[Fic] Listening (EXO smut prompts)

Aug 07, 2012 01:09

Title: Listening (EXO smut prompts)
Pairings: Lu Han/Kai, Kris/Tao, Chen/Chanyeol, Sehun/Kai (2), Lu Han/Kris, Xiumin/Lu Han, Kris/Chanyeol
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Sexual situations, language

Summary: Various smut prompts, see individual prompt for pairing/content. Prompts range from 800-3000 words.

Prompt: Lu Han and Kai


“I can’t stay long.”

He never could, was the problem. There was dark, and there was light, and when he materialized, it was to the taste of ash and and smell of ozone, and Lu Han always knew that Kai had been to see the others. He nurtured his powers in this place, but he wasn’t bound there, but he envied Kai his ability. Even if it was the ability that took him away.

But it also brought him.

Spheres dropped, forgotten as he dragged Kai in. Arm around his neck, puling Kai’s mouth to his. They didn’t have much time. They never had much time.

Kai’s hands were hot against the skin of his back, as though rending space caused impossible friction, and Lu Han moaned.

Kai couldn’t deny the urge to leave for long. He’d tried, once, sweating, pain written on every feature of his face. It had only taken the once for Lu Han to swear he would never ask again. The extra moments weren’t worth the memories of pain, leaving him ill and worried until Kai had returned days later with a smile. And those minutes had been filled with kisses and reassurances, and when Kai had left, Lu Han had been left to regret only the lack of Kai’s hands through his hair.

Once he had waited naked, unashamed. Only Kai would find him, and the way Kai’s mouth had dropped open, eyelids dropping to hide the hunger as Lu Han leaned back, and falling to his knees between Lu Han’s legs-

The day of waiting like that had been worth it.

It had been almost two weeks. He’d worried. He’d been alone, and he’d worried. And Kai moaned into his mouth like a starving man, pulling Lu Han into his body until the friction of their clothes was maddening.

He wanted Kai to push him against the wall, but the wall was too far. Too many precious seconds.

“Floor,” he said against Kai’s mouth, tugging on his collar to urge him. They needed leverage, and he needed Kai. Too long to wait, too long to risk, too long with nothing but his own hand, dreaming of Kai’s mouth.

He didn’t ask how long, seeing the desperation on Kai’s face. Kai was over him on the floor in a heartbeat, locked into his hips as white cloth rubbed black. But the cloth hid nothing, Kai hard against him, just as needy as he was. He wasn’t sure why, after all the time they’d had, that it soothed him. He fed on Kai’s moans as he nipped up the line of Kai’s neck. Bracing his feet on the floor and meeting Kai’s hips.

He wondered who would last longest. His heart was already beating out of control, and he cupped Kai’s face with both hands, staring at his mouth. Until Kai’s tongue slid out, quick, wetting it, and it was invitation. They were locked together, yin and yang, frantic rubbing and pleading moans. Kai’s pants slick, but nothing to the silky softness of his tongue, kisses where they became each other, struggling for air, for reason. To fit days of longing in the space of minutes

He wanted more time. He wanted hours to pin Kai to the floor and make him sweat and shudder, and draw out every shade of smile. He wanted Kai to be more than a shadow in a sphere that faded and left him cold.

What he got was a man hot to the touch, moaning his name.

“Kai. Kai.”

Kai shuddered and it was the first urge to leave, not the pleasure.

“Lu Han,” Kai demanded and their eyes locked. That gaze never wavered as Kai rocked quicker, the heat overwhelming his neck and face, breath backed up in his lungs even as Kai’s eyes closed, face almost pained with pleasure, but Kai didn’t stop moving, and Lu Han’s fingers dug into Kai’s shoulders as he came.

He had no idea what he said, only that when he opened his eyes again, Kai’s face was flushed and slightly damp, and there was regret behind the satisfaction. He had to go. But they’d had enough time, that time. Kai bumped his hips down one last time, almost a toast to what they’d accomplished, and he laughed on an exhale. Of course, they’d both come inside their clothes, and there was no time to help.

“Sorry, your pants.”

Kai shrugged. “Suho will give me a place to clean them. I hope-“

To see you soon. They never said it, but Lu Han nodded, and tried to keep breathing evenly. They knew without saying.

“Be safe.”

Kai touched his face, smiled, and was gone.

Luhan let his head fall back against the floor, knee waggling in the air. And with one hand, he urged the spheres up. Staring into the crystal brightness, he was smiling too. He knew it would be soon.


Prompt: Tao/Kris~~ A college AU, Tao does gymnastics


The bed groaned under them as they rolled, only the wall keeping them from endless movement. Tao smirked, happy to have found himself on top. But Kris slid his hands up inside Tao’s shirt, up the warm skin of his back.

Even Tao’s sighs sounded like pleas.


The first time he saw Tao, wasn’t the first time they met. He’d been meeting Sehun, intending only to wait long enough for Sehun to spot him, so they could go.

But he’d gotten distracted watching a man being hoisted up to a high bar. He’d obviously seen people doing gymnastics before, but his first thought had been wondering if it was some kind of pull ups. But obviously not. Momentum, strength, carrying the man to swinging around the pole. Body twisting, legs tucked, or spread, or straight. Body impossibly straight atop the bar, twirling and letting go as Kris gaped and the man’s arms strained.

“He’s amazing,” Sehun said beside him, startling him. “Oh, watch his dismount. He’s been working on it.”

Faster around the bar, twirls in the air, and a landing on soft pads with a steadying backward step.

Sehun sighed beside him. “Yeah, he’s good. He’s really gotten better at that.”

He swallowed as the man stepped up to talk to his coach, arms still temptingly bare, and just verging on sweaty.

“Yeah,” Kris said, clearing his throat.

Sehun eyed him, and nudged him to the door. “And just your type, too? Huh. I never thought about that. I don’t know if he’s into guys, but I could check. Look at you, getting it on with the underclassmen.”

Kris scoffed, not really believing that Sehun would do that. Still, he didn’t protest. He knew Sehun well enough that he wouldn’t approach this Tao and embarrass Kris to get the information.


“He told me he was going to try and set me up with one of his friends.”

Kris stared. “He didn’t.”

His eyes sparkling,Tao’s lips pressed together, almost trembling as he tried not to smirk and failed. But they gave when Kris kissed him.


Tao ate lunch with them, three days later. Kris had just stretched his legs out, intending to keep Sehun company and maybe do a little studying, when a soft voice from behind him made him jump.

“Hey, I found you.”

You, meaning Sehun, Kris realized when he turned and took that special second to recognize Tao. Though he was almost embarrassed at himself that it didn’t quite click when he was looking at Tao’s face - but when he got a glimpse of Tao’s arms beneath the short-sleeved shirt.

“Hey!” Sehun said, grinning. “What’d you get to eat?”

Kris banged both his knees getting his legs back on his side of the table, and wished they’d been Sehun’s knees instead. Sehun was acting totally unconcerned, as though he hadn’t just sprung an unexpected meeting on Kris. He had to force himself not to reach up and smooth his hair. At least he wasn’t wearing some scuzzy shirt. Not that it even mattered, he thought at first. Though, he wondered if Sehun would have even invited Tao without the possibility. The fact that Tao was there, meant Tao was almost certainly gay, because Sehun wasn’t sadistic enough to introduce them only to snatch Tao back like a toy Sehun decided Kris couldn’t play with.

Not that Tao was a toy, but sitting right there in front of him, smiling at him while Sehun made his introductions, he was more than Kris could’ve imagined, having watched him from across a room.

“This is my friend, Kris,” Sehun said. “He looks scary, but he doesn’t bite.”

Kris glared, while Sehun mouthed, unless you want him to.

Tao, it seemed, was cute. Reaching out a hand, and then looking almost surprised when Kris offered one in return.

His exact thought process had gone from: fuck, that body. To: how did he get a face like that. To: his smile is melting my brain.

Luckily Sehun didn’t casually bring up the fact that Kris had seen Tao at practice, any lust he might have been aware of, or anything to do with dating at all. Instead they had a very normal, school-and-classes bitching session over their lunch, in which he got to learn the cadence of Tao’s speech. Opening up a bit from being quiet right at first, to laughing.

Maybe it was the eyes, or the earrings, or the crooked grin, and kitten smirk.

He was sunk, and he hadn’t even hit bottom. He hadn’t had a guy hit him on that many levels since he’d gotten to college. Maybe on a couple of them, but not such an instant K.O. that-

Tao got up to throw everyone’s trash away, and Kris slumped back. Even his ass was fantastic.

“Does the real thing compare to your fantasies?” Sehun asked, sneaking the question in past Kris’s defenses.

Whatever the sound was that he made, it made Sehun laugh.

“It was really nice meeting you,” Tao said before he left.

It had been.


At first he thought the panning light was lying to him, sweeping past Tao’s face, but when it did it again, he saw for sure. Tao’s temples glistening with sweat, eyes lined with dark eyeliner. His smile had flashed at someone Kris couldn’t see, and he’d turned, catching sight of Kris in the crowd.

He’d tried to make his face move from something too close to hunger, to something neutral. Something that wouldn’t give him away.

Tao’s arms gleamed.


“He thinks you look like you’d be nice to kiss,” Sehun said one afternoon, making Kris stop with a chip halfway to his mouth. “And no, I didn’t ask him what he thought. He volunteered.”

“Kiss,” Kris repeated, because that was the only word he’d come away with.

Sehun smiled, one of the faint smiles that let Kris know he was being indulged by someone he should’ve been indulging.

“So, go for it. I think he wanted me to see if you were interested, and you are, so. I can’t just be your go-between.”

He threw his empty chip bag at Sehun’s head, and knew he’d have to figure out what to do.

Of course, in the next two weeks, he had begun to wonder if the campus was twice as small as he’d previously thought. That, or he’d been passing Tao several times a week without having ever known it, because he saw a dark head sticking out above the rest of the students far more than he’d been anticipating. Sure, hoping for the accidental meeting like bumping into each other at the library or getting food.

Three times in a matter of days was too much. The first, they’d been passing each other between classes, him looking up just in time to meet Tao’s eagle-sharp eyes. They’d waved, and Kris had spent the rest of the day feeling incredulous.

The second, Tao ate with them again, though Sehun had sworn he hadn’t invited him.

The third, he’d had to move out of the way of some students going in to eat, only to nearly back into Tao, and Tao’s instantaneous shy grin.

For a moment he wondered if Sehun had a tracking tag put into his backpack.

He missed his next class, too wrapped up in Tao’s stories after they’d edged onto an empty bench, the buzz under his rib cage almost overwhelming.


They needed a bigger bed, Tao kneeing his thigh, and murmuring until Kris turned over to give Tao more space.

But maybe they didn’t, because he never slept as good as the nights Tao was pressed against him.


Kris knew Tao would be at the party, because Sehun had let him know. He’d let him know on two fronts, one so Kris could be prepared - mentally and with appropriate clothes - and so that Kris would actually show up instead of crashing with his laptop. It was one of those campus events that most everyone ended up at if they either had a reason or nothing to do. Sehun was Kris’s reason, and probably Tao on the other end of it.

“When I asked Tao if he was going, he asked me if you were,” Sehun muttered as they joined the line to go in. “I need to get new friends who talk to me about something else but each other.

But the party itself was packed, loud, moving. Food arranged by whatever student group putting it on, music pumping, space set aside for dancing. He had a drink, something too sweet and not nearly enough alcohol, moved on to people-watching.


He wanted to see what Tao turned up wearing, what he looked like in the lights. He wanted that for a number of reasons. No matter how many times Sehun told him he should just ask Tao out.

He had it sort of planned, was the deal. Get Tao a drink at the party, see how that went. He didn’t really care if he had to drag Tao onto the dance floor to get him alone- not a great option for showing off his skill set - but if he had to, then he would. Because getting Tao alone was key to asking him if he wanted to meet for lunch. Just them, no Sehun. Pre-date, or the first date, he didn’t really care.

He didn’t want to fall into some kind of big brother role before he had the option of trying for boyfriend. And the only way to know if Tao was absolutely interested besides offhand comments, was to ask.

He didn’t need a go-between.

But he did want Tao.

They were there for fifteen minutes before his eyes caught something shining. Some kind of necklace, in the drooping front of the tank top. The tank top, he noted, that was slightly shimmering, dark and body-hugging, and made Kris imagine every bit of flesh under his hands. He couldn’t see Tao’s pants, but short of them being made of fire, he knew he was going to have a hard time concentrating on anything but Tao’s face and shoulders.

But keeping his face neutral when Tao spotted him, was impossible.

When he caught the shimmer of Tao’s pants - something slick and tight - and then Tao’s smile.

“You came,” Tao almost sang at him, planting a forearm on Kris’s shoulder like it belonged there.

No, but right then he sure wanted to. But not what Tao was meaning.

“I did. I-“

“Have you danced?”

“No, but I don’t-“

Tao wasn’t good at listening, right then. Maybe because it was too loud, and Tao had already spun away, hauling him along. It wasn’t like they had far to go, maybe ten, fifteen feet to get off the edges.

“I’ve been waiting for this,” Tao said into his ear. Almost at eye level with him, and impossibly good looking.

He didn’t know if Tao meant he’d been waiting to dance, or waiting to dance with Kris. It didn’t really matter, because his hands were on Tao’s sides to keep from falling over as people jostled around them, and it was exactly where he wanted to be.

“I’ll get you a drink after,” he promised, and felt Tao nod. “But I have to warn you, I don’t dance.”

In privacy, maybe, and to the amusement of his friends. Not in front of, or against, many guys he wanted to sleep with.

“I’ll teach you,” Tao told him.

But what he didn’t know that teaching equaled seduction. The pulse of the bass, and Tao’s knee tapping his. They switched, his hands on Tao’s shoulders, Tao’s on his hips. It wasn’t hot enough to sweat, but almost. It was nerves that fueled him, not eat. Poking Tao’s side for a reaction, Tao’s laughter.

The way Tao licked his lips and slid behind Kris, with an arm around Kris’s ribs, and a hand on his hip, and moved him. He regretted not having something to grind up against, but Tao did. Tao had him, and there was no mistaking it. He turned his head, brushing Tao’s where his chin was rubbing against the top of Kris’s shoulder.

He could play it safe and ask for lunch.

He turned.

“I watched you practice once,” Kris said against Tao’s ear.

Tao stopped dead in the middle of the dance floor. “Really?”

“Really. The high bar. You looked good.”

Tao pulled back, eyes wide. “Good? Or good?”

He let his eyes flick down, a none-too-subtle flirt. “Both.”

He nearly had felt the need to laugh it off when it seemed like all the air left Tao’s body. He gripped Kris’s arms, more serious than Kris had ever seen.

“Come back to my room with me?”

Kris didn’t bother to look and see where Sehun was, nor did he care who saw them leave.

He was only focused on Tao’s hand tight around his.


The air was cold, and they half ran toward Tao’s building. A five minute walk, Tao said, and they made it in three. He was vibrating inside, and Tao was rubbing his own arms as they rode up the elevator. Three doors away, Tao’s dorm.

“Will your friends miss you?” he asked, and let his hand rub a circle in Tao’s lower back.

Tao nearly dropped his keys. “No. No, they knew I-“


“I was only going to see you. There,” Tao said, and the door swung open.

Going to see him. And taking him home.

The door locked behind them, shoes abandoned. And Kris wondered if he’d read it wrong, if Tao had only invited him to watch TV, have a drink. But Tao pivoted, lean gymnast’s body urging Kris ahead of him. Sure in his more virulent fantasies, he’d imagined just what Tao’s body could do. Muscles, angles, fascinating arms, and tempting thighs.

If he could swing around a bar in the air without looking like it was a problem, he could get up to a few things in bed.

But it wasn’t just…that.

Tao’s eyes tipped closed as Kris leaned in, lips pressing back against Kris’s without hesitation. He would’ve let the kiss stand on its own, pulling back to see. But Tao was having none of it, backing him against the mattress and eagerly nuzzling in for another kiss. No waiting then, no wondering. They’d left for the reason Kris thought they had, and he kneaded Tao’s hips.

“Bed?” he asked, and Tao almost moaned his agreement. He didn’t mean sex, as much as he needed Tao against him. The doorframe was too far away, and the only other option was horizontal. He didn’t know what color the bedspread was, only that Tao scrambled after him, thigh sliding between his, even as Kris’s tongue slid between Tao’s lips. Tao gave him nothing, urging him, taking. It’d been too long since he’d been in bed with a man who wanted that eagerly.

Tao whimpered, nibbling at Kris’s jaw, pressing kisses down his neck. And his voice was rough.

“Sehun was trying to set us up?”

“Yes,” Kris said, and kept Tao from talking with his mouth. Clinging kisses that had Tao sighing, and then almost growling, rolling Kris over.

“Let me,” Tao said, and Kris wasn’t in the mood to argue as Tao rocked into his hips. And he watched with held breath as Tao’s tank top was lifted, and discarded. Nothing obstructing that torso from him but the single hexagonal pendant.

“Fuck,” he muttered, trying to figure out just how long it’d take him to lick every inch of exposed skin.

But Tao was ahead of him. Skin gleaming, eyes darting between Kris’s face, and his hips, where Tao was undoing Kris’s pants. If he’d taken off his shirt to hammer Kris into submission, he’d succeeded. He had to swallow against his suddenly dry mouth, half choking as he lifted his hips so Tao could shove cloth out of his way.

Getting blown hadn’t been how he’d expected to end his evening. But he’d have to be the biggest idiot on the planet to refuse, looking down the bed at a man with impossible thighs and cautious breathing. And the sound of the condom packet getting torn. His whole body twitched, making Tao laugh. The sound soft, but his eyes determined.

There wasn’t any doubt between them what the other wanted. And there wasn’t any point in delaying. Even if it meant trying not to burn up against the pillow as Tao rolled the condom onto him, and licked delicately.

He wondered how long it’d been since Tao had gotten laid. How often he took men home to blow them.

“I haven’t dated anyone in almost a year,” Kris said, and regretted it immediately when Tao’s head lifted, mouth leaving him.

He watched Tao lick his lips and thought of all the places he’d rather they be. His cock. His mouth. If he wasn’t aching for them, he’d probably have liked watching Tao lick his lips all day.

“I haven’t really dated since I got here,” Tao said, his thumb making maddening strokes along Kris’s erection. “I went out a few times, but.”

A one-shouldered shrug told Kris what he’d thought of that. Not much.

“Why me?” He really didn’t care as long as Tao kept touching him. All he was doing was distracting Tao. What if Tao stopped and he had to go home like that.

“You were nice,” Tao said, and his head ducked, as though he were embarrassed by what he had to say next. “I wanted to kiss you.”

He’d let Tao kiss him all day, no complaints. And the thing was, the sweet thing was, he knew Tao meant kissing his mouth, and not the wicked things he was doing with his lips right then.

And he groaned as Tao’s head lifted again, staring up at Kris with surprise.

“You want to date me?”

Fuck. Fuck his life. He pushed up, cupping Tao’s chin and kissing him hard. Kissing him until they were both moaning, his hand greedy on Tao’s back.

He puffed against Tao’s mouth, affection trumping lust for all of a heartbeat. “I was going to ask you out to lunch tonight.”

Tao swallowed, his eyes huge and so darkly lined that it was like they had no end.

“Okay. Tomorrow?”

He nodded in time with Tao’s hand, sliding up and down his erection. Tao hadn’t forgotten that. Hell, he hadn’t forgotten that.

“Tomorrow,” he agreed, and fell back first onto his elbows, and then to the pillow again as Tao took him deep, quick.

They were going on a date. That was great. That was fantastic. And he shuddered as he came between Tao’s lips.

He made some kind of incoherent sound minutes later when Tao was pressing kisses to his cheek.

“You can dance,” Tao assured him.

Well enough to make Tao want him. Or maybe it’d been enough for Tao to know that Kris wanted him. Either way.

“You have another condom?”

“Yes- Kris!”

And Tao laughed as Kris rolled him over.


Tao found him immediately after practice, Kris having stayed to watch. Fascinating and torturous all at once. Tao smirked from where his chin was on Kris’s shoulder.

“So, did you know Sehun has a crush?”

Considering how Sehun had helped them… Kris just grinned.


Prompt: Chen / Chanyeol prompt: you have to stop wearing those tight pants -Chanyeol


The thing was, Chanyeol had a hard time keeping his hands off people he dated. Or people in general, really, but especially people he dated. Not always in a dirty way, either. He liked the cuddles, and the hand-holding, and the kisses, and draping over them in bed. He’d never actually dated someone taller than he was, so the draping thing was kind of a given.

But Chen had other ideas, pressing kisses to the back of Chanyeol’s neck and worming against him. Second date had ended inside the door of Chen’s apartment, ass on a flip flop, hands up Chen’s shirt, and Chen most of the way into his lap.

He’d kept himself from whining overly much, because it’d been his own choice to leave. He wasn’t sure he’d have had to plead much to stay, the way Chen had been looking at him from under his lashes. Maybe it’d been Chen’s jaw, or his cheekbones, or that smiling mouth that’d drawn him. Or the way he made Chanyeol laugh.

Chen had been the one the go for the first kiss, pulling away with hope and a smile. Chen had been the one to undo Chanyeol’s pants and coax his moans. And it went back to the fact that Chanyeol loved to touch. Chen let him wrap a hand at his waist, wrap their fingers together, arch his neck so that Chanyeol could kiss along it. And Chen wasn’t afraid to do what he wanted, chin set and daring until Chanyeol ached for him.

Chen’s amusement was greater than his, when Chen had wriggled their hips close and lined them up for a quick and dirty comparison.

“How am I bigger than you, when I’m so much shorter?” Chen asked, his voice almost trembling.

“Not that much bigger,” Chanyeol shot back, his manhood called into question not really at all. But his grin was wicked. “Besides, you had to be compensated somehow.“

Sometimes he wondered, when Chen’s eyes went from soft, to amused, to wicked. The cries that tore from Chen’s throat, the way his face tensed, grimaced as Chanyeol teased.

And the way Chen teased him, as they came back from a movie date, full of food from a street vendor and Chen all but waggling his body as they rode the elevator up to Chanyeol’s apartment.

“You have to stop wearing those tight pants,” Chanyeol mused, leaned back against the elevator wall and watching Chen’s ass and thighs as he shifted.

He said it in the deepest register he could without straining, knowing exactly what that did to Chen. Maybe it got him a lot of incredulous stares from other people, but there were plenty of times he didn’t regret his voice. Like right then, the way Chen mouth dropped open, and the look in his eyes.

“Not when it gets you to talk to me like that,” Chen said.

His lips firmed, the grin unstoppable.

“You think I’ll be getting in them tonight?”

The look Chen sent him out of the corner of his eye as he walked out of the elevator nearly had Chanyeol weak in the knees. They both knew what that meant, absolutely. He would’ve followed Chen to a dirty basement, or the roof, or some dark alley, if it meant getting what he wanted.

Chen’s jacket was tossed over the back of one of his chairs and Chanyeol’s followed it. He’d let them in, but Chen was leading. Comfortable, confident in Chanyeol’s apartment like he belonged. Like a fixture there. Though they’d romped naked through it often enough that if he hadn’t felt comfortable, Chanyeol would’ve wondered why. He’d woken more than a few times to find Chen sprawled in his living room in nothing but a good morning smile.

When they had time, when it was slow kisses, and Chen wound around him. Like then, rumbles in his throat as Chen kissed him, and his hands pushing Chen’s tight and tempting pants off of his hips.

“No underwear?” Chanyeol asked, swallowing hard and his mouth brushing Chen’s.

“Just the way you like it,” Chen teased.

But he shuddered as Chen’s fingers scraped down his back, and he pushed Chen back onto the bed, pulling at his pants and getting them the rest of the way off.

“What do you want?”

“You,” Chanyeol told him. Leaving his own pants on the floor, crawling over Chen’s body and rolling with him. He moaned as Chen licked his throat, grabbing at the bag that hung just for them. And Chanyeol was flat on his back, panting as Chen smiled down at him.

Chanyeol liked to touch.

Chen liked control. Liked to cup it in his palm like a tiny beating heart, as he straddled Chanyeol’s hips and rolled a condom onto him, and then sank his body down onto Chanyeol’s.

It wasn’t that Chanyeol felt helpless, he was mesmerized. Trying to steady Chen’s hips, to work his own up quicker. The moans, the wet of Chen’s chest as he labored. The way he let Chanyeol lift him, as he stroked himself until he came over Chanyeol’s stomach.

The way he moved until Chanyeol’s control shattered.

The way he curled into Chen’s body, kissed him, and slept deep, dreamless, against him.

So yeah, Chen had been compensated well. They’d been going out a couple of weeks the first time he’d sucked Chen off, and he’d liked the feel of him between his lips, trying to swallow him even if he hadn’t succeeded. He’d liked the feel of Chen rubbing up against his stomach when he’d taken Chen against the wall two days later. He’d liked it a week after that, when Chen had gotten him on his knees in the shower and, braced over his back, had taken him hard.

They’d both been really satisfied by that.

And Chen had, at times, with his hands on Chanyeol’s hips, or urgent in his hair, teased, “How’s that for compensation?”

It was Chanyeol’s pleasure to moan.


Prompt: Sekai - prompt: Kai and Sehun have been studying all day for finals and now Kai wants to let loose (smut please).


He could feel Kai’s eyes on him. That wasn’t too unusual when they were studying, because Kai sometimes had a hard time focusing on what he was doing. Especially when there was someone in kicking distance, which in the dorm room they shared, usually meant him.

Or fucking distance. Though to Sehun’s knowledge, he was the only one who got the brunt of Kai’s attention that way. He wanted to keep it that way. But they were roommates. That was all.

“I’m studying,” he said, his voice bland and he hoped calming, trying to head Kai off before he got ideas.

“Sehun. The only way you’re not passing that exam is if you don’t show up,” Kai said, and then actually kicked at him before scooting closer on the floor.

He did his best to stay concentrated, hoping Kai would follow, when a hand snuck up under his shirt. Kai knew how sensitive his stomach was, and he huffed, as Kai’s finger swept in a ring around his belly button, dipping in to tease.

“You’re the one that needs to study,” Sehun told him. “Your final is-“

And his words stopped on an inhale as Kai’s fingers dropped lower.

“Come on. You know you had a good time trying to study when I was blowing you during midterms.”

“I didn’t learn anything,” Sehun pointed out. Not just because of Kai’s mouth, and Kai’s probing fingers. But the sounds he’d made, and the eye contact. Though the eye contact had come after Sehun had lifted the book that had been blocking him after Kai had moaned several times in succession. And when he had, it had been to Kai smiling around him and innocently blinking. Gotcha.

There’d been no point in trying to read after that, not until Kai had finished with him.

And given Kai’s restlessness, there wasn’t much point right then, either.

He twisted his head, pressing his lips to Kai’s throat, his weakest point.


“Fine,” Kai said, and stood.

Fine was Kai’s arms, in his tank top, and then his back as the shirt fell to the floor.

They’d done plenty on the floor, but Kai rolled onto Sehun’s bed, naked. The better to leave the mess for Sehun to clean up. Sehun saw right through that as he kicked off his shorts.

Kai, who greeted him with a wicked mouth, and hand already slick with lube.

“Why are you so horny today?”

“Books. I love them,” Kai deadpanned, licking Sehun’s cheek and sticking a condom packet to it, before kissing him again Not where it’d end up, but it made Kai laugh, which made Sehun laugh. And then he squeezed a moan out of him, as he made sure Kai was every bit as hard as he was.

He knew just what it felt like, the give of Kai’s body. But somehow it was different every time. Watching Kai’s face, the way Kai licked his lips and breathed.

“Yeah, Sehun,” Kai moaned, urging him to continue.

Though the thought was irony, as he wiggled and slid closer. “We could be studying.”

“That’s rude. You know you wanted to fuck me,” Kai said, getting his thighs more firmly around Sehun.

Yeah. Yeah, he did. He was so hard it was almost stupid, watching Kai’s face with his eyes alight and mouth smirky. Again, that pang.

“You need to get a boyfriend,” he muttered.

“I already have one,” Kai said, and Sehun’s stomach twisted. “Though I guess he doesn’t think much of that, the way he’s scowling at me.”

Sehun blinked, stilling.

“Yeah, you. I could be better than those little girls you study with,” Kai said.

“They’re classmates!”

“And at least a couple of them want into your pants. Trust me.”

And what he said, he said to Kai’s collarbones. “I don’t want in theirs.”

And all he heard was Kai breathing, as he began to slide, in and out.

Kai’s stomach trembling, erection curved against it. Little moans as Sehun steadied himself, and tried not to come too soon.

“You and me, then,” Kai said, grabbing Sehun’s face with both hands and all but forcing him to look at him.

Every shred of lust, every molecule of attraction that he’d ever had for Kai. Every hint of despair, and jolt of jealousy, right then tangled and solidified. The affection, the exasperation, the need. And he realized, those times Kai had been prodding at him about other people, making him scowl into his books and swear they’d never touch each other again, that Kai had been pushing him to see if he was liked, to prod at Sehun’s feelings.

“You’re an ass,” he growled, and Kai laughed.

“You would know, you’re in it,” Kai told him.

Kai wanted him. Kai thought of him. Kai was his. Kai, his boyfriend. It made his body shudder.

“No one else,” Sehun said.

“No one since you,” Kai countered.

By his own admission, Kai was his.

And they were proving it to each other, every touch, every kiss. He’d known Kai to be wild, demanding, tender. But right then, he was ferocious, as though he needed Sehun to believe him, as though his words weren’t enough, and there were things unsaid. And it wasn’t just to make Sehun lose control. It was the drag of Kai’s lips over his skin, and the way he soothed through Sehun’s hair, and the way he met Sehun’s mouth.

And Kai moaned his name. Just his name.

“You’re the only one I want,” he said, his voice rough, mouth against Kai’s ear.

And Kai came over his hand.

It took little longer before he gave to Kai’s body, meeting Kai’s dark and sated eyes. Coming. Mine. Mine. Mine. Kai.

And they were sweaty, panting, and curled together. The mattress giving to both their weight. And Kai seemed oddly still, satisfied.

“We’ll kick ass on the tests. Then a movie?” Kai said, voice just a hint sleepy.

Sehun turned his face into Kai’s hand, and agreed.


Prompt: Sehun has a vibrator on but Kai walks in the room to find him. Kai helps Sehun finish.


Kai swallowed hard. He was barely breathing, watching Sehun’s chest rise and fall. He’d heard sounds. He had suspicions. He knew how to unlock the door almost silently, and knew what’d happen if he failed to be quiet.

Or even if he didn’t.

Sehun was hard, hand taking quick, sure pulls on his cock like he was getting close. His laptop was beside him, a single earbud in his ear. Porn, Kai assumed. They all had it, even if they didn’t talk about it. Eyes closed, which was why Kai saw anything at all.

And there was the hum.

Sehun jerked as the door clicked closed, half knocking his laptop over him as he flipped the blanket.

“The door was locked!” Sehun said. “Joon-“

“He’s not here.” Which was why Kai felt he could snoop. They wouldn’t be interrupted for hours.

But he still locked the door behind him.

“I’m busy!”

The strain in Sehun’s voice, the way he wouldn’t look at Kai at all. Embarrassment.

“I know. Let me help.”


And Sehun did look at him then, in almost panic, panic that got sharper when he realized how close Kai had gotten. The humming had grown the closer he got, and Sehun reached to try and block his hand. He blocked Sehun’s instead, grabbing down the blanket as Sehun shouted. And he saw why Sehun hadn’t leaped up, left. The vibrating toy inside him.

“Where did you get this?” he asked, and Sehun twitched as he touched it.

Sehun made a strangled sound which Kai interpreted as, Do you have no shame?

No, he didn’t. They’d barely even started together, the one night they’d both gotten tipsy. They’d made out until Sehun had fallen asleep, and then they’d never brought it up again. So yeah, Kai had no shame. He’d been waiting.

“Can I help you?” Kai asked, before biting his lip. The color was still high on Sehun’s face, but he closed the laptop, and tossed aside his earphones.

When need trumped embarrassment.

Then Sehun was licking his lips and giving Kai all other kinds of ideas.

“I didn’t think you wanted…” Sehun faltered.

Kai gently traced the pad of his thumb up Sehun’s twitching, if somewhat softened, erection.

“I wanted.”

And Sehun’s hands fisted in the sheets as Kai wrapped his fingers around the vibrator and pulled. The strangled sound from Sehun’s lips as the buzz grew louder, and softer, and louder, as he moved it, buried it deep, using it to fuck Sehun.

“You’d let me do this?” Kai asked, and Sehun nodded, whimpering. He wanted more of those sounds. Knees on the bed between Sehun’s legs, elbow planted so he could keep the vibrating toy’s steady slide. And he placed lingering licks, wettest kisses, up Sehun’s cock.

“Please,” Sehun said. And then slid his hand into Kai’s hair, as Kai’s question hit him. “You could. If you let me.”

He had to keep himself from rutting against the bed at the thought of Sehun pinning him down, teasing Sehun even from beneath him. He already knew what Sehun’s mouth felt like, but he knew then that Sehun would let him moan against it.

Sometimes sneaking paid off.

How hard Sehun was, the toy, Kai’s mouth, his hand. Harder than he had been to start with by far, and straining for every bit of contact. Sehun whispering his name, long fingers roughly kneading at Kai’s head. That’d be in his mind every time they were across from each other, every time Sehun smirked at him.

His fingertips were numb from the toy’s vibration, and he could taste Sehun’s desperation.

He pressed sucking kisses to Sehun’s stomach, skin already wet and trembling.

“You want to come in my mouth?”

Sehun licked his lips, pupils huge and shaking his head as though he couldn’t believe what Kai had just asked.

He imagined Sehun’s body tightening around him, and growled again. Not nearly enough friction for himself, still trapped in his pants. But it was Sehun. He’d get paid back, and he wouldn’t even have to beg. He’d wanted that. Not just as a horny teenager needing someone to get off with. But the way Sehun had cupped his face, the honesty there.

He’d been a coward.

They didn’t have many other choices, that was true. But they did have the choice to pick each other.

Sehun bucked into his mouth, the moan low and wrenching, and Kai forced down the grin. Letting his lips speak, the drag of them. The swirl of his tongue as Sehun’s body throbbed for him.

He let himself glance up, Sehun’s flushed face, his closed eyes. But it was too hard, and he couldn’t hold it. He’d watch Sehun come for him, but another time. Right then, his eyes close, and his hand moved nearly as fast as the vibrator teasing Sehun inside.


He heard Sehun’s orgasm before he felt it. The low whine that built up, the stiffening of his body, the shudder of something just contained. And the shout, as Sehun thrust up into his mouth and came for him. Letting the taste of Sehun coat his tongue, until the pumping of his hips slowed.

And Sehun shuddered as Kai found the off switch, quieting the toy that was still inside him.

He clambered up the bed on stiff knees, his pants still far too tight. Sehun was still breathing deeply, neck damp. And Kai kissed him there, impatient right down to his toes.

“Better than you getting off alone?” he asked, poking Sehun’s cheek, and watching again, fascinated, at the peek of Sehun’s tongue.

“I won’t be able to walk for a week. My thighs hurt,” Sehun half whispered, complaints that made Kai grin.

Both of Sehun’s arms wrapped around him, the action so sweet that for a second he forgot why he was there.

“You’re not going to fall asleep?” he asked against Sehun’s jaw.

Two of Sehun’s fingers slid teasingly under his waistband. And Kai smiled.


Prompt: Luhan seeks comfort in Kris after feeling homesick for China.


Lu Han got snappy. That was how Kris knew something was wrong at first. He didn’t even hear what was said, but that Jondae’s eyes went wide, and his face unnaturally still. It was only restraint that had him snapping back at Lu Han’s scowl, and Kris intervened before anything else could be said.

“Let’s just… Lu Han?”

Lu Han’s eyes closed, and it wasn’t irritation or even anger than Kris saw there. It had his mouth thinning, resting a hand on Jongdae’s shoulder who nodded, smiled, to let him know he was okay.

“Give us a while. Stay in with Yixing tonight if you need to,” Kris said.

Jongdae knew. They all had their moments, and he was glad that at least he didn’t have to find out what was going on in Lu Han’s head, and soothe Jongdae at the same time. Lu Han walked ahead ahead of him, not like a child going to the principal’s office, but resolute all the same. Kris locked the door of his room behind them, guiding Lu Han further in. Intending to sit, though Lu Han wheeled around, faced him.

“Ugh,” Lu Han said, pushing against Kris’s chest. Not because he wanted him to move, but because he knew he wasn’t going to push Kris over. “I wasn’t even upset with him. Everything just. Ugh.”

“I know.”

“I should go apologize-“

“He knows,” Kris said, gripping Lu Han’s arm a little harder. “You can later. What’s up, though?”

They had all seen everyone’s moods. Highest elation, sadness, anger. Each one elicited something totally different. Lu Han’s emotions just leeched out of him. It wasn’t hard to see when he was happy, excited. Lifting their mood almost effortlessly. But Kris wasn’t sure what he was feeling right then, waves of frustration almost leaping off of him.

“I haven’t been sleeping well. I don’t know. I don’t usually get homesick like this. Even when I was studying-“

“Something going on at home?”

Kris sat on the edge of his bed, and just prepared to listen.

“My mom sent me a letter. Nothing bad. And you’re going to remind me that I’m not alone. That I can talk to you.”

“Or any of us,” Kris said, shrugging a shoulder. “It’s not easy opening up. Not great to hold it in.”

And Kris knew. His family was further away than any of them, but he’d gotten through years of being okay only to be swamped with feelings, just by learning what helped him. Maybe it was someone to talk to, or something to touch.

“I should’ve grabbed you earlier. I just thought I could do it myself. No one does comfort like…you.”

Lu Han’s finger poked into the hollow of Kris’s shoulder, and Kris’s mouth twitched. Yeah. One of the things that’d helped him get through some bad times. One of the people.

He rested back on the bed, feeling Lu Han climb beside him. For a moment he tensed, as though Lu Han was going to hug him. It would’ve been welcome, unusual but welcome. The one time that had happened they’d-

And that wasn’t what Lu Han wanted from him. Lu Han who curled on his right side, and pulled Kris after. He could count on one hand the times they’d locked together on the bed. Half the time he couldn’t even see Lu Han’s expressions, his face to the wall. But what he did know was that his body naturally fit against Lu Han.

And when Kris’s hand cupped the front of Lu Han’s pants, Lu Han’s hips shifted to allow him closer.

It had been Lu Han that had started it.

He’d thought Lu Han needed the closeness, wanted to be held. He’d breathed in Lu Han’s shampoo and felt oddly comforted himself.

Lu Han had almost whimpered, and Kris had stilled. Perhaps too much cuddling wasn’t a good thing.

“I had a really good friend at home that liked to do this,” Lu Han said, his voice hushed. “He always want to…”


It was bold, unexpected, but not unwelcome. Lu Han’s hand that grabbed his, moved it so that he could feel how hard Lu Han was. And there was a held breath, as tough Lu Han was waiting to be shoved away, and Kris was wondering what he should do.

He wanted it. Lu Han gasped, and Kris squeezed him through his pants.

“Like this?”

His friend had liked jerking him off, it seemed. Lu Han’s panting breaths. Touches at first through cloth, and then skin to skin. The hadn’t done it much, but they had done it. Sometimes Lu Han would look up at him, some note of sadness in his eyes, and Kris damned himself just wanting the contact.

He wasn’t sure how it helped Lu Han. If it was the touch, or being taken back to something he had done at home, or the orgasm. Lu Han had never touched him, usually sleeping or wandering back to his own bed.

He was used to getting off alone.

But things had changed, after the second, third time. He’d learned what made Lu Han make tiny desperate noises in his throat, from something as simple as the brush of lips against his neck, or an exhale beneath his ear. He could hear it, and he could feel it, the way Lu Han tried to thrust into his hand. They’d gotten better. Not quicker, because, with his hand slick like it was then, he liked the feel of Lu Han in his hand. His hand was big, but Lu Han fit nicely, thick and solid.

Lu Han moaned, the sound half-verbalized as Kris wet his lips and pressed them to Lu Han’s ear lobe. “You don’t give comfort like this to anyone else, do you?”

“I’d be a bad leader if I did that,” Kris murmured. “No. Only you.”

He wanted to ask if Lu Han wanted to hear that, or if it turned him on to imagine Kris with anyone else. He didn’t dare ask if Lu Han sought comfort elsewhere, the thought a bitter swallow.

Lu Han grabbed his wrist, at first not impeding him but then slowing him.

“You my friend, who used to do this with me?”

“Yeah,” Kris said, against Lu Han’s hair, as Lu Han squeezed his arm a little tighter.

“He wasn’t just a friend.”

Kris’s mouth opened, but no sound came out. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to ask. Whether that meant that Lu Han had dated men, if he was only attracted to men, if that meant he was attracted to Kris. And he wasn’t sure if any of those answers would answer the biggest question, one he didn’t even know how to put into words.

Lu Han sighed. “I just said that so you didn’t think I was-“

“Yeah. It’s okay.”

“No. It’s not. The night we made out, you apologized like you were pushing me. But you weren’t.”

“Lu Han.”

Kris needed to see his face. The riddles were too much. Lu Han’s head turned, his eyes direct and steady. There was no shame in them. Uncertainty, maybe. But they slid from Kris’s eyes, to his mouth. It was proof how shocked he was, his eyes slamming closed as Lu Han kissed him. The moan reverberating against his lips as Lu Han clamped hard on his arm. It was a hard kiss, and smacked of desperation as though Kris would pull away, avoid him.

But he was the one who stroked Lu Han’s body, making him gasp. He was the one who pressed harder, parting Lu Han’s mouth and teasing Lu Han’s tongue with his own. And those moans were now his, caused by him, given to him. Lu Han abandoning Kris’s arm to bring his hand to Kris’s face. One need, another, the meshing of lips and Lu Han’s scent, and the glimpses of his eyes, dark, needing.

He didn’t know how close Lu Han had been before Lu Han had stopped him, before the kiss. But Lu Han broke away from him with what started out as a whine, and ended on a rough groan. The harsh sounds leaving his throat with every quickening stroke of Kris’s hand. With his head flung back, it allowed Kris to see the glory there, and it made him ache. Watching Lu Han come for him, and still wondering what had just happened between them.

Whether he should be anxious or thrilled.

But Lu Han’s face had softened, eyes not closed quite evenly as he turned his face toward Kris.

“I was hoping for this,” Lu Han murmured, kissing Kris and smiling.

This. He wondered if Jongdae knew, if it’d been a plot. Even if it didn’t matter, he wanted to know.

“Lu Han. Did you get upset on purpose?”

Kris could see Lu Han was grinning, before Lu Han turned his head as though begging for a kiss on his cheek.

“Maybe just this once.”


Prompt: Lu Han teasing Xiumin with his Baozi nickname but saying it with affection, and then it turns into cuddles because Xiumin thinks Lu Han is calling him fat, and then it turns into sexy times.


Minseok tensed when his bed rocked, and then relaxed when he heard the distinctive start of a laugh. Lu Han. Not the first time he’d been invaded, or had bare legs rubbing up against his.

“What are you doing?” Minseok asked, voice almost seeming loud in the dark room.

“Tao is having a sleepover with Kris and Jongdae, and Yixing is asleep,” Lu Han said. “I had a snack and thought it was time for soft baozi.”

Lu Han said it softly, lips teasing Minseok’s cheek.

“Maybe you should’ve take me to a deserted island,” Minseok murmured. “At least you wouldn’t go hungry for a while.”

“You want to feed me?” Lu Han asked, stroking Minseok’s side. “Oh, maybe you’re not so soft.”

“One baozi who’s way too soft.”

He heard Lu Han’s sharp inhale, but his face had heated before that. Most of the time the nickname didn’t bother him. It was his way of standing out, of being cute, of gaining fans. Not everyone always fit the image they were given, but he felt mostly at home with his. But that Lu Han might buy into it, any negative part of it, made him unhappy. He wasn’t sure what man would want his lover to think of him that way. Obviously there was something about him that Lu Han liked, but he wanted it to be about so many other things.

“I wasn’t- You are perfect,” Lu Han said, shoving at his shoulder. “You are. I was going to blow you, not- That was why I was saying you were soft. Minseok.”

The way Lu Han said his name. The curl of his tongue on the vowels, and the clutch of his fingers on Minseok’s arm. Lu Han didn’t say anything else, just folding him close, almost rolling on top of him.

They had all had people picking at their appearances, glaring down their food choices, eyeing how they fit into their clothes. There’d been hard times, scary times, and times they had to support each other. They measured themselves by those standards and against each other. And he knew he wasn’t- He wasn’t. He was just himself.

“Sorry,” Lu Han said against his neck. “That was a failed seduction. You don’t seriously think- “

“No, I don’t. I’m sorry, too. It’s not just you, it’s everything.” And he was tired, and Lu Han had woke him, and he just had moments of worry.

“We should talk about it,” Lu Han said.

“Yeah,” he said, sighing. And when he replayed their conversation, he got what Lu Han had been suggesting. Not so soft. And it had nothing to do with the status of his cheeks or thighs, and everything to do with how interested he was in having Lu Han’s mouth on him. “Maybe tomorrow. But… Maybe you didn’t fail.”

Lu Han’s head lifted, arms letting go just slightly. “Really?”

He let his hand along Lu Han’s neck be his answer. What he wanted, that closeness. That assurance, and the apology he both wanted to give, and knew Lu Han wanted to give him.

He remembered their first, fumbling kisses when Lu Han had seemed like a dream. When languages had mixed, and he’d pleaded in words he wasn’t even sure existed. The way Lu Han looked at him. And the way he touched him, and teased him, and slept against him.

And the way then, that Lu Han straddled him, cupping Minseok’s face and kissing across his mouth. And he moaned, as Lu Han rubbed his chest, and he gripped Lu Han’s shoulders. Just in time, really, as Lu Han rocked them, his hips against Minseok’s. He nibbled at Lu Han’s lower lip, sucked it as the keened together. Until their lips were warm, and he could feel Lu Han breathing so deep against him.

“My taste is flawless,” Lu Han said against his ear.

Not his normal tone, deeper. Serious, steady, seductive.

There had never been a lack of want between them. Lu Han didn’t coddle him. No grand speeches. They’d apologized, and they moved on.

“Lu Han,” Minseok said, and distracted him.

The sound from Lu Han’s throat as Minseok rolled them. He loved that, loved when he could surprise Lu Han, delight him. Lu Han had taken him, fierce, o other times sweet and slow. But he took just as much. The way Lu Han gripped him with his thighs, and laughed into his kiss. For just a moment. Just one moment, until it melted into want. Until Lu Han showed him how much he liked Minseok above him. The hot touches of his tongue, the shift of his hips.

“Thanks for being naked when you got in bed,” Minseok said, nuzzling Lu Han’s neck as he unearthed his carefully disguised condom stash.

“Thanks for waking up so quickly,” Lu Han teased, and pushed Minseok’s underwear down for him. “Seemed a waste just to take care of myself.”

It got the reaction Lu Han had been wanting. Being teased, he was even more determined to drive Lu Han wild. Steal his breath, and make him squirm, as he got the condom on and got them both slick.

Lu Han’s body gave only token resistance, and he moved his body in tune with the sounds from Lu Han’s throat, and how tight Lu Han gripped his shoulders.

“Please,” Lu Han gasped.

He wished he could see Lu Han’s face. The way Lu Han’s eyes closed as he absorbed every movement, or caught at his lips with perfect teeth. But he could feel things. Like the way Lu Han caught at Minseok’s lips, and the languorous moans. If he could see, he’d see Lu Han’s grins when Minseok did something he liked, just a bit wicked. But he could feel the way Lu Han was stroking himself, almost in time with Minseok’s hips.

“Next time I’ll turn on the lights,” Lu Han said, almost in his ear. It made him shudder, and grin, because it was like Lu Han had been reading his thoughts. He couldn’t last, wasn’t trying to. Sometimes they took hours, and sometimes barely five minutes. But Lu Han could tell, just like he knew Lu Han’s reactions. Lu Han wasn’t trying to slow him, but to urge him. Lu Han, impatient, was as impossible to turn down as when Lu Han teased and coddled. That was the thing with them, they wanted to give each other everything. If it was stolen kisses in a back room or naps against each other in the car, or Lu Han touching his hand. It was so strange, and so right, and he’d never had anything like it.

“Let me,” he said, and moved Lu Han’s hand away from touching himself. Took over the stroking, so that Lu Han had to do nothing but feel. Fingers twining in Minseok’s hair, as Minseok sucked marks onto the tender skin of his shoulders, the bumping of their hips, and the sexy sound of Lu Han’s urging grunts. And the moans against his skin, as he struggled to both stroke Lu Han, his hand slick and urgent, and drive himself up as well. But he knew the two were not separate, Lu Han gasping with the movement of his hips, and him aching to feel Lu Han come for him.

It would not…take…long.

His hand quickened, hips a rough counterpoint as Lu Han keened.

“Come on, come on,” he muttered, more for Lu Han’d benefit than his own. Words slurred but understandable, and Lu Han’s hand on his shoulder tightened, tightened, breath coming shallow, quick, and so tight, so close. And his breath exploded, body arching and moving up into Minseok’s fist and Minseok’s eyes nearly crossed. Finally. Finally. His hand kept going, slower, but his hips took up the slack. Braced on an elbow, his whole focus on Lu Han’s body, Lu Han’s gasps, the smell of his sweat and come between his fingers. It was Lu Han he was inside of, and Lu Han he was being held by.

And he came to the sound of Lu Han gasping his name.

He had a man, warm and more than a bit damp to cushion him, and he took Lu Han up on that a bit too well, it seemed, when Lu Han squirmed.

“Too heavy for you?”

Lu Han tickled his ribs, and had him squeaking and pulling away, leaving them both gasping.

“Only when you’re crushing my ribs down,” Lu Han said, and hooked an arm around Minseok’s neck - nearly hitting his face in the dark - and tugged him down.

The fingers beneath his chin, and the smile against his lips, had him smiling as well. Lu Han liked that, thought of him as “his.” Though, he might have had that thought himself.

“What if someone-“

“We have blankets.”

And Lu Han’s clothes puddled beside the bed.

But he’d be the last person to suggest that Lu Han leave.


Prompt: Pairing: KrisYeol, Basketball!AU It's up to you how to work on it


The hollow sound of ball against floor, squeaking of athletic shoes, the swish of the net. Harsh breathing, high fives. Kris loved all of it, whether it was five on five, or one on one. He dreamed about it, sometimes waking himself with his hands in the air, trying to make the perfect shot. The three-pointer just before the buzzer, the dunk, with fingers sliding off the rim.

The gym had already been locked up to outsiders, so they were alone. Just how he liked it.

He was down by four, and his opponent, sly-eyed and smirky, was panting with his hands on his knees and sweat spreading across his tight, red, sleeveless shirt. Chanyeol. Hair scooped back in some goofy-looking ponytail, but that’d only half worked since he had strands and bunches of hair sticking to his cheeks and forehead.

Arms and face gleaming, Chanyeol should’ve looked like a sweaty mess. Instead, he looked like he should be on the business end of a camera, shooting some spread for a magazine. Or getting naked. There was that. He knew he didn’t look half as put together as Chanyeol’s upper lip curled in amusement.

“You giving up?”

He caught the ball that Chanyeol lobbed at him. “As if.”

Chanyeol wasn’t the most stylish of players. What he lacked in agility and form, he made up in enthusiasm and determination. He’d had the ball swooped unceremoniously out of his hands more than a few times, Chanyeol’s cackle following him. The hoots, the breathless laughter. But it wasn’t as though it was unusual for hands to stray across stomachs, hips. The occasionally ass grab, or crotch grind. They were there to play, but it didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun. It wasn’t blatantly to distract each other, not that kind of cheating. But it was pleasure beyond the feel of the ball, or the pumping of his heart, or the satisfaction of the game.

Their bodies collided hard, Chanyeol trying to block him, but the ball was gone. They both watched as it rolled the rim, before falling through, and Chanyeol groaned.

It put Kris two ahead.

“Now we can quit,” Kris offered, sly. And Chanyeol bumped his chest up against his.

“You’re joking, right?”

Chanyeol was flushed, eyes catching light they shouldn’t have, and Kris dragged his thumb along Chanyeol’s neck. “You look like you could use a shower.”

Chanyeol’s eyebrows rose, and for a second it looked like he was considering it. Then he looked up at the net. Weighing. Winning, when they were already tired. Shower, and the promise of something else.

A different kind of victory.

“Let’s go then,” Chanyeol said, tipping up his chin. “I’ll get my stuff.”

His bag, his water bottle and towel. And Chanyeol did one last layup before they left. Maybe his way of evening the score. Kris didn’t care. Much. Flicking his towel at Chanyeol’s ass, and anticipating the hot water. His skin had already started to itch.

“You did good today,” he said, dumping his stuff on a bench, and starting to strip.

Chanyeol, slow to start nothing, paused with his shirt half up. “Yeah?” he almost drawled, the word taking twice as long as it should’ve.

He could feel Chanyeol’s eyes on him as he kicked off his socks, his shorts. And he was watching as Chanyeol’s thighs were bared, his shoulders. And the come-hither stare as Chanyeol walked into the showers.

The hair tie was gone, by the time Kris made it, and Chanyeol was under the spray. Long, thick, dark hair being swept back as water sluiced over his skin. Miles of it. Kris ducked under the spray as well, slicking his own hair back as Chanyeol watched. That was what they’d come for. His hand on Chanyeol’s face, pulling him in, Chanyeol’s mouth too much to resist. Wet kisses, soapy touches. Grin against grin as Chanyeol kneaded his shoulders as Kris washed Chanyeol’s chest. It was function, and it was foreplay. Chanyeol moaned into his mouth as they rubbed together, grasping at Kris’s hips.

He was hard, he’d been hard. Impossible not to be with Chanyeol’s hands roaming everywhere, dirt chuckles and wet skin. And the satisfaction as he guided Chanyeol’s hand to his erection, and grasped Chanyeol’s. The warmth of the water as their eyes met, hands moving together.

It wasn’t a race, but maybe it was. Chanyeol’s moans, the sharp inhales. The way he nuzzled his head close as though he needed more contact, more kisses. Just like he was in bed, clinging, demanding, and so fucking into it. He knew Chanyeol liked sex, he wasn’t that stupid. But Chanyeol was the only man he’d ever know who could go from a smile almost bursting with pleasure, to frowning in ultimate concentration as he moved against Kris. Like he needed every moment to be the best moment, and there was no in-between or mediocre. He bit lightly at the edge of Chanyeol’s earlobe, getting a shudder, and more of a response than he had expected.

“Kris.” Chanyeol’s voice was rough, but tight. He knew what that meant. Knew from the way Chanyeol’s body stiffened, from the way the rhythm of his stroking faltered.

He came for Kris, short, quick pulls of his hands dragging every ounce of pleasure out of Chanyeol.

They couldn’t have done it, even in a locking shower stall, if they hadn’t been alone. Chanyeol moaned with every touch, each louder than the last, until he tried to muffle himself on Kris’s shoulder. But each of those sounds was a touch to Kris. They flooded right through him like the feel of Chanyeol’s body against him. But he hadn’t finished, Chanyeol absent for a moment until he began to breathe again.

He helped Chanyeol to keep his hand moving, humming as he came, face against Chanyeol’s neck. He’d won the game. He’d gotten Chanyeol off first. And Chanyeol was smiling, lazy and satisfied.

As it should be.

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