Jul 05, 2005 01:02
shes the one that stumbles when she talks about
the seven foreign films that shes checked out.
such a fortunate fool.
shes just too good to be true.
shes such a fortunate fool.
shes just so mmmmmmmmmmm.
ohboy. thankyou.thankyou.thankyou. for rissapoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holycrap. i am so thankful for that woman. phone conversations w/her are lksjflafjdslafjdsljdsf. getit? w/that girl& fireworks i dont understand how anyperson in their RIGHTMIND could be sad. whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhateva. PLUS the biggest FAG i know comes home tomorrow. yay for that. its too bad i have to wait all day to see her. :-/ ohwell. i suppose shes worth the wait. adam sandler is i think my new faaaaaaaavorite? maybe? hotdamn.
BIGFONTWHATWHAT. anyways====so, who wants to come over& surprise me w/a surprise? OR. [option#dos.]you can just come over& not tell me your coming over, so thats the surprise? or both? so, basically im pathetic.
hm. interesting agenda for the day: i woke up. then, took a nap. what? & then, wokeup. & got ready. i had this cute bow in my hair. ilovedit. but, i took it out cause i cant make up my mind for crap. then, over to alexandras& stuff. so, then. we go to christian central for fireworks right? & i see a doggie hit by a car!!!!!! it was sad.sad.sad.sad.sad. & my uncle helped& stuff. then, we watch the fireworks yaddy yaddy yada& then i OFCOURSE come home& call rissapoo&, she starts freakin out& hangs up on me? mkkay? talk about weeeeeeeeeeird? so, she calls me back& it turns out her madres car was broken into& there was like 2000 bucks? stolen. shooooooothomie. that sucks. :-/ its too bad SHESFREAKINLOADED or none of that stolen crap woulda happened.
also; explain this to me SOMEONE. how can you like a boy, & stuff, but at the same time not? & be heartbroken. huh? the weird thing is, im heartbroken cause of a WHOLEDIFFERENTBOY. am i dumb?
yet another childish entry. <3 <3