podfic: free hugs 'verse

Aug 03, 2010 09:20

SO. I needed some inspiration for the next part of free hugs 'verse so I decided to podfic all the parts that have been written so far. If you download this (I'm not expecting you to, believe me) keep in mind that I'm not a professional and this was my first time podficcing. I applaud all those out there that podfic those extremely long fics, have the change of voices down pat, and can make it flow haha.

But yeah, enjoy? LOL

I'm hoping to attempt writing today because I have a few ideas buzzing now, so hopefully that's done by the end of the week.

So you can download the zip file of all 6 parts of the 'verse here. Let me know what you think if you do download please!

Yeah, I made the shoddy icon *facepalm*

other, verse: free hugs

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