
Jan 29, 2007 19:13

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gfs_wesleypryce January 31 2007, 03:07:15 UTC
Amber's blood was so sweet and warm. And her coming as Wesley drank made it even more so. He could hear her heart pounding, so loud that it was almost as though his heart had started again and was beating in his ears though he knew that was impossible. He could hear, smell, touch, see and taste everything about her in that one moment.

And as he drank, he could feel her getting weaker, her heart slowing, her muscles relaxing. He continued to drink, knowing he had to take her to the very edge of death. When she let go of him, moaning, Wesley finally released her neck. He could hear the fear in her voice but knew that it was simply the last vestiges of her humanity trying to hang on.

Soon, though, that would be gone, and she would be his perfect, beautiful childe.

"It's all right, my lovely," he cooed to her softly, staying inside her, not wanting to break the connection until she had gone into her death sleep. "Everything's going to be all right. I promise you. I'm not going to let you go into the dark forever."

Reaching over, he picked up the knife that they had left on the nightstand following his previous playtime with Fred and Rupert. Quickly, he drew the blade across his chest then tossed it aside. Cupping his hand to the back of her head, he lifted it up and pressed her lips to the wound.

"Drink," he whispered. "I'll be here when you wake. All of us will. We love you, Amber."


lil_childe January 31 2007, 03:30:46 UTC
The fear continued to move through Amber as she wondered when he was going to do what he needed to do. She didn't know how to turn someone so she didn't what to expect. As Wes continued to drink from her, she felt another small orgasm move through her body and she cried out again. Even though she was dying, her body was still shaking.

When Wesley released her neck, she stared up at him, her eyes trying to slide shut. She forced them open and watched as he cut his chest open. She slowly blinked her eyes when he told her to drink from him. Amber hesitated for a brief second before then leaned forward. The moment the blood touched her lips, something awoke inside of her.

Her mouth opened up and she started to drink. She bucked against him a little as she continued to drink. The room started to spin even faster and she could feel her heart starting to slow. She was dying and she welcomed it. Soon, she would be like the creatures she loved more than life itself.

Amber slowly released him when she was finished drinking. With blood on her full lips, she looked up at Wesley. "Thank you," she whispered as the room slowly faded to black and she fell back on the bed.


gfs_wesleypryce January 31 2007, 04:22:40 UTC
For a brief moment, Wesley wasn't sure that Amber was going to drink, and if she didn't drink, the transformation wouldn't take place. If she didn't drink and simply died, then he might as well stake himself as Fred would never forgive him for screwing things up.

"Drink," he repeated again.

Finally, her lips latched onto the wound he had made, and he could feel her sucking at his borrowed blood, drinking deeply. He smiled and closed his eyes, continuing to hold her head lovingly. A low groan issued from his throat as her hips pressed forward and she clenched around his cock again.

"That's my sweet girl," he murmured. "Darling child. Your sleep will be brief, and you'll be back with us soon. I promise."

When she had drunk enough, he watched as her eyes closed after she thanked him. "You're welcome," he told her, lowering her to the bed. A moment later, Amber took her last breath and fell still.

Kissing her on the lips, Wesley pulled out of her and stood from the bed to head into the bathroom. He got several flannels and a towel, which he took back out into the bedroom. Gently and methodically, he cleaned Amber up, wiping the blood and cum from her. It wouldn't do for her to wake up in such a state. Fred wouldn't like that either, he was sure.

Once she was clean, he cleaned himself up, then picked up the dress she had picked up and dressed her in it before laying her out on the bed. She looked like a sleeping angel, he thought, thinking it ironic and very fitting.

His dark angel childe.

She was ready.

Quickly, he pulled on his jeans for when Fred and Rupert returned.


crazy_lil_fred January 31 2007, 05:37:06 UTC
When Rupert took her hand, Fred grinned and led him out of the library. They slowly made their way down to the bedroom they shared with Wesley and would soon share with Amber. Pushing the door open, Fred grinned at the sight before her. Amber was very beautiful in her death sleep and she adored the way Wesley had placed her on the bed.

"Very good, Wesley," she said as she released Rupert's hand and walked over to where Amber laid. She ran her long fingers through the girl's hair and looked at Wesley again. "Did you enjoy turning her? You did a wonderful job with situating her for her sleep. I'm proud of you, Wesley."

Stepping away from the bed, Fred slipped her nightgown off and rummaged through the dresser to find a clean one. She didn't want to be dirty for when her grandchilde awoke. Once she was dressed in a new one, she went over to Wesley and ran the back of her hand over his chest. "I love you," she whispered before leaning up to give him a soft kiss.

She looked at the bed again and then at her Childes. "We're going to need a bigger bed," she observed before she sat down in one of the room's chairs. "Do you know where we can steal one from?"


gfs_wesleypryce February 18 2007, 05:49:11 UTC
"Very much," Wesley told Fred with a smile, looking down at Amber. She had gone cold, and while he was sad for the loss of her warmth, he was certainly looking forward to all the things they - the two of them and the four of them - would be able to do now. "She's going to be a wonderful addition to our family."

He looked over at Fred as she changed, then back over Amber. Giles clapped a hand to his shoulder and gave him an approving nod before moving away to got changed himself. When Fred returned to him, he reached up to clasp it as he kissed her.

"I love you too," he told her. And he always would. But he knew that she would always be closer to Giles though he found now that he didn't mind as much - she had given him the most wonderful present he could ever have asked for.

Letting her go, he went over to find a shirt to slip on, smirking at her question. The bed was large, but she was right - they'd need room if it was to be the four of them.

"Fred, love," Giles said, "we could simply purchase one, but if you'd like, I'm sure we could find somewhere we could...ahem, liberate one. Any furniture store after hours, perhaps. We'd probably have to steal a lorry, too to get it here." He looked over at Wesley. "Up for the challenge? We might have time before Amber wakes."

He felt torn for a moment, not wanting to leave his Childe in case she awoke while he was gone but also wanting to please his Sire. "I'm up to it."


crazy_lil_fred February 25 2007, 03:47:34 UTC
When Rupert suggested they just buy a new bed, Fred perked an eyebrow at her Childe. She knew if she were anything like Angelus, she would've been out of the chair and had Rupert pinned against the wall. Then she would've allowed Wesley to force himself on the other man as form of punishment. But, she wasn't like Angelus. Besides, rough sex with a willing partner was more of a turn-on.

Instead, she continued to sit there and watched her Childes interact. When Rupert suggested Wesley and he go out and get a bed, Fred looked at Wesley and noted the look on his face as he looked at Amber. She remembered how she felt when she had left the hotel after turning Rupert. She'd been afraid of missing his reawakening. And, she didn't want to place that fear on Wesley.

"It can wait," she said as she looked at the two of them. "All four of us will go out tomorrow night, if Amber is awake by then, and buy one together. It'll be good learning experience for Amber. She'll have to learn how to control her urges in public." She then stood from the bed and walked over to stand by Rupert. "As for the bed situation, Rupert and I can sleep in one of the other rooms tonight. You've earned the right to share your Childe's death bed with her, Wesley."

Fred stepped over to Wesley and softly kissed him before looking at Amber again. "You should be proud of yourself. You did a good job," she whispered to him before stepping away. She then looked over at Rupert and smiled. "Come along. I'm sure we can find a nice floor for you to sleep on for mouthing back to me about the bed."

She gave him an amused look and held her hand out for him.


r_giles April 14 2007, 01:16:34 UTC
At Fred's decision that they wait for the following night, Giles nodded in agreement. He knew that there was a thrill in stealing things - hell, he had rather enjoyed lifting items, especially those imbued with magic, during his time in London. There was something about being able to take something and not have anyone be able to do anything about it. But the more they did things like that, the more they risked attracting attention.

If they were going to become the most powerful quartet in vampire history, they had to be smart about what they chose to do.

He waited as Fred kissed Wesley goodnight before stepping over and squeezing the other man's shoulder before kissing him as well. He had done a very good job. Stepping back, he cocked an eyebrow when Fred said that he could sleep on the floor before reaching out for her hand.

He rather did hope she punished him. He enjoyed her punishments.

As they stepped out of the room, Giles glanced back to see Wesley crawling onto the bed and curling up almost protectively around Amber. Fred had certainly chosen well - her decision had awoken something in the other man, something that he was sure would help all four of them in the long run.

Once the door had closed, Giles turned his attention back to his own Sire as they walked down the hall. "Which floor would you like me to sleep on, my love?"


crazy_lil_fred April 14 2007, 01:57:24 UTC
As Fred walked out of the room with Rupert, she glanced over her shoulder at Wesley. A smile played on her face as he curled up around his Childe. He was going to be a wonderful Sire to her. Fred knew she'd made the right decision by giving Amber to him to turn. Wesley would take good care of her and train her right.

Looking at Rupert, Fred smirked and shook her head. "A little eager, aren't we?" she asked, shutting the door behind them. "I think your punishment should be no punishment at all."

Since it was one of the guest rooms, Fred went about making sure all the curtains were firmly closed. It wouldn't do for them to get burned to death by being careless.

Once she was finished with the curtains, she looked to her Childe. He was so beautiful and he was all hers. Her mind started to race with things she still wanted to do with him. They would have to wait until another night since it was almost day. So she slipped out of her clothes and went to the bed.

Once she was in it, she held out her hand for Rupert and waited for him to join her.


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