SG-1 Gen Fic Day - Jacob Alphabet Soup

Aug 24, 2009 11:08

Title: “F” Is for Frantic

Rating: G

Character: Jacob Carter

Warnings: None

Setting: Season 7, Death Knell Missing Scene

Synopsis: Jacob reflects on his relationship with and emotions regarding his MIA daughter.

A/N: For “Jacob Carter Alphabet Soup” in honor of SG-1 Gen Fic Day! Read the rest of the soup entries HERE. Once again, MASSIVE thanks to both my beta extraordinaire and html code mentor cnidarian and especially LetitiaRichards who puts up with reading and rereading, coaching, and my massive insecurities….

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended. All characters are the property of MGM/UA, Sony, Gekko, and anyone else holding a copyright to the original characters. Intended for entertainment purposes only.

“F” is for Frantic

As a father, I wanted my kids to do well in life. I always knew Mark wouldn’t follow in his old man’s footsteps, but I’ve got to tell you, I was really surprised when Samantha joined the Air Force. She used to talk about being an astronaut as a kid, but that was just because of all the hype surrounding the moon landings. Besides, after her mother died and she blamed me, I was sure she’d go in a completely different direction than her not so dear old dad. She never ceases to amaze me! Who’d have thought that my kid would earn a doctorate in theoretical astrophysics and then start climbing the ranks in the military?

As a parent, I try not to dwell on all the unpleasant things that can happen to my family. We’ve already been through enough heartache when the kids lost their mother. Besides, fear will make a man old faster than anything else that I can think of. Selmak’s telling me not to worry… that Sam’s been trained for just this kind of situation. Who the hell trains for being blown up by one of Anubis’ super soldiers? I liked it much better when my kid worked in “deep space radar telemetry”.

You know, I never really bought into that ruse - especially after she and O’Neill were awarded the Air Medal. But I never figured that what she was doing would be more dangerous than riding a rocket into space. I knew it had to be something pretty special for her to give up that particular dream, but traveling from planet to planet through a wormhole being chased by people who’ve been taken over by hostile, alien, brain-boring snakes? Yeah, right. And I’m gonna spawn wings and fly off into the wild blue yonder without a jet! Selmak is laughing at me - just in case you’re wondering. Even if Sam had told me the truth about her job, I would have thought that “deep space radar telemetry” made a much better cover story than that load of bull.

Now, I’m laid up while Selmak works on my wounds and I don't mind telling you that I’m frantic over Sam. I want to be out there looking for my little girl. Col. O’Neill, Daniel, and Teal’c have promised that they’ll find her. What I’m really afraid of is that they’ll find parts of her - strewn about like some broken, discarded toy.

Frantic is a good word. I don’t show it because everyone looks up to me not only because of Selmak, but because of my stars. As a military leader, I’ve learned to suck it up and take it. But as a father, I’m distraught. Sure, Sam is a seasoned soldier with years of combat experience under her belt, but she’ll always be my little girl and a father has a right to be terrified when his child is missing and in danger.

Right now, the best I can do is hope that her teammates will find her and bring her back in one piece so I can tell her how much she means to me. I’ve never been the best father, but all I can think of is having just one more chance to hold her securely in my arms and say, “I love you, Sam. You’ve done good, kid, and I’m so proud of you.”

Yeah, frantic….

sg-1 fanfic

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