Relationships (Dating and others) or "Why I am a Loner"

Oct 19, 2011 20:11

While I have been advised to forget the past or to let it go, it is the past that models us into the people we are, thus it is hard for me to do so. Given this I think it's most, if not all of the reason, that I have partial antisocial issues. I always have a feeling of inferiority to alot of people that I meet, including alot of you here that may be reading this. I don't mean this in a rude or ignorant (mean) way, but alot of the people I've met through the audio groups or other means are talented and successful artists in one way or another.

I also think that, due to events in the past, I have attachment issues in where when someone shows an interest in me, I become obsessive over them because I become fearful they'll leave and I'll be alone again. So it's a double-edged sword in this regard.

I want to do whatever people expect of me, but I find it difficult at times and I become frustrated, even angry. Take for instance my latest schooling as a medical assistant, all my other classmates complained that they were getting a B in a class when I was barely squeaking by on a D or C.

I know why I feel this way, but I do not know how to fix it. If I could fix these issues, I think it would help with my irritability and anger issues and relationship issues.

*sighs* forgive me late night frustrated ramblings please. I just needed to get this off my chest..........
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