I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...nope, not dreaming....it's completely white out.

Dec 21, 2006 23:21

I went outside to try to shovel some snow out of the way.  I think the old metal shovel my mom has weighed more than the snow.  Anyway, I got tired, came in and took a nap.  When I went out again the neighbor across the street had shoveled our driveway.  Too bad it didn't end there.  My mom's neighbor then brought up a good point.  My car was the only car on the right side of the street and if a plow came through I'd get plowed in.  So I spent the rest of the afternoon diging my car out so that I would be able to back it into the driveway.  This meant shoveling the street, oh boy was that fun.  Anyway after a while the neighbor was finished with his and came to help me (I was glad because we both knew I'd get stuck and I'd need his help).  I went to clean my car off enough to see out the window and got to the front of the car.  I was standing in a snow drift almost up to my chest.  It was pretty funny we were laughing and I had to be shoveled out.  Anyway, after getting stuck many times we got the car up into the driveway, the front end is on the sidewalk, but who cares, it's off the street.  The plow did come....came right donw the main road with the blade up and passed the street.  My mom and I seemed like two disapointed kids when they realized that they didn't get a puppy for christmas.  Then he backed up and sat in front of the street for a minutes and finally turned into the street to plow.  He only took one swipe up the middle of the street, but I suppose it's better than nothing.  He didn't get any of the big piles of snow so I can already see myself out there tomorrow trying to move the pile of snow.  Oh, did I mention that I have a doctor apointment at 3:00 tomorrow.  And for those of you who don't know it yet, jeffco is calling tomorrow yet another snow day.

I think this quote sums it all up from a guy interviwed on channed 9 news,
"That's great that the highways have been so nicely plowed, but you have to be able to get out of your neighborhood to drive on them." 
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