Phases of Man

Aug 28, 2006 18:22

I've always believed that we all go through phases in our development as humans. Unlike Freud, I think they continue through our adulthood, and not all phases affect the continued evolution of our intellect. These phases are not specifically experimental (like the 'try any drug my buddies hand me'), or life altering, or occur at a particular time in their life. If it runs their entire life, then it's obviously not a phase. I'm not refering to someone born in Montana who spends a lifetime fly fishing. Sometimes the 'phase' runs their entire life, but generally, they blow their money, do their phase, then move on in a few months or a couple years. A phase is a hopeful hobby that starts with great enthusiasum, and dies when the last box is packed up and tucked into the back of the garage.

This is what garages are really for. The storage of the supplies and accoutrements of a dozen phases that will never again see the light of day. Until someone (likely the woman) quietly disposes of it to goodwill.

The phases have equivalents , and can be the same phase. Women are far more likely to go through a self help phase, but the occasional man will also find themselves furtively signing up for months of hypnotherapy.

Men go through phases like:

The need to own a yacht. The open seas! Hot babes! Cool nights and champagne! They they find out that owning a boat is like owning a hole in the water that you throw money into.

The 'I hate women, so I'm going to show my distain by fucking every on of them I can lay my hands on'. Self explanatory

Making beer, wine or soda from scratch. Includes books, huge glass jugs, surgical tubing and smelly herbs and chemicals

Take up a 'manly sport' one that can be enjoyed with other men, but usually without a team aspect - golfing, fly fishing, shooting, racing (boats, planes, miniatures, models, electrics, anything that goes Fast)

Intellectual phase - drops the contacts for a while to try wearing glasses, browses bookstores in the hopes of stimulating their brains with old books, deep thoughts, life changing poetry, or to increase their women-attracting qualities.

I can fix/build anything. Buys expensive tools, including tabletops and power tools. If they are intellectually inclined, they buy books first to learn to do it right. If not, they dive in, and lopsided cabinets, mismatched panels, floors stained with transmission fluid, busted fingers, and beer drinking insues.

And women:

Craftsy girl - The equivalent of the 'manly sport' - knitting, quilting, scrapbooking, embroidering. Lots of cash output, and very few finished items. The cat uses your supplies more consistently than you.

Picking up any 'hobby' their latest boyfriend has. Not because they like the idea (though they are often hopeful), but because they want to be supportive and spend time with the guy.

I want to be the hottest woman in the room. Not for the men to look at, but to invoke jealousy from other women. Phase can include makeover, pseudo tan, plastic surgery, expensive clothing that only another woman would notice (big name jewelry, purses, jeans, shoes).

I want to fix myself. Self help classes, books, seminars. Not for specific skills or a second career, this phase is about making yourself better, or just accepting that you are unique and original, just like everyone else. Fitness, psychology, interpersonal communications. Can last years, become an obsessive and secretive phase, and ending with bookshelves full of expensive half-read dog-eared books.

Travel bug. Traveling, planning to travel, collecting and reading travel books, joining travel clubs. The itch to wander and explore the world. Investing in Tillywear and ending with a large collection of Eddie Bauer, Lands End, Tilly and TravelSmith catalogs. If they actually do it, it could perpetuate the craftsy girl phase and months of scrapbooking.

Do All men go through the cleansing phase of sweeping out years of porn? Taking a step toward manhood by getting rid of 40 lbs. of T&A? This could be as simple as tossing out the boxes, but most men have to have one last look(which could last weeks if it's an extensive collection). Like that last fuck before they break up with you, for 'old times sake'.

For men of the current generation, it will be less tangible, they'll just clear off 12 gigs of hardcore and the new girl in their life may never know. But I'll bet it still happens to most men. At least once.

Any other phases to add? I'm sure there are hundreds.
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