MOCCA: Museum of Colleen Can'tremember Acroynms But Had A Sweeeeet Time Anyway

Jun 15, 2006 10:13

Holy crappers, it's been an amazing week!

I'm going to number things because numbers are our friends, exept for the number Seven. If you see the number Seven please punch him right in the bend for me. Jerk, never returns my love advances and Nine tells me he has cannibal tendencies. (Waaaat Waaaaat Waaaah!)

1. So the Careless Whisper (1997 and 1984) Theme Party is postponed, mostly because I was way too busy this week to learn the saxophone solo and besides I have to do a few more lunges before my butt is in George Michael ready-to-ass-shake status. Also, it's Jessie Dean's birthday fiesta that night, which I wouldn't miss for all the cupcakes in my apartment. (Perhaps if you offered all the cupcakes in the world I might reconsider, but I'd still have to think about it a while and my answer would probably be "But how do you know someone won't try to hide a cupcake in Finland?")

2. Annie and I are about pick the 26 "Fluff Who" winners. After We're going to narrow it down to the best three and let everyone vote. I'm personally having a hard time deciding which Drunk Cafeteria Worker I want to use for the game piece. Oh my mother would be so proud! Anyone who's been a host on the show at any point is ruled out from winning, which is a shame for Ms. Alyssa, since her monocled bald man was by far my favorite!

3. Mocca Mocca Mocca! I had so much fun I think I may have broken my hand through excessive high-fives. Pictures, pictures, and not enough pictures for my taste, under the cut. I can't get over how amazing so many of the people I met were. A whole bunch of those people, including the incredible Ben and Heather and the brilliantly adorable Pat Lewis were elusive to my camera lens and therefore might be vampires. Actually most of the pictures were taken by dollomite which would explain why I wound up making weird faces in the far background of so many.

Hyuck, hyuck. Ma Momma says I'm purdy.

(Chris Y's amazing rapping gives me a stroke, but I don't mind. The right half of my face was overrated anyway.)

The awesome Shana and David ! and previously mentioned Chris stayed with me for the festivities.

Shana, aka the DENTAL DOMINATRIX, forgot her oft-used toothbrush and was really upset about it so I let her use my "naked lady" one (give to me by the awesome sheenapr), whose bathing suit disappears when you turn her upside down. (the lady on the toothbrush, not sheenapar nor Shana...dammit my pronoun abuse is turning my friends naked) (I also seem to be very into parantheticals today.) (I'll try to limit them.) (Starting.) (Now.)

We spent much of the night before the show coloring little wooden ghosts to give out. I was rather proud of this one which is supposed to be a ghost wearing a sheet over it to be a ghost for halloween.

This man deserves sainthood. That bag was filled with fresh made cookies. It was much lighter after he met me. Mmmmm.

The incredibly awesome Sara Rosenbaum, who I met while shoving pickles into my face on the amazing Steve Carrey Tour of NYC-Food-Stuffs, liked my Moa-Moa-Moa! Billy Idol shirt so much I promised to make her one that night. It didn't turn out perfect due to the fact I probably shouldn't screenprint half-drunk at 2am, but if anyone can make this shirt look snazzy it's that gal!

Speaking of the food tour, Kean Soo was a CHAMPION. There was no bialy or eggcream that man couldn't conquer. If I knew any programming I would make a special Steve Carrey Tour of NYC-Food-Stuffs version of Ms. Pacman for the Kean where you eat fudge filled donuts and gobble down pastrami sandwiches instaed of boring strawberries. Kean also happens to have the Ms PCM high score at Crip Dogs, where I ate my weight in cheese products. I am very proud of my ability to refrain from yelling my usual catch phrase "I'M FULL OF CHEESE AND READY FOR LOVE" at all the new people I met.

I also met the super riducously amazing Rosemary, Parrish, Andy, Ryan, and Allene that day. Ryan and Allene co-created the book "Happy Dog the Happy Dog" which might have been the most brilliant thing I've ever seen. Rosemary had a book which made every single science bit of me warm and fuzzy. Parrish, with the world's greatest hair, had this amazing collabortive book of people writing poems about other people's self portraits that I thought was STUNNING (even if he was shy about it). He also gave me an ejector button button, which if in danger of creepy Mocca attendees I would have been able to push it and it would have shot me through the ceiling....I think...I didn't get to try it. Oooh speaking of buttons, my Owly one, handmade by Sir Runton, makes me so warm and fuzzy inside I have trouble controlling my bladder.

Here's the whole crew enroute to some diner goodness. This was right before us Playground Ghosts started a Rumble. *insert west side story snaps here*


Here's a better one of the two of them.

Cristi is a very talented dancer as well. (*secretly hopes no videos turned up of our creative dance stylins*) Both are 20 varieties of awesome.

For those of you who missed it David ! and I had a secret word each day. If anyone said we broke into an amazing choreographed dance number. Here I am showing another aweseome David what happened that day when someone said "washboard abs" or "Jim Davis."

So many Fluff Cast Members were able to make it! Including the often elusive Meghan who not only has the title of being amazingly sexy (as seen in this shot with sexy-lady Anya)

But she is also the first person to beat me armwrestling in a long long time!

Anya quickly made me feel better about my defeat by making me a personalized Colleen AF onion ring.

This report is going to get super long...aww screw it...CUT TO THE MUSIC!


Allene: "Sweet nothing, sweet nothing, sweet nothing..."

Marianne was an honorary ghost for the weekend. She made her first book with me and starred in another of mine. She also can make herself invisible.

Chris can rap like no other.

David ! brought a house of pain.

And then Jeph summoned his mind lazers of ROCK. (Similar to my mind lazers from last mocca)

We fit about 20 people in a room that should have only fit 10. It. Was. Beautiful. Even though one of the music videos contained seductive uses of a plunger that I may never get burned out of my brain.

I think Andy and Kean sum up my emotions about the weekend best through this image:

Here are all the rest of mine and Marianne's pictures.

I'm not sure what I was expecting Mocca to be like but anything I coulda thought of wound up 200 times better. The Fluff Radio cds were a big hit. I sold so so so much more than I expected to. Not only book wise but people actually LIKE the weird things I screenprint. (Sold 5 of the 7 random shirts I brought...and had at least 10 others request the shirts in other sizes...oooh)

The only bad thing was the fact the hundreds of PLAYGROUND GHOST buttons I ordered April 1st JUST arrived at my work desk. Anyone want me to send them one? Just e-mail me your mailing address and I'll send some buttony goodness your way!

I'm deliriously excited about next year already. I might even try to drag everyone to Coney which I am DYING to bike to right now. Hmmm...maybe I can make a pillow and a blazer look like I'm still working at my desk...

playground ghosts, fluff radio

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