i'm ending my livejournal; there will be no more entries.
i really think it's completely done and over.
however i will still keep my livejournal for commenting on my friends,
i completely understand if you want to remove me though.
so one last update for you all, and then i'm off.
my parents are in the biggest fight i've ever seen them have,
they didn't sleep in the same bed last night.
me and my best friend are fighting for the first time ever,
she may never speak to me ever again.
i'm sick and have about 3829 infections (sinus, ear, pink eye),
and i have completely 100% lost my voice entirely.
there's currently the biggest storm all year raging outside,
and i'm snowed in by about a billion feet of snow.
i guess we'll see what happens as always.
i love you all very very very very much; it's been a good 2+ years.
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006... all written in here.
i'm gonna miss it so much.
my best thoughts and wishes. <3
Comment if you <3 me!
xoxo--> Colleen