Twitter Update!

Jun 05, 2010 05:01

  • 13:06 Facebook Friday noon-10pm. Come on down! (@ Photo Bang Bang) #
  • 14:00 They don't suck -> @stits @mriveraphoto @Matthew_Terhune @thegarageblog @solacegnar @killahmcgillah @everydayimpulse @creamymeat @TheeSylvia #
  • 14:01 @ Matthew_Terhune How are you managing to download more than 2GB on your iphone? That's nuts. #
  • 14:09 @ Matthew_Terhune I bet that is over the life of the phone. You need to look at your bill for monthly usage. #
  • 00:46 @ Chieftog everyone turns into anchormen on The Obvious Report. #
  • 01:08 "They let you in with those socks" she says to me. No mustache rides for you tonight ma'am. #
  • 02:03 @ everydayimpulse the only bad thing about them is that there aren't another 12 pairs in the drawer. So yes. :) #
  • 02:05 I am The Cool Zone. #
  • 03:45 Automatic focus on cameras should do a better job maximizing DofF. Why keep focusing if the coverage already includes infinity? #
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