Gotta Love Late Night Educational TV

Apr 16, 2009 00:55

In the course of watching late night TV, I just learned that Druids used to (and still do) burp to keep evil spirits from inhabiting them. It's great to know that I'm completely safe from possession by an unfavorable entity! (As are some of my dearest friends... yes, there's no need to name names because the guilty parties know who I'm talking about!) And to think that my fellow members at church just assume that I'm being rude....

I know, that's a bizarre way to break the prolonged silence, but watching a group of modern-day Druids belching their way through an ancient ruin just cracked me up!!! (Late night educational TV is way better than fiction!)

Disclaimer: No offense is meant to my pagan friends... HONEST! Come to think of it, I've never heard any of you burp. If one (or more) of my Christian practices strike you as odd or amusing, feel free to point them out in the comments. We could all use a good laugh!

* * *

My latest dirt cheap eBay find is a fabulous camera that is basically a digital SLR that cost way less than my itty bitty "point and shoot", so expect close-ups of the kitties, birds, spiders, tree limbs, etc. to show up on my LJ soon. Oh, to have had that camera in '06 when I was in England trying desperately to get a good shot of RDA. *sigh*

I hope all of you had a lovely Easter weekend! Over and out.... *burp*
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