I just liked the picture]
[music| "Gravity" - Embrace (Written by Chris Martin ;] ) ]
I love my music. It's priceless.
And my sister is eating my oreos, the wench. Just so you know, there's no reason for this entry. But Hannah and I have the best AIM conversations. You should join us sometime.
I'm almost done with school, for the summer of course. Which is nice because this semester has been hell covered in crap with a side of indian food. Yeah, disgusting.
I'm waiting for Rach to come online to, at least, tell me about her day. Thats quite sad really.
Oh. And I have a job interview on tuesday. Its at a movie theatre so, if I get the job, I can see movies for free. Is that sweet action, or what?
And I need suggestions for my sister's birthday because I have no idea what to get her. Help?