
Oct 28, 2006 15:14

Continued from here.

A perfect day to remove a soul )

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r_giles October 29 2006, 20:27:40 UTC
They were standing out in the sunshine, the warmth on their faces, something they knew they would never feel again. But here, in this place, they were allowed to feel it for one last time in order to bring their Fred back. Together, Wesley and Giles waited for her to join them, and when she walked out toward them, they smiled at each other before reaching their hands out to her.

It didn't take long - both of them sensing the happiness in her growing stronger and stronger. Suddenly, she cried out, and the sun disappeared. Blinking, Giles found himself kneeling next to the couch next to Wesley while Fred was moving off the couch, growling and grabbing Vail. Both of them of the stood - their beautiful Sire had returned to them.

"We love you too," Giles told her softly, reaching out to touch her face. "We could never let you be taken from us like that."

Leaning over, he kissed her before standing back to let Wesley do the same thing. They heard Vail chuckling softly.

"Vampire love. How touching," the demon sorceror said.

"Just make sure that soul is never released again," Giles growled at him. Offering his arm to Fred as Wesley touched her back, they headed for the front doors to Vail's mansion. "It's good to have you back, love. Where would you like to go to kill and celebrate? A night club perhaps? Or shall we go back to the shelter and choose there?"


crazy_lil_fred October 30 2006, 18:37:48 UTC
Fred considered Rupert's question for a moment as Wesley helped her into the car. A nightclub would be too crowded and she wanted to spend some alone time with her Childes. The past few days had been hard and she wanted to get things back to normal between them. "How about that park close to the house? I'm not in the mood to go to the shelter or a nightclub, and I want to celebrate at home," she told them with a toothy grin.

They pulled into the park twenty minutes later and Fred grinned when she sensed humans nearby. There was a group of them. She motioned for Wesley and Rupert to follow her and found several boys standing in a circle. Two of them seemed familiar and she furrowed her brow.

"Why do you want it so bad, Nick?" one of the boys asked.

"Remember Amber from our physics class? I've been slipping her a drug for the last two days. When it's found out she's been using, she'll get kicked out of where we're living."

Fred growled and lunged forward. Within seconds, Nick was on the ground. She squeezed her own around his throat as Wesley quickly grabbed James and knocked him out before going after the other boy. "What did you do to her?" she growled as she tightened her grip.

"N-N-Nothing, ma'am," Nick sputtered.

"You're lying. Rupert! Get the chains from the car," she said as she heard Wesley snap the other boy's neck. "It's time these two learnt a lesson."


r_giles November 1 2006, 05:02:36 UTC
Giles was unbelievably pleased to have Fred - their Fred - back. He had liked the Fred who had made an appearance, back when he was human, but this Fred, their Sire, so beautiful and dangerous and confident, was the one he loved now, and he knew Wesley felt the same way. So he was happy to simply go to the park and find a few victims before heading home to spend time together.

However, what they found in the park made his borrowed blood boil. The little shits! How dare they! Amber was Fred's pet, and they had no right to hurt her. Nodding when Fred told him go get the chains from the car, he ran back, pulling them out and bringing them back. He could smell the fear coming from Nick - they had been caught, and after the last lesson they had been given, they knew this wasn't going to be pleasant.

Of course, given what they had done, he seriously doubted they'd be around for a third chance. This was going to be their final lesson.

"You stupid little fucker," he growled into the boy's ear as he chained him, not caring whether the shakles were too tight or not. "You could have had anything you wanted, but you decided to be greedy. Fred should tear you limb from limb for what you've done."

Nick went almost paper white, causing Giles to smile cruelly as Wesley pulled James' unconscious body up so he could chain him as well.

"Take them home and chain them in the basement until we decide exactly what to do with them?" Giles asked Fred, knowing it should be her decision since Amber was her pet. "We should check on Amber as well and see if she needs medical attention."


crazy_lil_fred November 1 2006, 05:55:51 UTC
Fred wanted to rip Nick's throat out right there. She controlled herself though because a quick death was too good for the two of them. No, she was going to torture them and make the two boys beg her for death. Even then she wasn't going to let them have it. Fred was planning on torturing the two of them for a very long time.

"Yes. I want them secured in the basement and I don't want to see either of them unless I'm down there, torturing 'em," she said as Nick started to whimper. She grabbed his face and punctured his skin with her nails. "If I smell James or you on Amber, the first thing I'm going to do is castrate you, understood?" The boy nodded.

Fred led Wesley and Rupert to the car and they placed Nick and James in the trunk of the car. When they got to the house, Fred went up to Amber's room while her Childes took care of the boys. She knocked on Amber's door and walked in.

"Ma'am? Are you better?" Amber asked as she stood from her desk and went over to Fred.

"Much. Thank you for helping Wesley and Rupert," Fred said as she ran her hand through Amber's hair. She then sniffed the room and pulled away from Amber. She went to the girl's dresser and pulled out a few syringes.

"Those aren't mine!" Amber said with wide eyes.

"I know, sweetie. Nick and James planted them in here," Fred said as she slipped them into her pocket. She went over to her pet and softly bit her. Her blood tasted normal, which meant Nick was lying.

"I...they've been bothering me since the other day and..." Amber stopped as tears came to her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Fred asked.

"You were sick and I didn't think I should bother Wesley or Rupert," she cried.

Fred pulled the girl into her arms and softly petted her hair. "When I'm gone, you can go to them. They're here to help you too," she whispered before she led Amber to her bed and laid down with her. The girl clung to her and Fred tightly held her.

"I missed you, ma'am," Amber whispered as she rubbed Fred's side.

"I missed you too."


r_giles November 5 2006, 23:47:53 UTC
When they arrived at the house, Giles pulled Nick out of the car, dragging him roughly into the house while Wesley did the same with James. Nick, of course, was the only one able to feel anything at the moment since he was awake. James would be in pain soon enough, though - when they started playing with them, they were going to feel everything.

"Please, Sir! Please!" Nick begged, screaming out in pain when Giles yanked his arm hard. "We weren't really going to hurt her! We--!"

"Shut the bloody fuck up," Giles hissed, practically kicking him down the stairs but keeping a hold on him as he didn't want him to hit bottom and break his neck. "You weren't going to hurt her? You bloody sodding liar. Why else would you be buying drugs? Why else would you be wanting to get her thrown out? We should have broken your necks the first night we met you - draining you, you would have enjoyed too much."

When they reached the basement, Giles and Wesley shackled Nick and the still unconscious James to one of the house support struts. When they finished, Giles stood back, but Wesley remained where he was, grabbing Nick's face.

"You're very lucky that Fred doesn't want you dead yet," he growled, digging his fingers into his cheeks. "You hurt Fred's pet, you hurt Fred, and I don't like it when someone hurts Fred."

"Wesley..." Giles said softly to pull him back.

Nodding, Wesley let go of Nick and stood up. Giles put his arm around his lover and together, they walked upstairs, shutting off the lights and leaving the boys in the darkness.

"Let's let Fred have some time with Amber," Giles suggested before they went into the bedroom and lay down to wait for Fred.


crazy_lil_fred November 6 2006, 00:55:24 UTC
Fred could hear Rupert and Wesley down in the basement with the boys. She knew her Childes had made sure Nick and James were properly chained down and wouldn't be able to get loose. She would deal with them later, but right now she wanted to make sure Amber was settled before joining her Childes for the night.

After a few moments, Fred pulled away and looked at Amber. "Everything is taken care of. Nick and James won't hurt you anymore, I promise," she said as she kissed her pet's salty tears away. Fred didn't want to leave Amber alone though so when she stood from the bed, she took the girl's hand and pulled her up. "You can spend some time with us tonight."

Amber slowly nodded and followed Fred out of the bedroom, and down the hallway. When they arrived at the master bedroom, Fred gave Rupert and Wesley a grin. "Amber's going to spend some time with us tonight. I think she deserves, don't you?" she asked as she turned toward Amber. "I think all of this would be better if all of us were wearing less clothes."

Fred slowly took off her clothes and then watched Amber do the same. Leaning forward, she sucked one of her pet's nipples into her mouth and moaned. Oh, how she'd missed doing this. When she released the nipple, Fred had Amber lie on the bed before she positioned herself between her legs.

Her tongue ran through Amber's wet folds before she looked up at her Childes. "If you want to help, you may. All of you deserve it for taking care of me," she said before sucking Amber's clit into her mouth.


r_giles November 10 2006, 03:24:12 UTC
When Fred walked into the room with Amber, neither Giles nor Wesley were surprised. They nodded in agreement and moved off the bed to strip off their clothes while Fred and Amber climbed onto it once they had removed theirs. Giles could smell the arousal in the room already, from all four of them...especially when Fred started sucking on Amber's pert breasts.

As they watched for a moment, Wesley crossed over to him and wrapped his arm around him, rubbing Giles' cock. He groaned softly, pressing back against his lover while watching the other start to pleasure her pet. When she told them to join them, neither of them hesitated, joining the women on the bed.

Leaning over, Wesley took Amber's breast into his mouth, sucking and teasing as he continued to stroke Giles' erection. Giles settled himself so he could begin fondling Fred, reaching around behind her to rub her clit before twisting his hand to finger fuck her as well. It felt good to be able to do this again, to know that Fred had returned to them.

"Ma'am..." Amber gasped, bucking up against Fred's mouth, her skin flushed. She reached out, her hand hovering over Wesley's own hardened cock. "May...may I...?"


crazy_lil_fred November 10 2006, 05:26:03 UTC
Fred growled against Amber's clit when she felt Rupert start to rub her. She was so happy to be back with the men she loved. Pushing back against Rupert's hand, she moaned at the thick smell of arousal in the air as she continued to suck on Amber's clit. When her pet spoke, Fred looked up and saw Amber's hand near Wesley's cock.

She stopped what she was doing and looked at Wesley. "What don't you fuck her? I need to speak to Rupert for a moment. I trust you'll not hurt her," Fred said as she slipped off the bed. She grabbed Rupert by the hand and pulled him out of the room. Even though Fred loved her Childes the same, she felt more connected to Rupert since she remembered turning him.

When they got to one of the guest rooms, Fred pushed Rupert back onto the bed and straddled him. "I should punish you," she whispered as she ran her wet folds over his cock. "It was your idea to put Angel's soul back in him before staking him. And look what happened." She smirked a little and repositioned herself before sliding down on his cock.

She started to move painfully on him with her hands on his chest. "But, I think I'll save the punishment for another day. I think I just want to fuck you right now," she said just as Amber screamed out in an orgasm. "God she's hot. I think we should keep her forever. What do you think?"


r_giles November 17 2006, 04:44:00 UTC
Giles raised his eyebrows when Fred moved off the bed, telling Wesley to fuck Amber while they left the room. Curious as to what she was thinking, he followed her down the hall as he heard Wesley shift on the bed. There was a moan mingled with a pleased growl, then the door closed behind them, and Fred was pulling him into one of the guest rooms.

Letting her push him onto the bed, Giles looked up at Fred as she moved over him, teasing his cock for several moments. He growled softly, wanting to pull her down onto him but let her have her fun.

"It wasn't my spell that did that to you, love," he told her, letting out a pleased groan when she slipped him into her tightness. "The Powers thought they could tear us apart and decided to use the moment for irony. I don't think they have any idea how strong our bond truly is."

Not that he minded the idea of her punishing him. In fact, the idea rather excited him, especially if she used the chains on him the way they had on her.

Reaching up, he grasped her waist, helping her move against him, pushing up into her. She felt bloody wonderful, and he swore that if the Powers tried to pull this shit again and take her away from him - and Wesley - again, he was going to find them and tear them limb from limb.

Just then, he heard Amber's scream of pleasure, and a moment later, some noises telling them that Wesley was still fucking her. He looked up at Fred, not surprised at all when she asked about keeping her forever. The way she felt about the girl, he had rather been expecting that she'd want to turn her sooner or later to keep her with them.

"People change when they become vampires, love," he said, snapping his hips up sharply into her to punctuate his point. "What if she changes from the pet you know and love? I know that you don't want to lose the relationship you have with her."

He considered for a moment, another groan escaping his throat when she moved on him just so. He wanted to her to have what she wanted, and she wanted Amber forever.

"What if we test her?" he asked. "That book I got has a spell that releases inhibitions...suppresses morality. Perhaps we could use that on her to find out what kind of vampire she'd be."


crazy_lil_fred November 18 2006, 03:24:17 UTC
Fred pouted when Rupert said there was a chance Amber would change when she was turned. If she were honest with herself, she would've know the fact since she'd did a complete change when she was turned. But, Fred believed her change came because of the years of being repressed - by society and then by the demons in Pylea. She didn't think Amber had seen such horrors in her life but to be honest, Fred barely knew anything about her pet.

"I don't want her to change," Fred said as she slowly her thrusts and dug her fingernails into the skin of Rupert's skin. "I want her to stay the same." She was about to still her movements when Rupert told her about the spells in the book he had. Fred perked a brow in interest. "We'll do the spell on her. Maybe we can set her free on Nick and James and see how she handles that."

Running her bloody fingernails up and over his arms, Fred pinned them above Rupert's head and leaned down. "I missed you my Childe," she whispered as she started to thrust on him again. She pressed her forehead against his and smiled. "I never want to be away from you again, but if I ever get a soul again, you have my permission to chain me down and beat me. God, what a pain I was."

She then kissed him, her fangs piercing his bottom lip. Moaning, she drank some of his borrowed blood before pulling herself up so she could thrust on him harder. "Now...be a good boy and fucking come for me," she hissed.


r_giles November 23 2006, 02:39:34 UTC
At Fred's decision to set Amber on James and Nick and see what she did once the spell was in place, Giles grinned. Given what those two prats had tried to do to her, they deserved whatever she did to them. Hopefully, though, she would looked to them for guidance; after all, they didn't want those two dead quite yet.

A fourth for their group. Giles recalled well the stories of Darla, Angelus, Drusilla and Spike. He was sure the four of them could do much better.

When Fred started to thrust against him again, trapping his hands on the bed above his head so he couldn't hold her, touch her. He liked it when she dominated him like this. Just like he enjoyed being the one to dominate her. But she was his Sire, and it felt natural to be this way.

"I missed you as well, my Sire, my love," he growled, looking up into her eyes. "You'll never have to worry about that soul again."

Pain suddenly lanced through him, adding to the pleasure coiling in his spine. He could feel himself edging closer to release as Fred sucked at his lip, the smell of his blood adding to the dizzying feeling of her fucking him. So when she pushed down hard, driving him deep inside her while telling him to come, it was enough to push him over completely.

"Fred!" he barked, twitching violently inside her as he came, his whole body tensing.


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