(no subject)

May 20, 2006 21:22

[music| "Square One" - Coldplay ]

Hmm. It seems my family doesnt want to see a movie as bad as I thought they did. Oh well.

I didnt see The Da Vinci code on Thursday because I was too lazy and tired to drive all the way there. I watched the season finale of Prison Break instead because I missed it for my job training. If I'm not that tired then, I probably see it tomorrow after I get done with my shift.

The funny thing is that I've seen the end close to five times and know the music without even looking. Plus, the messiest people are the ones that saw this movie instead of the little kids that saw Over The Hedge.

Saw bits of that movie too.

And no hot co-workers as of yet but the good thing is that it was only my first day. There's always time.

I saw Poseidon on Tuesday. It was good. Not ZOMG amazing but good.


I'm trying to think of what else I wanted to say. Um, last night was the first time this year that I went to bed before midnight.


I know. I thought hell had frozen over when I found I was dead tired and saw it was only 10:30.

I made some icons but they're all rubbish. And mostly Coldplay. I need to get photoshop.

And, um, I definitely cant think of anything else to say.

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