Colleen AF Angler Fish

Nov 01, 2006 15:35

I knew being a book nerd would come in handy one of these Halloweens...

Not too shabby for a 30 second costume idea. The silk shirt, which you can't really see in this, is a whole bunch of realistic fish. I've had that thing since 7th grade. The tank I am wearing under it I also bought in 7th grade. I'm starting to wonder if I have bought any clothing in the last 13 years. I vaugely remember some Duane Reade underwear purchases, or at least the resulting wedgies.

Hope everyone had a happy one! I'm sad I missed the dance-fest my friends seemed to have, but Mikey's show/party at Goodbye Blue Monday was super fun. There wasn't the same amount of booty shakin' but I bet my party to had a lot more talk of what might be at the very bottom of the ocean.

Other exciting news:
I'm interviewing for my assistant in about 20 minutes!

Other not-so-exciting but related to above other exciting news:
My stomach is angry today. I may accidentally toot-test her...which I guess is a strategy to see how she handles herself in awkward stinky situations.

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