Take that 1994!

Jan 03, 2009 15:06

I was slacking a bit with posts at the end of 2008 for all wonderful reasons! I finished edits on Book 1 and Book 2 is now at my publisher and I SWEAR it's the best thing I've ever written. After Klio's amazing hands give me editorial notes it I KNOW it will be the best thing I've ever written! It's a bit of a goofy parody of AND THEN THERE WERE NONE called AND THEN THERE WERE GNOMES. Puns! Woo!

I should really do a BEST of 2008 post. This was a rollercoaster that started underwater with piranhas biting at my butt, but somewhere along the line took a super quick incline, with the best ending. I truly think overall this is my second favorite year of my entire life, falling short to the ever golden 1994. You with me folks?! 1994 was THE YEAR of like everything great ever....though if 2009 follows recent patterns I think it might give 94 a run for it's first kiss grunge rock listening money!

BEST OF 2008!

Favorite discovered movie of the year: Hands Down! Bollywood's amazing DHOOM2. Discovered on election night when this guy who I liked totally took over our country.

Which brings me to...

Favorite New Elected Leader of the Year: I like to call um Barry O' and imagine him in pillbox hats. Totally amazing guy. Let's hope he continues to look good in a suit dress in my mind...um....i mean here's hoping he keeps being as awesome as he seems. Oh and stops ignoring my gay friends.

Favorite Last Line to A Movie This Year: As many of you might remember I have a thing with writing down the last line to almost all movies I watch, and its totally fun to judge that movie entire out of context with that last line. I'm sure you all remember purposely forgetting about family "drama" directed by Sidney Poitier and starring Mr. Crazy Sweater himself, Bill Cosby. Here's GHOST DAD's beautiful list lines: "Why Don't You Go To Hell And Sit On a Hot Coal Until I Get There." "YES YES EVIL MASTER." Truly inspiring. Why is this film never on the most influential lists?! I mean he's a dad! But he's dead! Brilliant!

Best New Way to Work Out This Year: FACIAL MAGIC! There are some things even I can't make up... I have sir Mikey to and Murray Hill to thank for giving me this amazing VHS tape. Best gift ever!

Favorite Broken Sign Of the Year: Did I ever even mention to you guys that I collect these now? I am kinda obsessed with broken signs! Best part about this one is it was a super swanky hotel in Philadelphia...

Biggest Zit I Had All Year: On the side of my nose. I started a petition to get it statehood (because lordie knows it would have kicked R.I.'s little butt in size ranking) but it disappeared before I got a chance to fill out all the paperwork, or get it legally named. Sigh. Giant Zit on the Side of my Nose you shall be missed.

Best New Job That Doesn't Cause Zits!: I still can't believe how much I love my job as a designer for FIRST SECOND. Every day I feel like someone high up in teh company is going to realize how big my dumb grin is while I work and surely fire me for not looking dour enough during 9-5. Almost done with my first book design Richard Sala's latest about a group of teenage girls who go to a school to learn to be Cat Burglars! Oooooh! I'll post it as soon as I get final approval! They are even letting me do a foil treatment on the cover. SHiiiiny!

Speaking of amazing books...

Best Book I Read This Year: NO CONTEST. LITTLE BROTHER by Cory Doctorow. If this doesn't win an award I will personally shave off my eyebrows and replace them with tattoos of bananas. I MEAN IT. If you haven't read it yet, we might not even be friends. WHO ARE YOU!? HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!

Best Album Of the Year: Another HANDS DOWN winner!
ARMCANNON's LEGVACCUM album It's hard to just call them a video game cover band. It's so much more than that. Seriously amazing musicians and HOLY CRAP if you can go to one of their shows you absolutely must! Best live band I've ever seen.

Favorite Photograph Taken This Year: With the help of Mikey, Alan, Marlie, and Madeline...

Most Ass-Shooken To Song of the Year: Oh Secret Apartment Dancing! How I love you so! There were probably about 10 songs that were on constant repeat in my headphones all year, but this one, a mix of two of my favorite songs of all time was beyond ass-shakeable! My 2009 gift to you:
Get your Decepta Freak On

Favorite Website of the Year: Speaking of secret apartment dancing...This site makes me happier than any other sites in the internet: http://www.mashuptown.com Hey Mr and Mz DJ's! Put a record on (my ipod...directly please since I do so love your podcast) I only truly fall in love with one out of every 10 songs but MAN do I fall in love with that song. More of my favs!
Cameras at the Club
Lipgloss Tequila

Hey! Speaking of Falling in Love!
Favorite New Proof that 10,000 Miles MEANS NOTHING Ed explains it all here (which also wins the award for my "Favorite LJ Post Ever")...but I'll say this much: Neither one of us was looking for anything. Both had just had our hearts shattered literally days before we met. There were 10,100 things against us, including 10,000 of those being miles between Japan and Brooklyn...but winds up the miles are no match for the amount I have fallen for this boy. He's everything I've ever been looking for. More amazing and perfect for me than anyone I've ever met. Somehow more "there for me" than anyone, friend or boy, has ever been despite the fact he's 14 hours in the future. I truly truly fell in love this year. Already planning two trips to Japan to visit him...and who knows what will happen next november when he returns. I just know I'm happier than I've ever been and I have that fella to thank.

BEST OF 2009 (anticipated!)
Going to Japan in February!
Starting a Craft Vidcast with Annie and Liam! Called "DIYabolical: Craft Punk"!
Finding out what artist is going to illustrate my books!
Getting off my butt and doing the agent thing!
Reading the books of my writing teammates M & M!
Icecream! Man that stuff is amazing!

High fives to all and to all a good night.
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