Because Democracy is Sexy and I Like to Eat Stale Foods

Jun 22, 2006 09:42

So after 2 1/2 years of only having one extremely crappy late night store open in my hood, a big ol' gas station with a HUGE 24 hour convenience store, all decorated in loud primary colors, opened across from my block.

I was quite torn emotionally, since I really liked Mohammad, the owner of the crappy store old store, a kind man who only ever talks to me about the weather. I didn't want to make him go out of business, but I couldn't help but love the new place and the fact the items they had in the store were under 5 years old.

It was at Mohammad's I learned that macarroni and cheese boxes can go bad. It was at Mohammad's that I found out what happens to Reece's Peanut Butter Cups in their geriatric days. It was at Mohammad's I could always buy a box of cereal promoting Star Wars...EPISODE 1.

It was also at Mohammad's (last night when he caught me with a loud "hello" walking towards the New Store, that I turned around and pretended I was en route to his all along) that I discovered the amazing phenomenon that I'm calling "STALE DELIGHTS."

I bought an ancient looking TOASTED ALMOND bar. The package was gross and sticky, but it looked the most harmless out of anything in the case and DEAR ME if it wasn't ridiculously stale, old, changed to a new scientific state of matter, and when I opened it up and DEAR ME if it wasn't one of the most wonderful things I've ever eaten!

Now I feel the need to make a list of all the food that are better when stale. Perhaps I can post this list on his store door and he'll stay in business!

So far I've only got two "STALE DELIGHTS":
-Toasted Almond Bars

You guys got any to add to the list?

Subject Change!
Annie and I chose the finalists for the Fluff Who board game contest, where people are supposed to dress up as Guess Who like as possible. The winner gets a customized version of the board game sent to them along with a whole lot of other unnamed prizes!

The voting is super tight right now, with murders and suicides being threatened by the finalists. You should vote because democracy is sexy!

Some fun facts about these folks:
1. One of them is pantless down-below.
2. One of them has taped plastic bags a torn plasic lei over his eyebrows.
3. One of them is from England, one from upstate NY, one from OK, and one from NC.
4. One of them always makes me break out into a cheesy 60's theme song
5. One of them will die if they eat that.
6. One of them will win prizes prizes prizes, like self-esteem! And Board Games!

fluff radio

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