Full of Cheese and Ready for Love

Feb 14, 2009 13:45

First! Furboajerboa no more! I changed my name. To Larry. Larry AF Venable. Oh yeah, and my journal's name changed to colleenAF. No need to do anything. The magic of science has made it all the same, all my friends, all your links. Science!

Why the change? Mostly it was because I was sick of typing furboajerboa wrong to sign in and felt like being more obvious about being me. The amazing mister-punchy tells me Alex Trabec is really upset about the change and recently had a $2,000 question of "what is a jerboa?", but me and Alex haven't spoken since he murdered the man I loved: His mustache Fernando. Ahhh the dreams I used to have about Fernando. (Which will now likely be replaced by dirty dreams about this puppet of Bull from Night Court.. Dirty dreams? Nightmares? Meh whatever.)

Second! Yeah, so the novelty of having a screwed up arm is diminishing in the direct ratio to the amount of food I spill on my stupid white sling. Was feeling all bad-ass for a while. Now I just feel like there's perpetual mac and cheese on my right boob. And not in the good way.

For those that haven't heard, despite the fact I can't seem to stop twiiiitting about it, I fractured my elbow and did a lot of muscle/tendon/ligament damage the last morning of Comic Con after attempting to run out of the shower to turn off my alarm clock. Slipped and flew through the air full-body in a slow-mo moment that made me realize "Hey, when ninjas jump and kick other folks in the chest using both feet in kung-fu movies, you never see how they land! I wonder how they land...Surely there is no way to land without-AH FRICKEN A!" Had a very short lived moment where I attempted to call to my roomie for help, only to remember I was totally not in an "outfit" nor position I felt like being seen. Oooh for those of you who like gross things check out the bottom of this post! For those of you who don't this post ends at THE END and read no further! But until THE END here's more:

Comic Con was so awesome. Much better than the last two years. Saturday was super crowded and barely got to leave the booth other than some amazing BBQ. Sunday was even better despite the fact I was unknowingly broken! Day started by eating donuts, went on to eating chocolate stolen from bowls at other people's booths, then was followed up by eating an amazing cupcake with icing twice the height of the cake! Oh yeah...and there were some non-food related things, like comics and stuff, too! No wonder I didn't notice my arm! Literally had no time to wander the floor, but I did see THE elusive Moreno. I'm sure you remember from those out-of-focus pictures in Scottish lakes. Then visited Zoya at the Animated Closet booth, where I freaked out over their stuff and decided if I can't afford the d90 I'd have to settle for a skirt with a dog on it. (They are almost the exact same thing, minus the need for batteries. BONUS!) Their booth reaffirmed my goal to stop wearing clothes bought in stores and to make use of these piles of fabric I have here in my apartment. So yeah...if, in the next few months, you wonder why anything I'm wearing is asymmetrical, badly sewn, or covered in mac and cheese IT IS INTENTIONAL. I AM STARTING A TREND. Also cheese is awesome.

I did spend a good chunk of the day saying "hey does this look weird to you" and then showing random people that my arm oddly wouldn't straighten. Here it is five days later...and this is after it improved! I look like a zombie in this picture. It's just I want more chocolate SO BAD. Brooooooowniiiies...

Yeah, luckily the amazing Carol told the amazing Marianne she could go to the hospital with me, so as soon as we finished breaking down the booth and meeting banana-man in plain non-banana clothes, we went to the emergency room.

I was very disappointed by the lack of wacky antics, and the fact none of the doctors seemed in love with each other. What the hell?! It was almost like TV was all made-up or something. Crazy. Had fun telling the nurse not to worry when he gave me written instructions in spanish since the heavy painkillers they put me on would eventually teach me the language. Was in and out of the hospital in two hours. I owe so so so much to Marianne for taking care of me and to Mikey who's taken care of me since. Also thank you to the hospital who reminded me I can drive vans.
That photo is also helpful if you want to learn how to mispell both my first and last names.

Today kinda sucks. It's pretty much a given I'm missing Ed today, he was asleep when I woke up, and I'm leaving the house before he'll wake up. Feeling all helpless with my arm and distance is feeling more distance-y because of it. Long distance sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Especially with no hope of the distance ever disappearing completely. Even without Japan he's a Chicago boy and I'm NY NY NY C.

BUT there's good news! Just made my reservations to go and visit him! I'll be in Japan from April 2 to April 12, and am really excited especially since the flight was totally free. If you guys can just do me one favor: between now and then, and then after I return, can you occasionally remind me how much I couldn't shut up about liking this boy? It's getting hard and harder to convince myself that what I'm doing isn't totally insane.

Screw you V-day. Bah Humlovebug!

Hey Two Questions for All of You!
1. I feel like there are amazing comic folk out there who's blogs I am not yet reading. Who I am missing?! Who's comics do you loooooooooOooooove. Oooh.

2. As much as I love it, now that I don't sell shirts online anymore my 4-color screenprinting press is just a big ol' dust machine and flash curer. Anyone here want it? I'm considering selling it for cheeeap, like a $100 or something, especially considering it made back it's $2,000+ price more than once with all the shirts I made over the years. Also have tons of ink and shirts. Let me know!

EDIT! Probably would have been helpful if I showed this before. Here's the Flash curer with the printing press on the floor (should mounted on a table, but I haven't used it since I moved in) Also check out Emilio the Almost and Eel-io showing off in this pic:

For the squeemish: THE END!

For the not so squeemish who are easily fascinated by science

So winds up my body's reaction when I'm in severe pain is not to cry or to yell out or to curse. Nope. It's to throw up! SCIENCE! I'm both fascinated and grossed out by this newly learned fact.
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