow, let’s go to bed.” Jensen punctuates the statement with a little yawn.

He lies on his side and Jared turns too, scooting up against Jensen, his chest to Jensen’s back. They tangle their legs together and Jensen grabs Jared’s arm to wrap around his waist and tangles their fingers together as well. Jensen brings their joined hands to him mouth and presses a light kiss against Jared’s.

“Thank you Jay. For everything. Love you.” Jensen whispers.

Jared smiles, his grin huge. Jensen rarely ever says ‘I love you’. Jared knows he feels it, but it’s rarely ever said. He squeezes Jensen’s hand and kisses Jensen feather light against his temple,

“You’re welcome. Love you too Jen, always.”

the idea was triggered by 4x03 which was a Jensen-only (sort of) episode which meant Jared got a week off. So the idea is that Jensen’s working like a dog for an ep that Jared is hardly in (or the other way around, I don't really care) and while Jensen works, Jared does something nice for him like prepare a romantic dinner at home and just spoil Jensen a little. Accidents (like burned food) could happen. Or not.

Remember, comments are ♥!

wc: 2000-2999, type: schmoop, sweet charity, rating: pg

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