
Oct 28, 2006 15:14

Continued from here.

A perfect day to remove a soul )

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crazy_lil_fred November 23 2006, 07:47:34 UTC
Just as Rupert's come came rushing forward, Fred screamed out and came around him. She leaned forward and deeply kissed her Childe. "That was wonderful, Rupert," she said before slipping off him. She then rolled off the bed and stretched out. "We should check on the other two. Make sure Wesley hasn't gotten to rough with my sweet Amber."

Walking out of the room, Fred went down to their bedroom. When she walked in, Amber was lying on the bed, sleeping. Wesley was lying beside her, gently stroking her hair. "Fucked her to sleep, didn't you?" she asked with a smirk.

"I couldn't help it," Wesley said, moving so Fred could take her place beside her pet.

"Rupert and I were chatting about turning Amber. Make us a foursome. He suggested a spell to see how she would be as a vampire," Fred explained as she moved to the bed. She ran her fingers through Amber's hair and smiled.

"Sounds like a capital plan, love," Wesley said before turning toward Rupert. "How about we go downstairs and get some food...for all of us."

Fred smiled and cuddled next to Amber and wrapped her arms around her. Amber's eyes opened and Fred smiled. "Hello my pet," she whispered as she softly kissed her temple.

"I missed you, ma'am," Amber said as she snuggled closer.

"I missed you too," Fred said as she continued to hold her.


r_giles December 1 2006, 03:26:45 UTC
When Wesley suggested they get some food, Giles nodded, taking Wesley's hand to help him off the bed. While Fred cuddled up with Amber, they headed out of the bedroom.

"Let's check the boys, shall we?" Giles asked with a smirk.

James had woken up, and both he and Nick looked at Giles and Wesley in fear when they came downstairs. Sniffing the air, Giles wrinkled his nose in disgust at what he smelled.

"No wonder you have no control over your sexual urges," he growled. "You have no control over your bodily functions either."

"Please...Sir..." James started to beg. "It was all Nick's idea. I just...he threatened that if I didn't--."

"Shut the bloody hell up," Wesley told him, grabbing his hair so hard, he almost tore out a chunk. "If you really didn't want to go along with him, you could have come to us."

Giles smirked, looking at both of them. "We're going to have a surprise for you later," he said, seeing their eyes widen in wonder. Oh, what a surprise it would be. "Get some rest."

Heading back upstairs, they got some blood out of the fridge and warmed it up. They also got some cheese and fruit and meat for Amber - she needed strength for the spell they were going to cast on her. Once they had everything, Wesley took the tray while Giles got the book they had found the binding spell in. Heading back into the bedroom, they joined Fred and Amber on the bed, placing the food in front of the girl while handing one of the glasses of blood to Fred.

"I have what we need," Giles whispered in her ear softly before nipping her lobe.


crazy_lil_fred December 2 2006, 07:02:00 UTC
When the door clicked shut behind Rupert and Wesley, Amber's eyes fluttered open. "Ma'am?" she tiredly asked.

Fred smiled down at her pet and combed her fingers through her hair. "Did you enjoy your time alone with, Wesley?" she asked. Amber nodded and Fred grinned. "Good. I have something I want to speak to you before the boys get back with our food."

Amber slowly sat up and looked at Fred with wide-eyes. "I'm not in trouble, am I?" she asked. Fred could smell the fear coming from her pet and frowned.

"No, not at all sweetie. I've been thinking about your place among the three of us. I value you very much as a pet and I don't ever want to lose you," Fred said as she continued to brush her fingers through Amber's hair. "I want you to become one of us."

"Oh, ma'am..." Amber quietly said. "I don't think I'd make a very good vampire. Not as good as you."

"We're going to do a spell on you to see what kind of vampire you'll be. Only if you want to though," Fred said as she looked at her pet.

"I-I want to," Amber quietly said. "I hope I'm good enough for you."

"I'm sure you will be," Fred assured her.

The door opened and Fred smiled when her Childes walked through the door. She watched them set the food down and nodded toward Amber so she knew it was okay for her to have some of the food off the plate.

"I've spoken to Amber and she's agreed to do the spell," Fred told Rupert before she drank her warm blood.


r_giles December 15 2006, 03:52:16 UTC
When Fred indicated that Amber was prepared to be tested by the spell, Giles smiled and took a drink from his cup of blood. "Good," he said, glancing over at the book that he had brought in with him and opening it, flipping through until he found the spell. He then leaned over and whispered to him.

Once they had ate, Wesley took the glasses and plates and took them back to the kitchen before returning a few minutes later with two candles and a lighter. Nodding to Fred, Giles reached out to Amber, taking her hand and helping her off the bed.

"Just relax," he told her, having her lie on the floor. Wesley gave him the candles, which he placed at Amber's head and feet and lit using the lighter.

Once everything was ready, he knelt down on the floor next to Amber's head and began reading the spell from the book. After the first stanza, the girl's eyes closed and her breathing became shallow, as though she were going into a trance. Giles continued reading, and after the second stanza of the spell, he slipped into his vampire face and bit his lip, opening the wound Fred had made when they had fucked earlier. A drop of blood welled up, and he smeared it on his finger. He then touched it to Amber's lips - not enough to turn her but just enough to activate the spell.

When a final line, Giles finished the spell, and as he did, Amber's eyes flew open.

"The boys are awake downstairs and awaiting their surprise," he told Fred, moving to stand up as Amber sat up.


crazy_lil_fred December 16 2006, 07:52:06 UTC
Fred stood to the side and watched as Rupert and Wesley prepared the spell for Amber. When her pet glanced over at her, Fred gave her a reassuring smile. She knew Rupert would never hurt Amber. She watched as the spell was cast, her body stiffening a bit when the room filled with magical energy. It reminded Fred of the moments before she'd been given a soul and it scared her a little. And she knew Rupert and Wesley would be able to smell it.

When the spell was completed, Fred went over and helped Amber stand. She brushed the girl's hair back and smiled. "The boys are downstairs and you can do whatever you want to them," she told her pet. Amber looked at her and nodded. "Just remember they were going to drug and rape you and then have you thrown out of the house."

"I know," Amber said. "Can we go now?"

Fred nodded and motioned for her Childes to follow her out of the room. They went downstairs to the basement door. She opened it up and then allowed Amber to go before her. As they were going down the stairs, Wesley grabbed Fred's elbow and pulled her back as Amber approached Nick and James.

"It's best if we watch from the shadows," Wesley whispered. "Are you all right, Sire?"

Fred turned and looked at him for a moment. "I'm fine," she answered before looking at Amber again. The girl was just standing there, looking the boys over.

"I thought I sensed something coming from you in the bedroom. I guess I was mistaken," Wesley said.

"Indeed," Fred merely said.

"Ma'am?" Amber asked as she turned around. "What should I do first?"

Fred looked at Giles. "Is this the result we wanted?" she asked.


r_giles December 31 2006, 03:13:39 UTC
Giles watched in interest as Amber's eyes seemed to flash a little at the mention of Nick and James and what they had done to her. This was going to be a fine test because without her morality in the way, those two reprobates were the most likely targets for her to go after. They had been the ones to hurt her, almost make her lose what she had here.

Down in the basement, he stood back with Fred and Wesley, glancing from them to Amber as she approached the boys and back again. He had also sensed a flash of something in the bedroom, but he knew it was nothing. Their Sire was back, and they would never let anything happen to her again.

Amber looked the boys over, her eyes narrowed for a moment, before turning back to seek them out. Giles' mouth curled into a smile when she did. He could see that she wanted to do something, she wanted to back these boys pay, but her tie to Fred - to all of them - was strong, even without her morality in play. She would look to them, even as a vampire.

"It's what we wanted, yes," he told her with a smile. "But if I may?"

There was on last thing they needed to check. Moving forward, he reached out and gently turned Amber around before moving up behind her, pressing against her back as he brought his mouth to her ear.

"Break one of their arms. Make it hurt," he instructed her.

Without hesitation, Amber moved forward, grabbing Nick's arm with both hands and twisting it hard. The boy screamed in pain as bones snapped, and when she finished, she let his now useless arm drop with a thump.

Smirking, Giles turned to look at Fred and Wesley. "She'll be a perfect addition."


crazy_lil_fred January 2 2007, 20:13:33 UTC
Fred looked over at Rupert and grinned when he said it was the result they wanted. However, when he said he wanted to try something, she perked her eyebrow, wondering what he was up to. When he told Amber to break one of the boys' arms, and she did without hesitation, Fred proudly grinned. Rupert was right - Amber would make a wonderful addition to their group.

"Come on, Amber," Fred said as she took the girl's hand. Nick's screaming and crying was becoming too much to listen to, and if he didn't shut up soon, Fred was going to sew his mouth shut with the sewing kit she'd found in one of the bedrooms.

Going back upstairs, they went to their bedroom and Fred looked at Amber, her fingers tracing over the girl's neck. "You're about to be given a wonderful gift," she whispered as her fingertips moved over the girl's pulse. She smiled when she could smell Amber's excited. "As long as you followed the rules, and continue to be loyal to us, you'll have a wonderful undead life."

"Of course, ma'am," Amber said as she looked Fred in the eyes.

"Once you're turned, you may start calling us by our real names," Fred said before she glanced over at Wesley and Rupert. "Why don't we take the spell off her? I want her to be in her normal state of mind when I do this."

There was a small surge of energy in the room, and once again Fred stiffened. She was beginning to wonder if she'd ever fully get over what the powers had done to her.

Once the spell was broken, Fred told Amber to go and pick out a dress, saying it was customary for a Sire to dress their Childe in something nice for their reawakening. Amber nodded and slipped out of the room. Once she was gone, Fred turned and leaned her head against Rupert's chest.

"Is there anyway you can erase the memory of what the Powers did to me?" she quietly asked. It was almost as if her human said, the one she'd lost weeks ago, was coming out again. "The use of magic has been bothering me every since what happened."

She felt Wesley's hand softly rub her back as he said, "I know a few spells but I don't know if it would be wise, Fred. What do you think, Rupert?"


r_giles January 29 2007, 03:41:04 UTC
Before following Fred, Wesley and Amber out of the basement, Giles turned and looked at Nick as he screamed in agony. There was something quite enjoyable about the sound of suffering, but he knew that with their vampire hearing, it would get to be boring very quickly. So with a flick of his wrist, he placed a spell on him - he could scream all he wanted, but no sound would come out. And after thinking a moment, he did the same to James before heading upstairs.

Joining the others in the bedroom, he watched as Fred told Amber what was about to happen to her before she asked him to take the spell off. He did so quickly, noticing Fred's reaction again. They were going to need to do something about that, he thought. For a moment, he considered their options while Fred sent Amber to pick out a dress for her rising.

When Fred asked about erasing her memory, Giles had to agree with Wesley. "There would be too much of a chance of something jarring your memory. One of us slipping and referencing it, for one. And I don't dare cast a spell on the three of us. That could have some rather...bad consequences."

Reaching up, he cupped her cheek. "I have a better idea, I think. You need to become reacclimated to magic as a pleasurable thing, something that isn't bad in your mind. So I think it would be better if I used small spells on you that make you feel good, that you enjoy until you're used to them again. I won't do it without your agreement, though. Can we try it? See what happens?"

"I think it's a good idea, love," Wesley said. "There are some quite pleasurable spells, and I'm sure Rupert knows all of them."


crazy_lil_fred January 30 2007, 00:21:31 UTC
Fred knew Rupert and Wesley were right and erasing her memories was a bad idea. Looking up, she looked into Rupert's eyes and slowly nodded her head before turning to look at Wesley. "You're right. Maybe we can start tonight while Amber is asleep," she suggested as she turned back to Rupert. It was then that she realized something.

Even though she loved both of her Childes, Fred felt more connected to Rupert. She knew it was because she didn't remember turning Wesley. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't bring that memory up, and she felt guilty about it. Fred wanted to do something to make it up to him and when she thought of something, she smiled.

"Wesley...I think you should turn Amber," she said as she glanced back at Rupert before looking at Wesley again. "I left you behind and I want Amber to be your gift. I'll still be in control but I think Amber would do better with you. You can train her on how to use weapons and take care of you." She reached up and cupped his face. "What do you say?"

The door of the bedroom opened and Amber slipped back in with a dress. Fred stood from the bed and tugged Rupert up with her. "Amber, Wesley is going to take care of you now. All of us will be here when you awake again," she said as she softly caressed Amber's face. Fred then looked at Rupert. "How about we give them some privacy."


r_giles January 30 2007, 01:09:44 UTC
Giles nodded at Fred's suggestion that they start that evening while waiting for Amber to rise. The sooner they started the better because he knew that they would be using quite a bit of magic in the future, and it wouldn't do if Fred was jumpy every time they did.

He was considering what spells to start her with when she told Wesley that he should turn Amber. He raised an eyebrow, listening to her reasoning. He knew how much Amber meant to her and what giving up the right to bring her across meant, but it made sense, actually. If Fred turned her, then Wesley would be the only one of the three whom Fred wouldn't remember turning. And he knew that already caused a slight imbalance in the relationship between the three of them without Amber in the picture. It would be too much with her as well.

He could see Wesley nodding, amazement and love in his eyes at the gift Fred was giving him in allowing him to be Sire and teacher to Amber. "I would like that," the other man said lowly. "I promise I won't let you down."

After Amber entered, Giles allowed Fred to pull him from the bed, nodding at her. He knew how intimate a turning could be - even when one didn't know that they were about to be turned. Taking Fred's hand, he kissed Wesley then Amber.

"We'll see you when you wake," he told her before leaving the room with Fred. Raising her hand up, he kissed the inside of her wrist before nipping it gently and licking up the few drops of blood that welled. "I think you've just given him the best present you could have possibly ever given him, love."


crazy_lil_fred January 30 2007, 05:04:35 UTC
Fred glanced at Wesley and Amber once again before walking out of the room. She knew she was making the right decision and knew Wesley would do nothing to harm Amber. Moaning, she looked at Rupert as he tore the skin of her wrist open and smiled. "I think I did. It's the least I could do for him. And, I know he'll take good care of her for me," she said before she reached down and took his hand.

Leading him down the hallway, Fred took Rupert to the small library. There was a table in there, with a small stack of books sitting on top of it. While looking at him, Fred slipped her clothes off and walked over to him. "While Wesley is busy with Amber, maybe we should start with your magic 'lessons'," she said before she ran her hands down his chest and to the top of his jeans.

She quickly unbuttoned and unzipped them before pulling them over his hips. Fred then wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked it a few times. "The sooner we started the lessons, the better," she said before releasing him.

Fred then turned and went to the table. She sat on the edge and looked over at him. "I've always wanted to fuck in a library," she said as she looked around and wrinkled her nose. "Not a real one but it'll have to do." She then looked at Rupert again and ran her finger over her wet folds. "And, I'm nice and wet for you."

She grinned at him and continued to rub herself.


r_giles January 31 2007, 00:57:23 UTC
"He will. He loves you very much - he won't let you down," Giles told Fred as he allowed Fred to lead him down the hallway. "Besides that, we all adore and love Amber."

When they reached the library, he looked around, thinking that even though the house's previous owners had been reprehensible drug pushers, they had had very good taste in books. He then saw Fred taking off her clothes and turned his attention to her, watching her with abject appreciation. She truly was beautiful.

"I think now would be the perfect time," he told her in a low voice, kicking the jeans off once she had pushed them down his legs. He growled when she started stroking his cock, causing him to immediately begin hardening, until she abruptly let her go. "I think I'd quite enjoy fucking you in an actual library, but you're right - this will be quite good for now."

He could smell her arousal as she began fingering herself. It was maddening, and he found himself wanting to be inside her right then and there.

Stalking over to her like a feral cat, he took hold of her wrists and holding her arms above her head. He considered pushing herself into her but held back for a moment. "How about we start with a rather enjoyable spell I learned years ago," he told her, recalling the spell that would make someone feel like they were being kissed all over. Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, "Besatio."


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