(no subject)

Feb 11, 2006 08:50

Sometimes life is so extraordinary. Not even so much amazingly good, just extraordinary. The world is such an interesting place, life is so unpredictable.

I've been really sick this past week. Wednesday earlyy in the day I started to feel shitty- my throat was so sore and I was tired. Thursday I didn't go to school, and yesterday Kurt and Jared coming over was all I did, even though it was Friday. Last night I was also up late, doing nothing, and didn't get to sleep until around 12. Then this morning I woke up at 730am on the dot.
So why would I wake up at 7:30 if I was sick and lacking sleep?
No more than 10 minutes later, Kim texts me just saying "Cog?". How did she know I was awake? Turns out that she and Jared broke up late last night, and of course she was upset and who else would she go to than her bestest friend in the world. So, I woke up at an ungodly hour because subconciously I knew that Kim would need my help at 7:30am on a Saturday? Who knows. But it's interesting to think about, isn't it? Can you be so close with someone for so long that things like that start to happen? Not that I'm complaining, what's a couple of hours sleep up against possibly the most important person in my life? It's just strange.
I like the way the universe exists and works with everyone in it, and how everything works out.

Anyways, enough of that. My week after Tuesday was dull. Wednesday I didn't feel good, so I watched One Tree Hill and napped. Thursday I stayed home sick, slept in for a veryyy long time, and then went to the Bruin's game at night with my mom, dad, uncle, my dads friends, my sister, and her boyfriend. It was actually pretty bad, the Bruins lost, and the other people in the box complained when I put on the OC, so I missed most of it. I also didn't get home until very late, and then I had to go to school the next day.
Yesterday school was okay, I dont even remember math and french, then I had double pottery which is always interesting. Coil pots are pretty gay, but fun to make in a way. Then I had biology where I found out Brianna is moving after February Vacation =[ It's pretty sad- I've been going to school with her since 3rd grade, she's in a bunch of my classes, and she's such a nice girl. In Early Childhood Development, Jenn, Jared, Joe, and I went to the actual preschool and played while everyone else made their lesson plans, because we're special and we made up something "important" that we had to do. Then in History we watched Ghandi and I practically fell asleep.
After school, Joe and I just talked on the phone while I whined and downed about 80 million tylenol. Then around 5 maybe, Jared and Kurt came over. We tried to set up this indoor golf putting green, but we didn't have a club so it was pretty pointless. We watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire and got really into it, and played some ping-pong I think. We had spaghetti which they both devoured in about .5 seconds, and then they ended up leaving around 8:15 or so. I watched some of the Parent Trap, talked to Seth for a while, fell asleep, went online some more, and then actually went to bed around midnight.
To cheer Kimmy up today, my mom and I are taking her to the mall- I need to shop for San Diego and Kim needs some stress relief. We might even do mani/pedis, even though I'm supposed to get one next Sunday before San Diego. Tonight we're getting a huge friggin Noreaster and with any luck Kim and I will get snowed in here for all of eternity. Actually Kurt wants to hang out so we'll probably end up going out with him and having no snowed-in adventure, but whatever.
10 days until California; which means only 5 days left of school; HELLS YES. <3

Comment if you <3 me!
xoxo--> Colleen

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