Good News & Bad News...

Apr 16, 2009 20:53

The good news is that for the first time in 15 months since I started the whole melanoma thing, I saw the cancer specialist and he didn't have to dissect anything. Woot! I'm free for another 3 months!!!

The bad news is that just as he came in to look at me from head to toe, there was a complete power outage in the building with no generator backup. The only light in the room was a small puddle of sunshine right next to a massive window. Yep... you already know where this is going.

I am sure that there was a sudden influx at the emergency room across the street of people who had inexplicably gouged their eyes out!

Vanity, oh vanity, where art though? Ye have flown right out the window!!! Literally. :-)
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