I wrote fic!!! *faints*

May 26, 2009 15:58

Title: Destiny Sucks
Author: cohkka
Rating: G
Spoilers: Lucifer Rising
Disclaimer: I own nothing, least of all anything CW or SPN related.
Note: This little piece would NOT leave me alone until I wrote it. I've not written anything in years, so please be patient as I get back in the swing of things. Unbeta'd.

As the floor in front of them opened up in a blazing stream of light, Dean had one thought running through his mind. 'I have to kill Lucifer.' The absurdity of it would have made him laugh at any other moment, but considering said Lucifer was about to appear in front of him, the only emotion Dean felt was stark terror.

Kill Lucifer... with a puny pig-sticker of a knife, and a worn out Sam.

The light coming from beneath the floor was growing dim, drawing back, as if something were actually sucking it backwards. In its place, blackness came forth. The kind of black that isn't so much just black as it is a complete absence of light... of anything. Looking at it made Dean fear his very soul was being sucked out of him.

Dean could feel the pure evilness of it as it crawled into the room. He saw it creeping towards them and he stepped back, dragging Sam with him until their backs hit the wall. In one hand, he held the useless knife; the other held a fistful of Sam's jacket. Sam. He had his brother again and he wasn't going to let go. They would have to pry his cold, dead fingers apart to take Sam away this time.

The emptiness... Lucifer... lapped at their feet as if testing the waters. It touched Dean's boots, then drew back, turning its attention to Sam. Dean watched in horror as it jumped at Sam, surrounded him like a shroud, then vanished.


The realization of what was to come hit Dean with the force of a cement truck to the chest.

His destiny was indeed to kill Lucifer.

To kill Sam.

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