Obligatory SPX Post of Obligatoryness!

Sep 24, 2009 18:10

So in a mere two months Marianne, me, and 25 of our favorite cartoonist friends made a book that is so damn filled with awesome we needed to cut a hole in the cover so it wouldn't explode!

LUMBERJACKS, A FIELD GUIDE: THE PAST, PRESENT, & FUTURE OF LUMBERJACKARY written by Marianne and myself will debut at SPX this weekend and features the awesome art of Liz Baille, Scott Bateman, Greg Bigoni, Darryl Ayo Brathwaite, Carol Burrell, Eric Colossal, Liam Duffy, Robin Enrico, Jess Fink, Zach Giallongo, John Green, Dustin Harbin, Pat Lewis, David Malki !, Chris Moreno, Travis Nichols, MK Reed, Leah Riley, Ben Ross, Dave Sherrill, Ed Siemienkowicz, Jen Vaughn, and Marion Vitus!

Man that was a lot of names. I need to go and sit down and catch my breath. Eh who am I kidding! I AM SO EXCITED!

Each book has a felt die-cut "PAT THE BEARD" cover with art by Mzzzz Fink and Sir Ayo. It's 60 pages of pure helpfulness with information about how to find out if you may be a lumberjack, how to grow a beard, the difference between hipsters and lumberjacks, "where's waldo" style "find the lumberjack" images, a guide to what lumberjacks wear, eat, and do and why, some tips on how to find your own lumberjack, lovely history lessons about the famous lumberjacks of the past, and did I mention felt. I heart feeling felt. Err...um you know what I mean. Okay here's a very small (since this thing is HUGE in mini-comic terms) sneak peek under the cut:

Annie's LumberJackson Pollock, throwing syrup on a giant pancake (click on any of these pics for a big "hey those fuzzy gray blogs are letters that make words!" version)

Can you find the Lumberjack in the forest? (by Jess) Also can you tell the difference between a Hipster and a Lumberjack? (art by Chris Moreno and Chris Moreno!)

More Lumberjacks in the world of Entertainment! Beanstalk by Pat and Dave's LumberJackee stance cracks me up every time. I am particularly proud for our description for her which is only funny if you've seen ALL of Jackee's work. Which I'm sure all of you have, since that's why we're friends. Right?

LUMBERJACKS IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE (thanks to Greg and Carol and that old man scientist pig muppet that never got enough camera time!)

I will now resist the urge to post the entire book here but I did post a few more pics of the inside and things we made for the show on my flickr. We also have a ton of beards with various mustaches attached, PLUS if you WEAR SOMETHING PLAID we'll give you something special for FREE until we run out of those and then we'll just give you a FREE look that says "you could have been special...I'm sorry."

ALSO! FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WANT TO EAT A LUMBERJACK BREAKFAST WITH ME ON SATURDAY let me know! It would be fun to go with a crowd of folks and stuff our faces! I'm thinking at 9 so we have time to get all ready for the show. Who's with me?!!/!?!?! (If you are all too hungover that just means more pancakes for MEEE. Though what's better to soak up alcohol than pancakes?! They are like giant sponges to suck out the hangover from your belly!)

NOTE! For those of you not going to SPX you should still try and meet up with friends for tasty food this weekend in honor of our silly made-up holiday. It may be very silly and very made up, but it's about hanging out with friends and good food and that's awesome. You should do it!

I almost forgot to post this! Marianne and I were guests on a cooking show about Holidays called PARTY IN YOUR MOUTH. It was a whole episode in honor of Lumberjack Day! The "wait I think it's moving" ending almost made me pee my pants. Here's the recipe for the amazing pancakes Jess made for the show.

So at the :01 office they are making a conscious effort to start to make our blog more "thoughtful" and asked me to make a long intelligent post on design-ish things every two weeks. So in lew (lou? lieyou? um...you know what I mean) of being all wordy and smart I am just posting lots of pretty pictures like snowmen and sexy ladies.

This week I got obsessed with the translations of a wordless book. There is such beauty in the language of sound effects around the world. A "Gasp" becomes a startled German "Schluck" and a French "OOOH" of surprise. The "Shiver Shiver" of a snowman becomes "Bidder Bidder" in Berlin and "glagla glagla" in Grenoble. (Also can we stop and take a moment to appreciate that these are images of a snowman shivering from Sara Varon's ROBOT DREAMS. While he may be chilly, it warms my heart.)

There are barely ever any good comment discussions on the :01 blog lately, probably because it was dormant for so long, but It's ALIVE ALIIIIIVE so you guys should totally read it and comment. Makes me sad when my heart-felt BIBBER BIBBERS fall into an abyss.
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